Pisces Man/Gemini Woman

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by fishscales on Thursday, September 3, 2009 and has 18 replies.
I've heard some horror stories about the inverse (gem man, pisces woman), but I've read a few articles on the web that says this pairing can actually work. In fact, I remember someone posting some data here a few months ago that said after Scorpio, Pisces men were most likely to marry a Gemini.
So, does anyone have any stories, advice, etc? I can't get this Gemini woman out of my head.
I'm a Gemini man and my lady is a Pisces. It works. You just have to both be developed in the vibrations. We've learned to listen. Which is hard for us both. The one thing that we have figured out is to trust each other. Example: Pisces are notoriously intuitive. As are Gems. But, neither intuition works on the other. We recognized it, owned it, and adjusted to it. It works beautifully! Over 3 years now. There is a obvious attration with this pairing, it cannot be denied. But, again, if neither is developed then they will fall back on the Sun signs. My venus is in Taurus and hers is in Cap. But, people want the easy way out. They want "Compatible" signs. Hell, if it were that easy there would be no breakups or divorces. I've been with all the air and fire signs which they say that I'm suppose to be compatible with. Ant THAT doesn't work. Pisces and Cancer are suppose to be compatible. But, when the Fish finds out the truth about the Crab, then all hell breaks lose. And when a Gem finally sees the truth in their so-called compatible signs the same happens.
But a Gemini woman? YIKES!! Ya gotcha hands full on that one. They are totally different then a Gemini man. They are needy as hell. You have to constantly stimulate their heads. Like they would constantly have to stimulate your emotions. How's that working so far? She won't do it if she's not developed. She will have too much other shit on her mind. You both probably worry alot. She probably likes you and can't figure you out, and
vice-versa. The sex between the two is undeniable. I know. But, Gemini people are the "One-Up" masters. You can't win even if we lose. That goes double for the Gem fem.

In short. If you care about someone you should will find ways to love and make it work. Only fools try to go the easy route.
Good luck!!
i'm a pisces female who's really attracted to this gemini male. we have a lot in common && both wanna further our dancing careers. we're really comfortable around each other, but my only worry is that i've heard geminis, even with this one, has a thing for being able to jump from girl to girl pretty easily. advice please from your own experience?
Posted by GeminiMind
I'm a Gemini man and my lady is a Pisces. It works. You just have to both be developed in the vibrations. We've learned to listen. Which is hard for us both. The one thing that we have figured out is to trust each other. Example: Pisces are notoriously intuitive. As are Gems. But, neither intuition works on the other. We recognized it, owned it, and adjusted to it. It works beautifully! Over 3 years now. There is a obvious attration with this pairing, it cannot be denied. But, again, if neither is developed then they will fall back on the Sun signs. My venus is in Taurus and hers is in Cap. But, people want the easy way out. They want "Compatible" signs. Hell, if it were that easy there would be no breakups or divorces. I've been with all the air and fire signs which they say that I'm suppose to be compatible with. Ant THAT doesn't work. Pisces and Cancer are suppose to be compatible. But, when the Fish finds out the truth about the Crab, then all hell breaks lose. And when a Gem finally sees the truth in their so-called compatible signs the same happens.
But a Gemini woman? YIKES!! Ya gotcha hands full on that one. They are totally different then a Gemini man. They are needy as hell. You have to constantly stimulate their heads. Like they would constantly have to stimulate your emotions. How's that working so far? She won't do it if she's not developed. She will have too much other shit on her mind. You both probably worry alot. She probably likes you and can't figure you out, and
vice-versa. The sex between the two is undeniable. I know. But, Gemini people are the "One-Up" masters. You can't win even if we lose. That goes double for the Gem fem.

In short. If you care about someone you should will find ways to love and make it work. Only fools try to go the easy route.
Good luck!!

GOT DAYUM you got us pegged... especially here:
"She probably likes you and can't figure you out, and vice-versa."
I definietely feel you about "compatable" signs. I don't actually believe in compatible signs largely because of my personal dealings with this:
"Pisces and Cancer are suppose to be compatible. But, when the Fish finds out the truth about the Crab, then all hell breaks lose."
Lack of communication is one of the easiest ways to get me to swim away. I simply don't have the patience to coax a crab out of her shell just to get to wh
huh? It just deleted the last part of my post...
FWIW, she has a Libra moon and definitely comes off as more Libra than Gem. Her mars & venus are in Taurus, mine are in Pisces.
In that case I think you guys have a strong shot. I'm a firm believer that a Gemini is exactly what a Pisces needs. And a Pisces is exactly what a Gemini needs. The one good thing is that you two are very comfortable around each other. That's the largest part. Just can't figure the other out. I know, been there. However, if you understand that Gems need mental stimulation then you should be fine. And she is going to have to respect your heart. We Gems can come off as heartless, cruel, mean peeps. But, this couldn't be further from the truth. I'm sure you two share those special tender moments that makes it all worth while. Just remember to stat way from the downstream. And she has to stay away from the dark twin. You two have a lot to teach each other. Trust me!
i had a gemini boyfriend once, it didn't work out. and of course out of spite, i swore them off. but i can't seem to deny the attraction between the two, especially as of late. i have to admit that the ones that i am around now, goodness gracious.. my mind goes overdrive but in such a good and intense way that i cannot describe. it's like this restlessness of trying to find some common ground between us. and i know for sure, that my ex and i were good for each other. we taught each other a thing or two about being productive V.S. relaxing. we just weren't in a good place at the time because we're still growing as individuals.
i totally agree about the whole easy way out. i'm tired of taking short cuts, you end up getting cut short in the end anyway.
Posted by pisces-pieces
i had a gemini boyfriend once, it didn't work out. and of course out of spite, i swore them off. but i can't seem to deny the attraction between the two, especially as of late. i have to admit that the ones that i am around now, goodness gracious.. my mind goes overdrive but in such a good and intense way that i cannot describe. it's like this restlessness of trying to find some common ground between us. and i know for sure, that my ex and i were good for each other. we taught each other a thing or two about being productive V.S. relaxing. we just weren't in a good place at the time because we're still growing as individuals.
i totally agree about the whole easy way out. i'm tired of taking short cuts, you end up getting cut short in the end anyway.

