Just a little reminder....:))

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by DeeG on Monday, January 13, 2014 and has 41 replies.
To all my fellow "GemFems" in a relationship with a Scorpio.
Gemini and Scorpio make an absolutely odd couple. Since both of them are often gravitated towards challenges, they try to tame each other in their own ways. Gemini infuses a lot of lighthearted fun into the relationship while Scorpio??s love nature is intense. Learning to blend these distinctly different style s and values can be challenging, but with success, very rewarding!
A Scorpio man can handle, solve, win and conquer seemingly all impossible situations. He can handle pretty much any situation on his own and is tolerable of most. He is a strong individual, full of mystery, who is constantly looking for power and is quite loyal to his loved ones. He is intense, suspicious and quite a jealous creature in any relationship. If he finds his partner to be genuine he will be loyal to her till the end. However, get him angry and most likely one has to suffer the wrath of his sting.
A Gemini woman is many personalities bottled in a single woman. Her dual nature allows her to be someone different throughout her life. No commitment, no settling, no one personality. Though she is a very clever and intellectual human being but her mind never settles, and her thoughts are always in a fantasy land. She wants someone fun, someone exciting, and someone who can stimulate her imagination. This makes it difficult to convince her to become deeply involved with any one person. But at the same time she is very romantic and brightly sensitive person who can manage to show affection with ease.
The initial contact of Gemini woman and Scorpio man throws sparks and cause captivation. He falls for the Gemini female??s bubbly charm and intellect, her clever conversations and the delicate nature she gives out. After the newness wears off he begins to reevaluate how much he really adores her charm and bubbly attitude. His awe of her starts to be replaced with jealousy which causes her to rethink such a relationship also. Although she feels that her he is constantly trying to pin her down and control her every move, she must realize how deep rooted his love for her really is. He may also cringe at her frivolous attitude towards money and her ever changing ideas about what she thinks and she wants. But she can always figure out how to form the lovely bond and Scorpio male is the one who can fix the cracks and strengthen that bond when they become a threat to their relationship.
A Scorpio man attracts the Gem
Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. His stability, his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her. These two would not be worried about falling in love and will focus more on staying in love. The mood changes, little tempers, personality changes and inattentiveness of Gemini woman toward her Scorpio man are treated by him with patience and endurance. He also understands when it seems as though his Gemini woman is scrutinizing his integrity and self control. But when the Scorpio man feels that his Gemini woman is trying to change him from the very deep leveled roots he was born with, it becomes very difficult for him to take it. In such a situation, he just needs to understand that it is just her whimsical ways of trying to tell him to back off and let her have some room.
As the Gemini woman and Scorpio man intensely desire and rediscover the purity of their love, their unison becomes miraculous and they retain the brightness of their hearts. They both share enthusiastic affection and long lasting devotion mixed with memorable parts of classic fairy tales. She is full of feminine wile and guile??? teaches him to be more free spirited ??? while he teaches her to take things more seriously in life. They both enjoy promising love and always honor and cherish their relationship in the heaven of passion and romance where angels sing for them and fairies shower them with glittering stars and soft blossoms.
As the airy Gemini imagination, and watery Scorpio passion, blends for sexual unison an interesting beginning is experienced by both of them. Her playful side always comes out in her sexual relationship. She looks at it like a game, a pleasant pastime, nothing too serious and definitely not something that should be dealt with on a deep level. Keeping things light and fun is the way she likes it to be. Scorpio man, on the other hand, feels strongly reaching the deep levels of passion that are so important in a relationship. He is a person who takes physical love to a spiritual level and makes the pleasure of sexual intimacy, an eternal unison. If she can reach these levels with him and fulfill his deepest desires she need not worry about infidelity within him. If Gemini woman genuinely loves him, there is a possibility with some teaching and charm that he can show her what it is that he so desires in his lover and can even put flame to her passion. She may just be able to reach those overwhelming desires he so craves and a
Posted by Rabbit
^^^ either this was cut off, or a Gemini ran out of stuff to say Tongue

