Random driving

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Kavindra on Friday, December 15, 2006 and has 8 replies.
TORONTO, Dec 13 (Reuters Life!) - Never mind how careful you are behind the wheel or how long you've been driving, the signs of the zodiac may be bigger factors behind your ability to avoid car crashes -- or why you have too many.

According to a study by InsuranceHotline.com, a Web site that quotes drivers on insurance rates, astrological signs are a significant factor in predicting car accidents.
The study, which looked at 100,000 North American drivers' records from the past six years, puts Libras (born September 23-October 22) followed by Aquarians (January 20-February 18) as the worst offenders for tickets and accidents
Leos (July 23-August 22) and then Geminis (May 21-June 20) were found to be the best overall.
"I was absolutely shocked by the results," said Lee Romanov, president of Toronto-based InsuranceHotline.com, who also wrote the book "Car Carma" which touches on the correlation between astrological signs and driving ability while doing the study.
Romanov originally wanted to have some fun by examining astrological signs as a possible cause for the variance between insurance companies quoting high and low rates but didn't expect to find anything interesting.
"Now, changing postal codes is far less significant to me than drivers of certain astrological signs," she told Reuters on Wednesday.
Even age, another variable for determining insurance rates, is less of a consideration to Romanov. The cutoff line for being considered a higher risk driver is 24 years of age; 25-year-olds are considered not-high risk.
"I'd rather get into a car with a 24-year-old Leo than a 25-year-old Aries," Romanov said.
Leos, described along with the study results on InsuranceHotline.com/a10.html, are "generous, and comfortable in sharing the roadway."
Aries, on the other hand, "have a 'me first' childlike nature that drives Aries into trouble."
"I wasn't believing in it before," said Romanov, "but I would think twice before getting into a car with an Aries."
most leo's i know are slow drivers, that doesn't make them the best. I am surprised about the gemini though, these folks (we) get easily distracted and cannot concentrate on the road, though we have excellent reflexed due to a genius brain.
aries is not on the poll, though i woudn't think twice about it.
Driving?....I've had count-less(but WHEN count, the sum is 3) speeding tickets from last year and undown the years.YET, haven't gotten in a wreck since my junior year in college..(Thank YOU God!!!).
My driving IS slightly teenage-esque. I don't know, but it's weird. When I'm on the free-way, I often have urges to play Bumper-Cars and constantly have to remind myself, "Dude!!, calm down...this is NOT 'Celebration Station'. Death and sueing WILL be involved. CALM DOWN!!!".
Lmao....Mazda LX ?

you mean..IDIOT, idiot.
Who the fuck said anything about "drinking and driving" and "knocking people over" besides you?
I said..."I have urges to play Bumper-Cars!!!" not BumperPeople...and I'm and idiot?...Okay..lol.
"Fuckin evil bastard you are".
Thank You..
"They should shoot people like you."
Yeah and how about beat the shit out of my ass like how people did(and probably STILL do) you, huh? Now I'll have some moo-lah on THAT!!
?Listen shit for brain's stop stalking me you gay fucker, this guy must be a lady boy?
How in the hell am I stalking you and you came on the Gemini forum bitchin with misspelled ?insults?. I would rather BE a lady's boy then JUST a boy.
?He jealous because I get more attention than him?
Now, isn't that just like a female to state? BTW: I would rather be attention-less than retrieve it with lanky-ass topics.
?He only come's here to cheat on is wife?
Yeah..Okay. Do you even have a wife of girlfriend to cheat on?..?
?Who's getting fucked by the milkman.?
HA!! Reality PLAESE!! You mean MAILMAN, dick-in-the-mouth.
????..How can you laugh at your own sucker-ass ?jokes??
"a4_gemini, your ugly wife is getting fucked by the MILKMAN, NOT THE MAILMAN AMERICAN ITDIOT, There is no arguing with a4_gemini, for when his pistol misses fire, he knocks you down with the butt end of it. The only time he opens his mouth is to change feet, If is brains was lard, a4_gemini couldn't grease a pan. If he were any dumber, he'd be a tree."
In words of all here..."WHAT THE FUCK?! We see why you got that ass stomped-on and craved-in ALOT. You STILL can't spell idiot right AFTER it was spelled to you. Not once but TWICE!!!" Well atleast my "ugly" wife can spell and apprehand on a pre-k level and HIGHER."Have you learned your colors yet? She will teach you the colors Black, Blue, and Purple..If you have not ALREADY recognized those colors...Though you should..by now.

"The more you tell lie's the more mistake's you make sucker, your profile state's your married"
Yes, married. When to people(woman & man..or what-ever now-a-days) love each other, they have a thing called a 'Wedding Ceremony' or 'Something Mr.Nice Will Not Never Have, Therefore Do Not Understand'. They are REALLY "together" when both say "i do" and exchange rings and a french-kiss(es). Then they leave FIRST to the 'eating and gift exchanging' part. From there, you and your new bride can leave early and "get associated" with each other earlier.
"thick twat"
Thany VERY much!!
"I always yawn when I'm interested."
So you must die when you are reading me profile as usual, huh? Gay-ass bitch. Keeping taps on other MEN's profile!!
"WHERE are your topic's? Oh, I forgot, there are none."
Damn Straight!! I would RATHER NOT place a topic up EVERY 5 FUCKING MINUTES about bullshit and pussy-assed questionings.

"Your brain is so dead, Electric shock treatment would'nt help."
How sad. Hanging around 3-year old and repeating THEIR words...and misspelling them too!!
"All that you are you owe to your parents. Why don't you send them a dollar and square the account."
Oh, so you know about 3rd grade mathematics, eh? You must peep in the windows of the local elementary-school classes and repeat THAT, too, huh?

"spell and apprehand"

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