Should I give up on this Sun & Venus Gemini, Moon Taurus, Mars Pisces guy?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by hannabanana on Thursday, September 22, 2016 and has 18 replies.
Hey! I'm new here and am having my first experience with a gemini man at the moment. Thought I'd check with those who know more. smile

We met online and I never before felt the same kind of connection as I did with him after each of our dates. He's extremely attentive and we never run out of topics to talk about. He's a gentleman, a great kisser, very sexy, always makes sure I get home and always texts the next day.

But now, I'm no longer sure he's into me for 2 reasons:

1) He doesn't text much, at all! He may have texted a bit more between the 1st and 2nd dates but his texting gradually decreased. I understand he may be meeting up with other girls since we met online (i'm also trying to meet others) and that he may still be at selecting stage even though I would love to try dating him exclusively to see how it goes. However, even wehn he was texting a bit more in the beginning his texts were rather short and emotionless.

2) we may have gotten physical a bit too soon (had sex after the 4th date), something I didn't even consider before I found out he has a taurus moon. I am the worst when it comes to sleeping with people before getting to know them properly (my friends call me prude!), but i felt comfortable enough for the first time in my life. I was nervous, but it was still great and he seemed quite bothered about making sure I enjoy it. I stayed over and we grabbed a coffee in the morning. He texted me the next day but it was just to ask me if I ended up doing what I planned later that day. But then he initiated no more texts..

A few days later I told him I was going to be out with friends in apart of town close to where he lives and asked if he fancied joining. He told me he might be able to, that he'd let me know. But he never texted on the day. However, late the next day, I received an apology text for not having messaged, saying he had to work late and asking me how it was. I responded in a relaxed manner ("oh no, sorry to hear") and told him it was a fun night.

He never responded to me (not that it was a message worth responding to), it's been nearly 2 weeks now! In both our defence - we are both still traveling and have been since that text.

My problem is - any other guy would text if he was into me, surely? As I said, I'm not used to geminis, I'm used to dating people with sun in Taurus or Cancer who would be more curious about how my traveling is going.

I think this guy is awesome, so would love to make it work, even if it requires getting over myself a bit.


All I know from is that he was born during Venus retrograde in Gemini and has Moon in Taurus, Mars in Pisces.

Me: (don't know my rising sign) Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Capricorn Mars, Venus Aries

Venus in Gemini with fixed moon omg. Is stable but not really in relationship and very quick and fickle even.
Posted by littlenanobyte
If he was really into you, there's no way a gem man would let 2 weeks go by in silence. My gem can't even let 10 minutes go by in silence and we've been talking for 2 years lol. I'm sorry, but it seems to me as though he's met someone else Sad
Haha, it's what my intuition is telling me too!

I guess there's a part of me that's thinking that the taurus moon could have made him more cautious, though... or be responsible for him not showering me with too much affection to soon. But that could be wishful thinking on my part.

Posted by starwars
you should give up longass topics titles
Soz, new here. Will shorten next time.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Venus in Gemini with fixed moon omg. Is stable but not really in relationship and very quick and fickle even.
What influence does the moon signs have on intimate relationships/dating?
Posted by hannabanana
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Venus in Gemini with fixed moon omg. Is stable but not really in relationship and very quick and fickle even.
What influence does the moon signs have on intimate relationships/dating?
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Most moon signs show or lack emotions how you express your self truly and how the other person can get you or not type of feelings.

But it's alot to do with Mars, Venus I read I mean highly recommended to get an idea. Of course mercury and rising too. But put your charts together of course you both experience new outlooks on expression, communication alot. Maybe one is more expressive than the other and must balance it somehow.
Posted by notsosure
Are you travelling around? I don´t get it.

How old are you guys?

When you have sex shouldn´t matter. If somebody really likes you, sex will not be th deciding factor in this. It´s just an outdated look on women.
Sex matters to a woman a whole lot. Well to earth signs we do, it's a physical must that before we hop in bed with someone they have the physical attraction and chemistry to get to that level of is this just physical, can there be more after sex, stable and security is a must before, during, and after sex and if for some reason it doesn't work out after sex. Then maybe it was just games.
Posted by notsosure
But again to the topic creator: how old are you guys? And what´s with the travelling?
We're both 28, he's about 4 months younger than me.

