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Jul 16, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 9
Fist off im a Taurus man that has dated a gem for almost 5 years. My jealousy gets to her some times but other than that the relationship has been amazing. She always says that im the only person that can put up with her and that she never has a boring time with me. So it all started with her parents not liking me all of a sudden and then she started talking to a friend that in my mind has no chance because she has known him for many years and has never dated before but just stayed friend for all this time. Well i was upset at the whole family thing that i got upset about her hanging out one time so thats what started the real fight. Now she telling me i need to work on my jealousy and that she cant date me anymore because of her family. She says she cares for me and loves me but cant be with me. What do you think are my chances and is there anything i should do to win her back?
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Jul 16, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 9
I know this now after reading more about gems. I just hope she comes around im giving her time as thats what she said she wanted. should i try and contact her at all or just stay away and let her make her own choice?
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Jul 16, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 9
Lol I love her. She makes me a better person. I love her Gemini ways and I never get bored of her. Thanks for the info. Any other gems have any input?
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Oct 15, 2012Comments: 13 · Posts: 775 · Topics: 0
Is she a young gem and/ or close to her family?
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Jul 16, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 9
she was close to the family but since we started dated its been a lot less but she def is pretty close to the family. Shes 23 years old so kinda young. just some more info. We broke it off for about 4 months about two years ago and i moved on and she contacted me again after no contact and i fell for her again. Id always be willing to come back to her cause i know how she is and i know we have great adventures together. Shell always be the one that i let get away. btw im 28!
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Oct 15, 2012Comments: 13 · Posts: 775 · Topics: 0
Ahhh...there's something that she really likes about you that pulls you to her and something that she really doesn't want to deal with that pushes you away. Yeah your jealousy is suffocating her. Gems do get jealous however, as previously stated we don't like it because it's too negative so we try to get rid of that emotion as quickly as possible.
Don't underestimate the familiar, her giving the other guy a chance might tip things in his favour...but since she came back to you already, she might do that again for a while anyway. You need to find out what she likes about you and what she doesn't and won't tolerate. If you can maximize the good stuff and work on the bad then her family's opinion probably would be subordinate to her feelings and also depending on ethnic and cultural background.
She's young AND close to her family...hmm, that works against you.
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Jul 16, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 9
ya right now ill give her space and let her do her thing. we left on good terms and she told me to work on myself so thats what im gonna do. She said she was a afraid of me going out and partying. What does that mean to you guys? we are still friends on facebook and she still has pics of us but we haven't talked since we broke up. but its only been 3 days.
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Jul 16, 2013Comments: 19 · Posts: 102 · Topics: 9
Anyone else have any info on a Gemini mind. When going through a break up