Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Ok So my gem guy has been distant the last 2 days and yesterday we only talked once, but on Monday it was all do you wanna hang out after practice? Oh but you probably don't want to stick around an hour and wait huh? Oh we will hang out another day when we have more than an hour to hand out I have an early morning staff meeting. I feel like he only appeared to try so that he can seem like he hasn't totally lost interest, but yesterday he pretty much ignored me so I feel like he was with another girl because he is never on his phone when he is with me. It has taken all of my will power to not text him and start a fight saying that I'm gonna flip shit if I don't see him soon. Yeah he has been working a lot, but the times he hasn't worked he doesn't make time for me and I am 10 mins away from him for practice twice a week. You cant take 10 minutes of your time to come say hi and give me a kiss. Yes I sound crazy, but that is just because I don't know what to do. He has a Scorpio moon and I wonder if he is punishing me for redownloading Tinder because I deleted it then redownloaded it when he said he didn't want to be too serious because I wanted to see how often he was on it. When I deleted it he saw my name pop up and said oh I see you booted me off Tinder and I explain that I redownloaded it and he said oh well I swiped right for you again anyway. If this his way at getting back at me? Because in my head I think that he is still roaming around but expects me not to and I don't want to I just want him, but he obviously doesn't want me or why would he still be on Tinder? The last time we had sex he was all up in my phone wanting to know who I was texing trying to joke around about it but he looked then was like oh I was gonna take a picture so you would be surprised and find it later. Is he just bull shitting me? This is just one big mind fuck!
Maybe you need to dish it back to him then. He needs to be confronted on the issues you mention here if you haven't done so already. While I understand you Lib's like to keep the peace at all costs there are just times you need to get down to the dirty and say what's on your mind. Stop doing the delicate dance if it's bothering you so much. Say something, and for the love of all that's sane, stop playing with Tinder. This is why I don't like social networking. Act like you don't give a rat's ass and let him know he hurt you.
LOL. I’m sorry to laugh but I know where your at. My ex was a gem, and let me tell you the sweet nice approach does not work when this sign is messing up. You have to get down and down-right dirty, but you have to make them come to you. NO CHASING on your end AT ALL! Or you will make things worse. That’s his job.
I’m sorry but Gems like drama, whether they care to admit it or not. If things are too perfect or laid back they crave excitement even if it’s not always good. They will pick with you if you let them. I would suggest you not say shit to him. I would ignore him. I would move on with my life. He will pop up out of nowhere watch! Just when you think he’s forgotten about you. He will hit you up and play roles like he doesn’t know why he hasn’t heard from you and that’s when you stick him.
You think because you are a Libra you are too nice and peaceful but what most don’t know when our sign is pushed, we either snap or just plain disappear. Come charging after us to see why, and you might wish you would’ve just taken the hint. If he’s pissing you off then let his ass have it. Leave all those pretty little words and sweet demeanor at the door if you want him to know you mean business and will not tolerate any foolery on his end. Boss up on him, and do it now.