Brilliant Magnifique!!! You give the world hope! I'm feelin ya.
I get along great with Gemini People. I think this would be a good pairing for me us fishies. I know P-Angel would differ. On a friendship level Gemini people have been great for me. I talked about my Gem ex-lover once before ......The really nice thing about this combo is there really seems to be genuine deep friendship that is so crucial for a good relationship. My Juno is Gemini and this is the type of person we are supposed to be most compatible with. I also have my VII house in Gemini .....yeah I need a talker. As of lately I realize I need someone who understands me ......and I have always felt Gemini people get me.
I agree with GM - The whole sun sign comob thing is a crock. I have always done better with Air and fire signs. It has to do with all in the chart. I have fire in my chart so this makes sense for me.
Posted by GeminiMind
In that case I think you guys have a strong shot. I'm a firm believer that a Gemini is exactly what a Pisces needs. And a Pisces is exactly what a Gemini needs. The one good thing is that you two are very comfortable around each other. That's the largest part. Just can't figure the other out. I know, been there. However, if you understand that Gems need mental stimulation then you should be fine. And she is going to have to respect your heart. We Gems can come off as heartless, cruel, mean peeps. But, this couldn't be further from the truth. I'm sure you two share those special tender moments that makes it all worth while. Just remember to stat way from the downstream. And she has to stay away from the dark twin. You two have a lot to teach each other. Trust me!

I just wanted to start by saying I think "needy" is the wrong term to use to describe a Gemini woman's need for mental stimulation. However,being a Gem myself, I see it more of pleasurable way we chose to pass our time. Anyway, I am in a relationship with a Pisces man I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. Usually with men I takes time for me to get comfortable with them, but with him it's different. We struggle sometime, because we can't figure each other out. He often complains I'm "hot and cold" ,and i just can't put my finger on it sometimes lol. I think were a work in progress...
I had a really intense fling with a Pisces male once. It still lingers in my mind after all these years. my god .. he was fucked. He was so emotionally manipulating (not saying all Pisces are btw) and devious but the chemistry between us was craaaazzzy.
I know a few pisces gals/gemini males pair ups. One has been going steady for a while, though I think he misses his Aquarius ex, who was completely bonkers. He is very arrogant, has a MASSIVE ego, which she diligently flatters.. but hey,it seems to be okay.
OMG not a great pairing from my experiences as well. Pisces men are very attractive to me yes that is true, i love the mystery they kinda wear. But then, they start talking and usually they are so whiney its unbelieveable. THEY are the needy ones. they need time and energy and if they don't get enough.. it's never ending whining. I have tried many times, because i am attracted to what i see, its just when you dive deep, for me.. that water was way to merky for my tastes. But if you can handle a whiner, then i bet it would work out well. There were quite a few positives about it, but like i said, i can't be explaining who i am and what actions i take like i had to with each one i dated.
gotta praise preciousGEM. u r hell right! man, gem women never being 'needy'. she just have to be assured constantly about your faithfulness and your love to her. and i guess that wud be called "mental stimulation".
sometimes, these signs combo jz crap n nutz. dun believe it if u have faith in your love devotion for her. go grab her!
hey fisherman..she might likes u in return if u continuing show some loves. but please suckle to her little by little doses of love. sure she likes and might fall for your "perseverance" to get her love.
adios. el amor est?? en el aire. lov it! ~~
Pisces and Gemini doesn't work ....

Once the Gemini has an emotion, it's uncontrolled ... Pisces thinks that is a disgusting trait, considering keeping emotions in check is Pisces trademark.
wutever P.------ Once the Gemini has an emotion, it's uncontrolled--------- ho the f#ck thinks it disgusting. when gem got the emotion means she or he
is really in love and will commit to u almost forever. i dunno if got a person who really dumb to feel yuckie for strong-love.
sry my love P. jz wanna bloom the flower of amor precioso. hasta pronto bebeh.
Posted by jhuffy
wutever P.------ Once the Gemini has an emotion, it's uncontrolled--------- ho the f#ck thinks it disgusting. when gem got the emotion means she or he
is really in love and will commit to u almost forever. i dunno if got a person who really dumb to feel yuckie for strong-love.
sry my love P. jz wanna bloom the flower of amor precioso. hasta pronto bebeh.

Very true jhuffy (Broken English and all). We Gems are an emotional bunch I'll admit. But, it does not rule us. We are not hypocrites. Yuck! Hate them hypos! Pisceans can have so many emotional double standards and use emotional blackmail to get what they want. No matter what sign they are with, including the so called "Compatible" ones. They soon see through this hypocrosy and alter their actions towards them. Then they SNAP!
Got a lot of experience with these peeps. But, they should not be called fish. They should be called birds. Their heads are usually up in the clouds. Whilst ours are deep in the seas. Either way, there's a reason that the two are attracted. Stubborn fish and the stubborn Gemini......Alas, there are things the two should learn from each other if not only to make this world a better existance. Can it be done? Not sure, but the two has the most to offer in the zodiac in my oinnion. Stubborness is what's destroying the two in most cases. Just a thought.
i dated a pisces guy for 6 years on and off. we had a really good relationship and were best friends. but, i wanted more and he didn't. so, we just both went our seperate ways with no hard feelings.