Posted by ChuckcemThats what my Leo side says to me but this kind of Virgo traiits said the opposite thing i dont know what i have to choosed
Don't chase someone who is actively pushing you away, especially if you're not already in a relationship with that person. It only devalues you and makes you look needy. If you have self respect and know your value, then you'll know that there are other people who will treat you a lot better than this guy is. Those people deserve the gift of your energy and time, not him.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowOne. Still the same Gems guy. Sorry for confusing you but need your advice tho
How many different people are you talking about?
Posted by leobuzzerYou're the Leo/Virgo cusper iirc. Really sucks when you like someone who is just not interested.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowOne. Still the same Gems guy. Sorry for confusing you but need your advice tho
How many different people are you talking about?click to expand
Posted by leobuzzerThe option that doesn't waste your or energy on someone who appears to be uninterested in you. The Virgo side of you is looking to "fix" the situation. This is a pointless endeavor because there is nothing to fix.Posted by ChuckcemThats what my Leo side says to me but this kind of Virgo traiits said the opposite thing i dont know what i have to choosed
Don't chase someone who is actively pushing you away, especially if you're not already in a relationship with that person. It only devalues you and makes you look needy. If you have self respect and know your value, then you'll know that there are other people who will treat you a lot better than this guy is. Those people deserve the gift of your energy and time, not to expand
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowsorry for my bad english yess he is a shut-in person. idk about how to handle his issues but i think i still like him.Posted by leobuzzerYou're the Leo/Virgo cusper iirc. Really sucks when you like someone who is just not interested.Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShowOne. Still the same Gems guy. Sorry for confusing you but need your advice tho
How many different people are you talking about?
First thing I'd say is proofread your post before posting it because you sound drunk or high, it's really hard to understand what you're saying. I get the gist of it but the details are like you typed them with your forehead. And you're bouncing between using singular and plural.
Something asking a personal question and he got angry because he's a closed-up person? Sorry, but he's a total stupid idiot if he gets mad for something so trivial. You asked a question, doesn't automatically mean he HAS TO answer it. He's got major issues and I think you're better off without him anywhere near you.
He's treating you like crap, he ain't worth the to expand
Posted by Moonbutterits really funny to thinking about his traits again. i wasnt forced him to open to me until he said something and i wasnt judge him. i try to accept all his story and idk why he got angry with me cuz i was talked about something that he told to me first. so this is so confusing me because i still want him.
Forget him... interest should be a 2 way street. Save yourself future headache and heartache and walk away. I dated a closed off Gem and he just wanted his way all the time, no compromise. Is that what you want? You want someone who won't open to you and communicate?
Posted by leobuzzerThis is gonna be an uphill battle for you ... and when you reach the top (if ever) you will probably want to jump off anyway when you realize he's not for you and took too much energy and started chipping away at your soul.Posted by Moonbutterits really funny to thinking about his traits again. i wasnt forced him to open to me until he said something and i wasnt judge him. i try to accept all his story and idk why he got angry with me cuz i was talked about something that he told to me first. so this is so confusing me because i still want him.
Forget him... interest should be a 2 way street. Save yourself future headache and heartache and walk away. I dated a closed off Gem and he just wanted his way all the time, no compromise. Is that what you want? You want someone who won't open to you and communicate?click to expand
Posted by leobuzzerThis is gonna be an uphill battle for you ... and when you reach the top (if ever) you will probably want to jump off anyway when you realize he's not for you and took too much energy and started chipping away at your soul.Posted by Moonbutterits really funny to thinking about his traits again. i wasnt forced him to open to me until he said something and i wasnt judge him. i try to accept all his story and idk why he got angry with me cuz i was talked about something that he told to me first. so this is so confusing me because i still want him.
Forget him... interest should be a 2 way street. Save yourself future headache and heartache and walk away. I dated a closed off Gem and he just wanted his way all the time, no compromise. Is that what you want? You want someone who won't open to you and communicate?click to expand