No, just multi-tasking at the moment....Winking
Almost done.
actually make their sexual union eternal!
The relationship of a Gemini woman and Scorpio man can be no less than a bumpy ride around a smooth road. She needs to work hard in staying calm and level headed when her Scorpio man shows his stubborn streak or becomes violently emotional over her light and delicate attitude toward things that mean so much to him on such a deeper level. She has to understand when he needs her close, to show him that she should be devoted and faithful to him and only him when all she wants to do is spread her wings and fly. He also needs to get used to her occasional bouts of devotion and game playing as well as her wandering mind that wants to take her away from him for a more social atmosphere. If treated cautiously, the initial love and power of these two is enough to form a strong bond between each other with enough effort on both the sides
OK DONE!!!! Tongue
LOL....send her my way!!
As for Rabbit...are you a Scorpio?
there is a reason ive never met this pairing
Posted by Rabbit
Sounds kind of like....two adults having an adult relationship.


Posted by Rabbit
Posted by DeeG
LOL....send her my way!!
As for Rabbit...are you a Scorpio?

Indeed. A double, at that.
click to expand

Yes, I just viewed, Le Profile'....I have a Scorpio Moon too...actually I have Moon Conjuct Neptune...smile
Posted by staelz
there is a reason ive never met this pairing

Do Tell...all ears!
Posted by tiziani
In fair Verona!

What does that mean?
Posted by geminicandIe
The only way I personally would end up with another scorpio...is drunk/under the influence or dead. Lol!
Give me a fire sign man, any day, to put me in line. I have been praying and waiting patiently.

LOL...I know you had a hard time with the Scoprio You were with. What actually happened between you and him?
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by DeeG
LOL....send her my way!!
As for Rabbit...are you a Scorpio?

Indeed. A double, at that.

Yes, I just viewed, Le Profile'....I have a Scorpio Moon too...actually I have Moon Conjuct Neptune...smile

You viewed the profile?
Shit...you've only got 7 days to live now...

7 days....
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Posted by geminicandIe
Hello DG, good to see you still around these boards!smile
Are you with a scorpio man these days?
Good luck, you are one brave lady, lol.

Thanks Gemcandle in the wind..lol
Yes, he's a Scorpio. Its a work in progress. But he's a great Boyfriend.
what happened to Elle and Purrr?
Posted by tiziani
Posted by DeeG
Posted by tiziani
In fair Verona!

What does that mean?

The Scorpio and Gemini sagas on DXP often read like Romeo and Juliet. Scorpios probably being the Montagues and Gems the Capulets Tongue
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So very true...Happy New Year btw...hope all is well with you. The only problem with Gemns and scorps are Scorps over bearing nature, clashing with a Gemini's need for space. It took a while for the Scorpio to respect my person space. I literally had to tell him after many subtle hints, to back the fuck off!!
Posted by geminicandIe
DG, purr is still around. I have seen her in dxp chat too.
Elle deleted, last I heard. Or some people say she was banned, along with Bling.
Don't know for sure and don't care either!
Have you been to dxp chat? It can be fun.
Candle in the wind ...I like that. It could be my next namesmile
Good luck with your bf. As long as he is good to you, who cares what his sign is, right? Enjoy!!

Awww, I always liked Bling, Elle was cool too, in the end we became amicable with each, other. No never been on chat Gemcandle. I like it this way. I come in, say a few things, than exit stage left. Perspective my dear, Perspective.
Posted by Rabbit
We kick puppies and sacrifice babies on the solstice too, remember that.

Oh God!! Stop it....thats scary.
Posted by tiziani
Happy New Year DG smile actually it's been a crap start to the year for me, but I'm learning to love the taste. And yeah I think that often happens with Air and Water. I'm glad it's working out for you.

