love and scorpio women

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by yuechan on Saturday, March 7, 2009 and has 13 replies.
Any gemini men with scorpio women, here?
I've been hearing that a gemini-scorpio match is rare and one that is quite challenging to pull off. Yet, despite the popular opinion that it mostly does not work.. the ones that worked were amazing.
Now I'm wondering about how it came to be? There is the fascinating pull.. how is it for gemini men? Please share your thoughts and also, if gemini men are indirect, (i.e. avoiding the ones they like) how does one know if they are just not that into you? A gemini has been blowing hot and cold, and I'm at the precipice of sticking around or moving on.
I've been with several Scorp girls my friend. And from MY experiences. We are air. We need to be free. Scorpio women are very insecure people underneath that tough exterior. Which is why they try to control a relationship. Whether it be through jealous tirades, or emotional control through emotional blackmail. Be careful! They can be extremely harsh critics on everything. There's something inside them that a true Gemini man can see right through (Yes, we see through most things). But, sexually it's hit or miss. The Scorp women I've gone out with all had some underlying sexual issue. They say Scorps are Sexy. But, it's really Sexual. Very passionate (Again, covering up something). Gemini's are free-spirited butterflies. Scorps are very serious, can be hot-headed, with manipulative tendancies to try to control Gemini men with various tecniques. Be careful is all. Hope you got a good one.
Every Scorpio woman I know of becomes irresistible to me eventually. We totally hit it off as friends when we get to know one another. I'm a Gemini male and this is the pattern that keeps reemerging over and over with Scorpio women, It never seems to deviate.
Gemini male the equal opportunity charmer meets Scorpio woman. Scorpio woman is charmed naturally somehow by Mr. Gemini mostly by the sense of humor and fun loving aspect. I think the 2 signs are sexually attracted to each other at first somehow (a Scorpio woman would never admit to this, so I don't know for sure). Beneath a cool detached exterior the Scorpios eyes reveal a strange combination of infatuation and amazement. There is a glance only Scorpio women possess, It's pretty awesome and unforgettable. After becoming fast buddies a strange phenomena occurs. The Gemini guy is intrigued and fascinated by the mystery and depth of the Scorpio female, he starts becoming less and less detached and more and more interested, he puts his flirting addiction on the shelf temporarily and begins to gravitate towards her. Scorpio women have difficulty reading developed Gemini males so they usually don't notice the difference at first. Gemini males flirt but seem unable to demonstrate genuine interest even if they are genuinely interested.
This is where everything goes wrong and peoples feelings get hurt...
A surefire way to have a Scorpio woman lose interest (relationship wise/sexually) is to flirt with them!!! How this works is beyond my understanding. I am pretty much as Gemini as you can get if you look at a detailed natal chart, it is frighteningly Gemini. However, like I said, all we know how to do is flirt!!! Sorry...
The Scorpio female then banishes the Gemini male to the deepest corners of the friend zone and becomes disappointed because Mr.Gemini didn't realize some super-secret mystery ideal the Scorpio female was looking for. The universe will never know what miss Scorpio was hoping to find. The 2 have too much fun and continue being friends with no problem to perpetuity.
So the Gemini starts flirting with everything that moves extra hard because he secretly feels rejected and his ego is wounded, amazingly he's cool about it. The Scorpio is secretly insanely jealous despite losing interest, but amazingly is cool about it. In cases where the two had really strong feelings from the start. The 2 drift apart and have an unspoken divide something like a stalemate. The end
"Every Scorpio woman I know of becomes irresistible to me eventually. We totally hit it off as friends when we get to know one another. I'm a Gemini male and this is the pattern that keeps reemerging over and over with Scorpio women, It never seems to deviate."
"Gemini male the equal opportunity charmer meets Scorpio woman. Scorpio woman is charmed naturally somehow by Mr. Gemini mostly by the sense of humor and fun loving aspect. I think the 2 signs are sexually attracted to each other at first somehow (a Scorpio woman would never admit to this, so I don't know for sure). Beneath a cool detached exterior the Scorpios eyes reveal a strange combination of infatuation and amazement. There is a glance only Scorpio women possess, It's pretty awesome and unforgettable. After becoming fast buddies a strange phenomena occurs. The Gemini guy is intrigued and fascinated by the mystery and depth of the Scorpio female, he starts becoming less and less detached and more and more interested, he puts his flirting addiction on the shelf temporarily and begins to gravitate towards her.
Scorpio women have difficulty reading developed Gemini males so they usually don't notice the difference at first. Gemini males flirt but seem unable to demonstrate genuine interest even if they are genuinely interested."

this is a very interesting post...hey scorplady whats up girl
Nothing much besides giving my Gem Man a
yuechan. The simplist answer is don't put too much stock in astrology. It is good for superficial fun, but at the end of the day you need to use your head and lead your heart. Don't let your heart lead you. A scorpio women is a sensitive creature that requires privacy and trust. As a Gemini you wll be prone to venture out back into the world and spend alot of time with your friends. A strong relationship is built on compromise not power. For that reason technically speaking any relationship can work no matter how the stars align. Relationships are about work and compromise. Two lives forging into one.
Air signs and water signs attrack each other easily because on the surface they respect one another's worldliness and intelligence. So I am not surpised you are pulled to your Scorpio woman.
Know that she will eventually demand from you to go deeper into her soul. A place few Geminis venture because it is too personal and real for your whimsical values. However don't be afraid. Every humanbeing was born to take that journey. Let her know you will do so in your own good time. It is important she respect your freedom to go under your own terms. It is the Gemini way.
Another aspect of your astrological relationship to consider is your Chinese Horoscope. Too many people neglect their Chinese sign because they don't know the potential power it has to determine the success of a astrological match.
For example. A gemini and scorpio marry and defy all odds. A taurs and Cappy marry and divorce after one year. What happened?
Easy The Gemini and Scorpio belonged under the same life triangle of the Chinese Astrology chart. And the Cappy and Taures did not.
The Gemini was a Snake and the Scorpio a rooster. According to Chinese Astology a perfect match. The Cappy was a Monkey and the Taures a Tiger, they are mortal enemies under the chinese astrology chart.
If you wish to know the true strength of your astrological chart find out what year she was born. The rule of thumb is 4 years older or younger is your bestest best match. 6 years older or 6 years younger is your worst match on earth.
geminimind sure is a handsome cutie
Yea what da you say be see exactly where his head is
Thanks for the comps DWARD!
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing! That was very interesting, and could aptly describe what had happened between then and now.
"Scorpio women have difficulty reading developed Gemini males so they usually don't notice the difference at first."
Spot on, it's quite hard to distinguish your flirting, when it is the norm. smile
So, for a Gemini that has gone serious.. is somehow, quite out of character? This part is puzzling to me.
"In cases where the two had really strong feelings from the start. The 2 drift apart and have an unspoken divide something like a stalemate."
It's kind of sad.. lost potentials.
Indeed. Hmmm.. we're around three years apart. He's a tiger and I, a boar.
Posted by electricocelot
A surefire way to have a Scorpio woman lose interest (relationship wise/sexually) is to flirt with them!!! How this works is beyond my understanding.

Incidentally, just today, I found this situation to be eerily true. While he was flirting.. outwardly, I do look as if I've shutdown, but inside I'm quite intrigued to see where this all is going.