Posted by littlenanobyteHaha, it's what my intuition is telling me too!
If he was really into you, there's no way a gem man would let 2 weeks go by in silence. My gem can't even let 10 minutes go by in silence and we've been talking for 2 years lol. I'm sorry, but it seems to me as though he's met someone else![]()
Posted by starwarsSoz, new here. Will shorten next time.
you should give up longass topics titles
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428What influence does the moon signs have on intimate relationships/dating?
Venus in Gemini with fixed moon omg. Is stable but not really in relationship and very quick and fickle even.
Posted by hannabananaMost moon signs show or lack emotions how you express your self truly and how the other person can get you or not type of feelings.Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428What influence does the moon signs have on intimate relationships/dating?
Venus in Gemini with fixed moon omg. Is stable but not really in relationship and very quick and fickle to expand
Posted by notsosureSex matters to a woman a whole lot. Well to earth signs we do, it's a physical must that before we hop in bed with someone they have the physical attraction and chemistry to get to that level of is this just physical, can there be more after sex, stable and security is a must before, during, and after sex and if for some reason it doesn't work out after sex. Then maybe it was just games.
Are you travelling around? I don´t get it.
How old are you guys?
When you have sex shouldn´t matter. If somebody really likes you, sex will not be th deciding factor in this. It´s just an outdated look on women.
Posted by notsosureWe're both 28, he's about 4 months younger than me.
But again to the topic creator: how old are you guys? And what´s with the travelling?
Posted by stopbeingdelusionalThat's amazing! What's your sign?
My Gem ex also had venus in Gem and Moon in Taurus.
Very romantic and is on the clingy side.
In his words, he knew he loves me because he wants to spend every waking moment with me.
He told me he loves me within 3 weeks we met so I don't think Tuarus moon has anything to do with not being affectionate.
Posted by choppedxscrewedWere you also just starting to go out when this happened? Note, it's only been 4 dates with mine.
one of my exes was sun and venus in gemini, moon in cancer, mars in pisces. kind of similar to your man's astrological chart, diff moon but still a feminine moon placement.
once he stopped talking to me for a long time and it's because he was hurt he thought i was talking to other guys. i did have a habit back then of trying to make him jealous. i was immature. But yes, his emotions ran deep, his feelings were true to me. he was just hurt.
I think he may be hurt?
Posted by littlenanobyteHow would you suggest me going about it? Only once he texts or to send a text myself?Posted by hannabananaIt wouldn't hurt to straight up ask him? At least that way you could have closure, and maybe even get feedback on what went wrong. Gemini men will typically be upfront and honest. The ones I've been with are anyway! I've only been with two water moon gems though.Posted by littlenanobyteHaha, it's what my intuition is telling me too!
If he was really into you, there's no way a gem man would let 2 weeks go by in silence. My gem can't even let 10 minutes go by in silence and we've been talking for 2 years lol. I'm sorry, but it seems to me as though he's met someone else![]()
I guess there's a part of me that's thinking that the taurus moon could have made him more cautious, though... or be responsible for him not showering me with too much affection to soon. But that could be wishful thinking on my part.
But Taurus moon or not, 2 weeks of silence is kind of like the nail in the coffin for that. If he comes back later, it's because he wants to know that you're still an to expand
Posted by Gemoodeye1I wonder if you ever had a slow start in a relationship? I've been with a Taurus previously and it took 6 months for us to get together, the comms was slightly more frequent 3-4 days without texts at the very most.
I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
Posted by hannabananaTo be honest, no, I've never had a slow start to a relationship if I really like someone. After a month or so I'm either in or out. If I'm in the middle or not that interested I can take days to communicate but if I really like someone, even when I'm super busy I find some time to reply and communicate. However, mine is in response rather than initiating so don't take my word, he could be busy...Posted by Gemoodeye1I wonder if you ever had a slow start in a relationship? I've been with a Taurus previously and it took 6 months for us to get together, the comms was slightly more frequent 3-4 days without texts at the very most.
I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
With the current gem guy, we normally text 3-4 days a week but had a big break which was during the travels and happened to be kind of soon after sex. I think the next couple of weeks will reveal more.
Of course, I'd love to find out that he's interested but I'm being realistic and aware that there's a chance he just wants something to expand
Posted by Gemoodeye1Yeah, tbh I'm pretty sure he does. But so am I... It's a conversation we haven't had yet.Posted by hannabananaTo be honest, no, I've never had a slow start to a relationship if I really like someone. After a month or so I'm either in or out. If I'm in the middle or not that interested I can take days to communicate but if I really like someone, even when I'm super busy I find some time to reply and communicate. However, mine is in response rather than initiating so don't take my word, he could be busy...Posted by Gemoodeye1I wonder if you ever had a slow start in a relationship? I've been with a Taurus previously and it took 6 months for us to get together, the comms was slightly more frequent 3-4 days without texts at the very most.
I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
With the current gem guy, we normally text 3-4 days a week but had a big break which was during the travels and happened to be kind of soon after sex. I think the next couple of weeks will reveal more.
Of course, I'd love to find out that he's interested but I'm being realistic and aware that there's a chance he just wants something casual.
I wouldnt push him hard and really there is no rush, but don't get your hopes up or assume that he isn't talking to or seeing other people unless he has actually said to expand