Leos and Geminis

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by banini on Tuesday, November 21, 2006 and has 5 replies.
I did a search but I couldn't find much in the forums. I've discovered a Gemini that I think is interesting. What is the verdict on the compatibility?
Oh yeah, Leo's are fierce and make an excellent competitor. My dad's a Leo, and he BREATHES competition....in all, HE'S GREAT.
i agree with what prringLeo said.
in love, a Leo can easily become obsessive about their partners' loyalty. if we get so much as a whiff of disloyalty, it sets off our radar. in a relationship with someone we feel can easily be trusted (whether that is the case or not, it depends on perception), we will feel confident. however, speaking personally, i hate playing the fool. just because someone is confident doesn't mean they can't see the hints in front of their eyes and become suspicious or jealous. the difference is in how they react (talking about it, just letting resentment build, or "retaliating" with petty games). a Leo is more likely to discuss it and attempt to come to a state of reassurance. doubts about loyalty is one of the many reasons why communication is key in the success of a Leo/Gemini relationship.
Hi, I've read about all signs and check thiso out, from another forum

seems to me that leo and pefect for gems. I know a lot of people and a lot of signs but there is nothing like leo's for me. I am just attracte to them and its beyond reason.
So LEO & GEMINI - perfect match!
Leo with Gemini

With Gemini, you are active and inspired. Social contacts improve and there is genuine attraction. Self-improvement programs work both ways here; Gemini tries to improve you and you try to improve Gemini. The Gemini individual touches that part of your chart related to hopes, wishes, friends your fantasies are affected by Gemini and could the subject to revision. Gemini is active - associated with Mercury and this combines with your Leo Sun in a manner that ignites ideas, travel, speculation, plans, reports, and writing.
Much attention is centered on luxury, beauty, or domestic problems when Gemini and Leo get together. The relationship is generally harmonious, despite emotional fireworks. You tend, Leo, to expect too much of Gemini. You expect a sense of humor, charm, and versatility but often, you interpret them as forms of restlessness, dissatisfaction or flightiness. Gemini appeals to you because Gemini flatters you. And, Leo, w en you are flattered you find it difficult, if not impossible, to resist.
You admire the quickness of the Gemini mind you are fascinated by the friends you meet through Gemini. In turn Gemini is apt to meet his or her match in you where travel, Ideas, and general rebelliousness are concerned.
To put it succinctly-Gemini and Leo match for each other. Whether they are a good match depends, of course, on background, environment and the more sophisticated points in each, horoscope. But, overall, the combination is favorable Leo loves bright lights, flattery, and excitement, and Gemini provides these in abundance.
Listen, Leo-you can gain pleasure through this relationship and it could be a lasting one. Don't give it up without much thought, consideration, and projection into future possibilities. There could come a time when you berate you self for not having accepted what Gemini had to offer.