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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 1412 · Posts: 2819 · Topics: 78
is a gemini and kourtney is an aries, i just read the article that he was seen cheating on kourtney this past week, any gems care to explain an aries and gem relationship?? i think they are toxic for eachother...
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
My mothers ex coworker is an Aries married to a Gemini. Nice family, but yeah...they seem toxic. Both seem to cheat, .
Aries are a blast to hang around but can be pushy when they want something and the Gemini wants to look at all things considered. This can lead to disagreements if we think the Aries is only one way.
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Apr 18, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 420 · Topics: 38
From my experiences, very fun and lots of laughs. We just have a blast together. Aries can be a little selfish which can cause issues. Gemini will probably put up with it for a while if they love you but after a while they will get tired of our bs and find happiness somewhere else (for the meantime until they start to miss us). We've been on and off for over a year now and it's about that time he starts luring me back in. He wants to talk and touch me all. the. time. and sometimes I just want space! He doesn't mind space but he doesn't want too much space. I did hear that Kourtney wouldn't let Scott sleep with her or touch her. They're probably having those problems again. Then she has all those kids, she's probably stressed! Ummm, Gem and Aries can't stay away from each other no matter how long their apart, they'll find themselves back to each other. They just have way too much fun together. Aries gets over things easily and Geminis forgive easily. But, if he's being unfaithful it's probably over but there's a good good chance he's going to sweet talk her and she's going to take him back (like an idiot). I think this pair is not relationship material, more like ''Best friends with benefits''. It's good both parties like space. I'll rate this relationship a 8 1/2 out of 10
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Feb 26, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 290 · Topics: 21
My mom is an Aries and my dad is a Gemini. That relationship was horrible. My dad was never home, and didn't really act like a father. My mom stayed home with us while my dad would stay out until 3 or 4 in the morning doing who knows what. I would constantly hear fighting, and actually heard it get physical one time... He ended up cheating on her and she finally ended it. My mom is just too bossy and nags too much and my dad was just crazy and detached lol
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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 1412 · Posts: 2819 · Topics: 78
i just feel so bad because i know aries love with everything they have they have huge hearts and she really did try for her family :/ sigh
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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 5 · Posts: 2854 · Topics: 158
She tried to treat him like her child vs a man. He has to want to straighten his life out, not be controlled. I feel she was too cold for him, his parents dying I think triggered some deep depression. he has his Sun opposite moon, I think he was desperately trying to escape his reality of his loss..
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Jan 09, 2014Comments: 5 · Posts: 2854 · Topics: 158
I truly hope he will get his life back in order, b/c he seems to be on a downward spiral. He tried to get her to become more soft and aware with him, she was hesitant..
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Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
Its good to stay as friends as Aries and Gemini goes well together but in relationship a big NO. Infidelity is very high and common in between them in this relationship.
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Aug 12, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1492 · Topics: 43
She treats him like shit. They've been together for years and they sleep in separate rooms?! Wtf. When the fuck are they going to get married. Does she even love him. He hangs out with her family, more than he hangs out with her. Most Aries are detached in relationships anyway. Most Geminis just wants to be loved on when they're in the mood. This combination isn't good for a relationship. If they're going to behave like that, then they don't need to be together. I can't be in a relationship without any affection.
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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 1412 · Posts: 2819 · Topics: 78
wow they have compatible charts