We read all the time how Earth and Air signs are the worst fit together, but why is it that way?
My last three girlfriends in order were Aqua, Gem and Libra. After years of experience with them I learned that instead of loving what makes us different, we get frustrated by it. We are drawn to one another by the physical beauty and intellect we both share, but the way we see life is so different. Opposites will always attract but I want to see more Air and Earth combinations last.
You guys are brilliant, exuberant, fun, social and confident. We are astute, wise, grounded, great decision makers and loving.
Why can't we marry each other lol
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Jan 13, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 2045 · Topics: 19
lol I DID marry one! Lol
Libra and Taurus male... He snapped first... Not fun at all..
We ended up being so different that we didn't know how to respond to each other...
I'm muuucchhhh better with fire, I know that now.
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Aug 17, 2016Comments: 3 · Posts: 740 · Topics: 21
I like Earth signs the best
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Nov 24, 2015Comments: 3706 · Posts: 7112 · Topics: 18
me Taurus love Libra ... I have a different energy around them - and they say they feel that they have a different energy around me - I feel calm and at the same time I'm spinning - they feel more laid back and open ... whatever it is - it's a good thing and I'm loving it ...
I also had a gf for 40 years who was a Libra - but that went sour when she interfered in my marriage and showed me who she really was - not sure of her other placements but she was different - different energy - she was all about the drama and that eventually caused me too much stress so I had to leave it alone and walk ...
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Jul 25, 2015Comments: 609 · Posts: 1982 · Topics: 53
I'm an earth sign and most of the men that I've been involved with were air signs. I think it's because I lack air in my chart and I just admire how social they are.
I went out with a Gemini once and our energies were completely different. We're both ruled by mercury but I'm a lot more earthy and practical whereas he was just social and everywhere. I was afraid that he would think I was boring.