He's currently back in his home country visiting friends and family for 2 weeks and I'm traveling with my family as well. We'll both be back to reality on Monday. I guess next week will be the week to see if he will get in touch.

I just want to point out that I think there's a chance he may have broken up with someone fairly recently. I get this sense because he mentioned that his ex is from a region close the my hometown & that he went to a restaurant that serves that cuisine by himself the other day cause he misses it. It's probably the only reason I retrospectively regret having slept with him too soon. I feel it may have ruined a chance at friendship with this man. Either way, I would love to at least try to be his friend and a chance to get to know him. A part of me thinks that maybe it's the timing that's wrong. In your opinion, would it be possible to still build that friendship?

We went through a phase of not texting for 1.5 weeks between dates 2&3 previously.

Regarding sleeping with him, I really wanted to. And it excited me to feel that way because it takes me A looooong time to want to sleep with a guy normally. I didn't do this to get anything out of him and was well aware that it's not considered the 'right' thing to do. But to hell with it, it was a new thing for me to do and I'm happy I had the experience of something I always felt "too serious" about according to friends smile
one of my exes was sun and venus in gemini, moon in cancer, mars in pisces. kind of similar to your man's astrological chart, diff moon but still a feminine moon placement.

once he stopped talking to me for a long time and it's because he was hurt he thought i was talking to other guys. i did have a habit back then of trying to make him jealous. i was immature. But yes, his emotions ran deep, his feelings were true to me. he was just hurt.

I think he may be hurt?
Posted by stopbeingdelusional
My Gem ex also had venus in Gem and Moon in Taurus.

Very romantic and is on the clingy side.

In his words, he knew he loves me because he wants to spend every waking moment with me.

He told me he loves me within 3 weeks we met so I don't think Tuarus moon has anything to do with not being affectionate.
That's amazing! What's your sign?

Posted by choppedxscrewed
one of my exes was sun and venus in gemini, moon in cancer, mars in pisces. kind of similar to your man's astrological chart, diff moon but still a feminine moon placement.

once he stopped talking to me for a long time and it's because he was hurt he thought i was talking to other guys. i did have a habit back then of trying to make him jealous. i was immature. But yes, his emotions ran deep, his feelings were true to me. he was just hurt.

I think he may be hurt?
Were you also just starting to go out when this happened? Note, it's only been 4 dates with mine.

I did say something around date 2 that gave away I was also going on dates with others. Didn't think much of it at the time. Also, since we met online, i assumed he was probably up to the same thing?

Posted by littlenanobyte
Posted by hannabanana
Posted by littlenanobyte
If he was really into you, there's no way a gem man would let 2 weeks go by in silence. My gem can't even let 10 minutes go by in silence and we've been talking for 2 years lol. I'm sorry, but it seems to me as though he's met someone else Sad
Haha, it's what my intuition is telling me too!

I guess there's a part of me that's thinking that the taurus moon could have made him more cautious, though... or be responsible for him not showering me with too much affection to soon. But that could be wishful thinking on my part.

It wouldn't hurt to straight up ask him? At least that way you could have closure, and maybe even get feedback on what went wrong. Gemini men will typically be upfront and honest. The ones I've been with are anyway! I've only been with two water moon gems though.

But Taurus moon or not, 2 weeks of silence is kind of like the nail in the coffin for that. If he comes back later, it's because he wants to know that you're still an option.

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How would you suggest me going about it? Only once he texts or to send a text myself?

We're both traveling separately (7 hour time difference, that might also play a part in lack of comms), and will be back from Monday. I'm tempted to first see if he gets in touch that week.

So far, I've been very cool about everything. I worry how it might come across if I suddenly admit being into him more than I realised


Thanks for your response and encouraging me to just ask him straight. I wish I had the guts...

It's not like he ghosted me right after I spent the night with him, he texted me after & we were still talking for a week with the awareness that each one of us was going to be away for the following 2 weeks.

The reason I'm still reluctant is because i kind of closed the conversation with my last response to him thinking that i needed to calm down about always trying to write something that keeps the conversation flowing & going. I wanted to see if he'd iniate anything himself but am understanding of the possibility that he may be too busy or even under the impression that I don't want to talk to him given my last text.

I also get your point about that if he liked me, he would still bother texting despite the distance. The way I see it is that I don't have a good enough reason to ask him about it via text now. It feels as though seeing if he tries to see me next week first would make more sense. I could then ask him in person what the deal is.