Thanks Tiz! I remember when you first opened your account here. Its been a while for you. Any love connections?
As for the crappy start, still got 11 months to go, so be hopeful.
Posted by Rabbit
C'mon...it's fun to run with stereotypes sometimes.

Anyone that truly got to know a Scorpio will know they are the biggest babies of the Zodiac. The reason for the "Stinger"/Bravado is to protect their foolish heart. My Scorpio is sensitive to everything and everyone.
Posted by Rabbit
Babies scare me because they are so small and delicate.
And puppies make me squeal with joy like a little girl.

You strange.
Posted by tiziani
Haha yes to you both, the only way is up!
and it's nearly exactly a year since I've been here, any day now. I only had one love connection in that time but I think one was enough Tongue

+1 on that, anytime I got close with someone on here, it ended in disaster.
Posted by geminicandIe
DG, at this point I'm just glad it's over.
Let's just say that at some point law enforcement was involved and it's been a craziest relationship I have ever been in.
I just hope that I will be in peace from him, but sometimes I get this uneasy feeling...despite the protective order:/

OMG!! don't tell me that. He was a Scorpio gone rogue I see. Thats dangerous, very dangerous. Glad you are ok..Sad
Been married to my Scorpio guy for 15 years. We are at the point in our relationship where we can finish each other's sentences, and often pick up the phone to call the other when in fact, they are calling at the same time.
We are both competitive, however, I'm much more. He is more laid back and procrastinates. I can't stand procrastination. I am the planner, the instigator and the visionary. He has a great sense of humor and is very compassionate. He loves me for me, no pretenses. It's so nice to have a husband who embraces your quirks rather than criticizes you for them and tries to "improve" you.
He is a calming influence on me and makes me laugh. Actually, we make each other laugh often. We saw "The secret life of walter mitty" last week and there is a scene where he tries to rent a car. He gets off a boat in Greenland, goes up to a booth the size of a phone booth, and asks if the guy has any cars to rent. The man says, "yea, a red one and a blue one." The cars were both tiny things, like fiats, and having rented many cars in my day; something about this just cracked me up. I started giggling, then my husband started. I couldn't stop nor could he. This went on for a few minutes. Other people in the theater were giving us dirty stares. I was LMAO. Most fun I've had in a theater since "The Heat".
Posted by geminicandIe
I am glad this has been one positive thread.
To all Scorpio and Gem lovers and friends, cheers.
Here is to another good, successful and happy year, here is to 2014. (insert here Tiziani drink icon).
Not sure how you make it? Hahasmile

Why Thank you Gemcandle in the wind...missed ya btw! You are one tough Air/Fire baby!
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Rabbit
Babies scare me because they are so small and delicate.
And puppies make me squeal with joy like a little girl.

You strange.

I prefer "unique" tyvm.
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Ok, Unique is good too....smile
Anyhoo, appreciate the input and savvy banter...smile
Posted by Rabbit
In my opinion, it's all about patience. There's some fundamental differences between these two signs, and if you as the Gem are feeling frustrated by the Scorp, the Scorp is just as frustrated with you most likely (and vice versa).
But there is nothing there that cannot be worked through if the two people are committed to each other.
Once that genuine emotional connection is made, a lot of what we perceive as incompatibility simply falls away.
This goes not only for Gem/Scorp, but for all seemingly incompatible signs.

True dat! Ever date a Gemini?
Funny thing, still haven't found a permanent Scorpio but I keep meeting them. Recently November 1st and November 4th. Ex is October 27th. Gravitate towards them naturally.
Posted by May31Baby
I ??_ my scorpio. Hasnt always been easy. But honestly id probably be bored if there wasnt a little turbulence. Im not the typical gem... I like to be with him, i try not to be clingy Sad i love the intensity. I love it when he gets a little possesive. And agressive... Haha. I dont wanna spread my wings i wanna be cuffed up. Literally...

