Plans for Gemini man birthday !

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by BeautyandTheBull on Thursday, June 5, 2014 and has 10 replies.
Sooo I'm dating this Gemini guy his birthday June 20 ! & I want to do something special ! This us my first time in a serious relationship ! So can anyone tell me what I could do for him ... Advice ???
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Sooo I'm dating this Gemini guy his birthday June 20 ! & I want to do something special ! This us my first time in a serious relationship ! So can anyone tell me what I could do for him ... Advice ???

Well, my hubby's bday was 5/30, and I ended up throwing a surprise party for him, which he seems to really enjoy bc he's still talking about today. If you don't know his friends and family that well, then I would say do something you do KNOW he likes to do. Buy his favorite meal, take him to see an Action movie, go mini golfing, etc. My Gem husband loves all of that! Whatever you do, just have fun w/ it, bc one thing I know about a Gem man, is that even though they don't verbally express their gratitude or excitement all of the time, they truly are touched when they know you went out of your way just to do something special for them. It's the effort they see you put into it that matters. So just have fun w/ him. My husband isn't hard to please, but for an answer I would say go w/ one of the aforementioned options if you find that he likes those things.
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Sooo I'm dating this Gemini guy his birthday June 20 ! & I want to do something special ! This us my first time in a serious relationship ! So can anyone tell me what I could do for him ... Advice ???

Find out what he really likes to do on the side (hobbies etc.) and schedule time to go do that with him. My husband loves to target practice with his hand guns, so we go do that together and he loves it.
Then after that take him to a nice restaurant that you know he'd love. Since you kicked back and had fun with the early hobby thing, perhaps dress up a little and have a nice romantic night out together. Guys won't admit it but they love it when their lady dresses up and he gets a chance to be a gentlemen.
My Birthday is coming up on the 14th and this exactly what we're doing. Only difference, I'm the lady and I'm married. But hey, it works, it's fun and it will bring you closer. Just make sure you pick a restaurant that serves food he will like. The rest is cake.
Hope that helps...Good luck. Winking
My ex enjoyed get togethers - barbecue and beer. He enjoyed when I would organize get togethers like that or invited his buddies over to shoot skeet (with a skeet slinger for his present). He also enjoyed sports or concert tickets, check out a comedy club, a trip to the casino, go watch monster cars - something he likes that you normally wouldn't go to.
He also wanted to be treated super special on his birthday. Serve him breakfast in bed and treat him like a prince all day long. Make his favorite for lunch and take him to his favorite place for dinner if you don't want to organize a get together.
One year we had a luau party and crowned him King Kumoniwannalaya. Gave him a crown and septor and set him up on a throne by the keg. He had a blast!
Thanks everyone !! For responding very much appreciated ! He hasn't really brought up to me what he's doing or even mentioned it again ! But I love the whole dress up nice for him something sexy & romantic ! We aren't having sex yet ! Because I wanted to wait ! But he loves being teased for some reason .

I found a resort out near a beach & I was going to rent it for us & bake a cake for him & decorate it the way I wanted .
I'll let you guys know how everything went !! smile
I agree with Chocolate. What really matters is when he sees that you put a lot of effort into doing something nice for him.
For me, it's special when I can see people are paying attention to who I am and what I like. It bothers me when my husband asks what I want to do for my birthday. I don't want to choose, I want to be surprised! The best presents are the times he tells me to just go get in the car. This happened one birthday when he took me horseback riding to a gem mine! To top it off, I knew he was afraid of horses and was making a huge effort to make my day special.
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Thanks everyone !! For responding very much appreciated ! He hasn't really brought up to me what he's doing or even mentioned it again ! But I love the whole dress up nice for him something sexy & romantic ! We aren't having sex yet ! Because I wanted to wait ! But he loves being teased for some reason .

I found a resort out near a beach & I was going to rent it for us & bake a cake for him & decorate it the way I wanted .
I'll let you guys know how everything went !! smile

Soooo... how did it go.

Lots of pressure here too
Posted by gemini64
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Sooo I'm dating this Gemini guy his birthday June 20 ! & I want to do something special ! This us my first time in a serious relationship ! So can anyone tell me what I could do for him ... Advice ???

Find out what he really likes to do on the side (hobbies etc.) and schedule time to go do that with him. My husband loves to target practice with his hand guns, so we go do that together and he loves it.
Then after that take him to a nice restaurant that you know he'd love. Since you kicked back and had fun with the early hobby thing, perhaps dress up a little and have a nice romantic night out together. Guys won't admit it but they love it when their lady dresses up and he gets a chance to be a gentlemen.
My Birthday is coming up on the 14th and this exactly what we're doing. Only difference, I'm the lady and I'm married. But hey, it works, it's fun and it will bring you closer. Just make sure you pick a restaurant that serves food he will like. The rest is cake.
Hope that helps...Good luck. Winking
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Yep, so true, Geminis do tend to hate getting people outside of their zone to know about plans of special moments
Have no clue how all those people manage to get in a relationship, or make someone commit