If I don't hear from him at all next week but am still dying to find out what's going on, then I will send him a text as honest as the one you suggested.

I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
Hey all, sorry for being a bit MIA but I'm having bad connection while traveling.

Just to give you an update, he msged me today as soon as he landed. But he did it like the 2 weeks of not communicating is the most normal thing in the world.

I guess I'll be finding out what his game is sooner or later. It could be that he wants to take things slowly like some of you have implied could be the case due to the Taurus moon. Or it could be that he's just looking for something casual like others implied.

I appreciate you all talking about your experiences with similar peeps. Obvs, please don't fight about it, I like the fact I get to hear different view points and the background of the situations you were in/are in. There's so much more that influences a person, that I am open to hearing various stories opinions & suggestions. Thanks again ?
Posted by Gemoodeye1
I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
I wonder if you ever had a slow start in a relationship? I've been with a Taurus previously and it took 6 months for us to get together, the comms was slightly more frequent 3-4 days without texts at the very most.

With the current gem guy, we normally text 3-4 days a week but had a big break which was during the travels and happened to be kind of soon after sex. I think the next couple of weeks will reveal more.

Of course, I'd love to find out that he's interested but I'm being realistic and aware that there's a chance he just wants something casual.

Posted by hannabanana
Posted by Gemoodeye1
I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
I wonder if you ever had a slow start in a relationship? I've been with a Taurus previously and it took 6 months for us to get together, the comms was slightly more frequent 3-4 days without texts at the very most.

With the current gem guy, we normally text 3-4 days a week but had a big break which was during the travels and happened to be kind of soon after sex. I think the next couple of weeks will reveal more.

Of course, I'd love to find out that he's interested but I'm being realistic and aware that there's a chance he just wants something casual.

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To be honest, no, I've never had a slow start to a relationship if I really like someone. After a month or so I'm either in or out. If I'm in the middle or not that interested I can take days to communicate but if I really like someone, even when I'm super busy I find some time to reply and communicate. However, mine is in response rather than initiating so don't take my word, he could be busy...

I wouldnt push him hard and really there is no rush, but don't get your hopes up or assume that he isn't talking to or seeing other people unless he has actually said so.

Posted by Gemoodeye1
Posted by hannabanana
Posted by Gemoodeye1
I'm gem Sun & Venus, Taurus moon and water Mars (scorp)...would have to agree with @littlenanobyte. I've had sex early with someone and lost interest...or really liked them. The sex part doesn't always mean anything..but the communication part does! If I like someone they know it. If we haven't spoken in 2 weeks then they are probably out of sight out of mind. In a relationship I am very loyal but when dating....definitely a VIG until I decide on someone.
I wonder if you ever had a slow start in a relationship? I've been with a Taurus previously and it took 6 months for us to get together, the comms was slightly more frequent 3-4 days without texts at the very most.

With the current gem guy, we normally text 3-4 days a week but had a big break which was during the travels and happened to be kind of soon after sex. I think the next couple of weeks will reveal more.

Of course, I'd love to find out that he's interested but I'm being realistic and aware that there's a chance he just wants something casual.

To be honest, no, I've never had a slow start to a relationship if I really like someone. After a month or so I'm either in or out. If I'm in the middle or not that interested I can take days to communicate but if I really like someone, even when I'm super busy I find some time to reply and communicate. However, mine is in response rather than initiating so don't take my word, he could be busy...

I wouldnt push him hard and really there is no rush, but don't get your hopes up or assume that he isn't talking to or seeing other people unless he has actually said so.

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Yeah, tbh I'm pretty sure he does. But so am I... It's a conversation we haven't had yet.

In the beginning I said something to him that implied I'm going on dates with others. he currently doesn't even know that I'm in a place where I could soon feel more comfortable discussing bring more exclusive. But it's something I would prefer to bring up in person. Especially since I have a feeling he might be just out of a serious relationship, which would mean we'd be better off as just friends for now.

Re. Texting, I tend to let him initiate and I know he has a very busy job. I sometimes take up to 2 days to reply when my work is really busy (yes, even happened regarding me texting him). Tbh I prefer to not be on my phone all day texting, but when it gets to 2 weeks, that's when I start wondering. :/