+1 - I need a Scorpioooooo!
^^^Yes, GemCandle we are misunderstood but most on DXP that are schooled on the Basics of the mechanics of a Gemini, know, with a little patience, the mysteries slowly unfold. It's all about trust with us, once we are comfortable, the other twin will make her debut and stability is inevitable.
Posted by Rabbit
My last post didn't actually post...
Yes, I've dated 4 Gems.
But I wasn't really in a good mature place at the time.
I wouldn't have been good for anyone to be honest.

Four? wow! Maturity is key for both the Scorpio and the Gemini. None of my early experiences worked either. Now I know a little somethin Winking
Posted by May31Baby
I ??_ my scorpio. Hasnt always been easy. But honestly id probably be bored if there wasnt a little turbulence. Im not the typical gem... I like to be with him, i try not to be clingy Sad i love the intensity. I love it when he gets a little possesive. And agressive... Haha. I dont wanna spread my wings i wanna be cuffed up. Literally...

Oh Lawdy Miss Clawdy....Scorpio men can take charge in the bedroom. We GemFems relish in that. style of love making..
My brother is a scorpio of the worst kind. (he tries now but...nah)
was just... petty and furious to me at all times. One of those scorpio guys who just explodes out of no where at you....
just a rude mess. and fortunately every scorp male ends up randomly going off on me over misinterpretation very very early on..
so to me gem/scorps are an impossible comp.
constantly testing one anothers anger.
idk whats in your chart that has allowed this combo, but i hope you come to your senses.
or atleast i hope he really does bring out more good than bad in you.
Posted by Geminems
My brother is a scorpio of the worst kind. (he tries now but...nah)
was just... petty and furious to me at all times. One of those scorpio guys who just explodes out of no where at you....
just a rude mess. and fortunately every scorp male ends up randomly going off on me over misinterpretation very very early on..
so to me gem/scorps are an impossible comp.
constantly testing one anothers anger.
idk whats in your chart that has allowed this combo, but i hope you come to your senses.
or atleast i hope he really does bring out more good than bad in you.

An enormous amount of water placements, in significant planets pertaining to love and relationships.
Scorpio Moon/Conjunct Neptune, Venus in Cancer and Ascendant. Pisces in Saturn. I also have noticed certain parts of my life I would attract a certain element. Like there seems to be segments of what I attract. At one point it was only fire signs from like from 16-28 all earth, mid-thirties to early forties fire, mid-forties to now all water.
Its strange.
Scorpio's are fixed. I have the same relationship momentum with a Taurus and with an Aqua.
Posted by AksMirror
Well,Geminis and Scorps connect and communicate so differently
there is high possibility of mistrust, so initial attraction is not substantiated with trust.
I think Geminis and Scorp can have relationship if they share same values and ideals,
so that they can have some more time together and may be able to have some
kind of communication going. Like Carl Sagan and his last wife Ann Druyan,they both were hardcore rationalist and similar is the case with Billy Graham and his wife Ruth Graham they too have shared same values.

Are these couples Scorpio and Gemini?
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Rabbit
In my opinion, it's all about patience. There's some fundamental differences between these two signs, and if you as the Gem are feeling frustrated by the Scorp, the Scorp is just as frustrated with you most likely (and vice versa).
But there is nothing there that cannot be worked through if the two people are committed to each other.
Once that genuine emotional connection is made, a lot of what we perceive as incompatibility simply falls away.
This goes not only for Gem/Scorp, but for all seemingly incompatible signs.

True dat! Ever date a Gemini?
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My Gemini frustrates the heck out of me LOL
This thread seems to be a lot of misinformation, just saying.
Posted by CharlieSlaughter
This thread seems to be a lot of misinformation, just saying.

Such as?
Posted by CharlieSlaughter
This thread seems to be a lot of misinformation, just saying.

I have good friends who are scorpios. But dating wise, uh uh. I'd stay the heck away. The only water sign I can deal with are Cancers.
Have a gem man trying to win me over now. I'm very cautious slowing him down as we speak.
Only see gems as friends so to be continued on whether he gets the girl of not Big Grin