Love is Just a Game ...till....

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by deeZired on Monday, September 29, 2008 and has 6 replies.
am i the only one?!?
seems like I can play games and flirt with guys i know im not all that interested in. But when I find one that interest me im hooked! n ready to fall in lovE.. any other geminis have this issue or can explain this?
im thinkin i could be slightly addicted to love...ionno..not sure.
my bf is a gemini and I'm a capricorn. He told me that when he first met me that he was just TEASING me b/c he was not looking for anything. He flirted, kissed me, and asked for my number, but I never called him. He said me not calling him messed him up cuz girls usually call him after his little teasing game. He ended up calling me and inviting me out and the more he hung out with me the more fell for me smile
When felt, yes, it is hard to turn from............I am like you all, a gem who loves love and loves being loved, in a healthy happy way.........and will hold on for dear life not to lose it, even once its gone.
lanathegreat :Sometimes after it's over I will look back and realize that I never even cared about that person. Weird!
YeaH thats me forsure.
I joke that i have addictiver personality, because what i want.. i want alot of. So when a guy would finally interest ME? forget about it.. i'm hooked and will obsess, granted he will never know i am lmao..but i am.. until i see that one lil thing i can't deal with.. then it's back to square one.