So I met her.

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by thelibran on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 and has 12 replies.
I went all the way digging up things and meeting her. I planned the whole trip to meet one Gemini named V.V and by the time I landed I had plans to meet two geminis both V.V sharing same surname. Discovering that both had the same surname and studied in the same college and did the same course in 1 year gap almost gave me a weird feeling. The new V.V girl turned out to be a real great company and made me feel like I knew her for long long time. She was just like how i expected the original V.V will be.
Then on monday morning I started off to find her but figured out that she resigned from her old office. Then later discovered her new office and went that side. On my way I called her on phone and told mer Its M. she said.. Ohh M.. am in a meeting, can i call u back. I told her ok... i hv mailed u my ph no. I was so thrilled bcoz till then no one has ever pronounced my name correctly till they make few attempts. I reached her office, she smiled and took the chocolates i got for her and told me she dont know me. It was great. She had a mysterious glow in her eyes and a sweet smile and showed no signs of surprise or shock. I told her may be it was someone else who used her identity but still she didnt gave any expression. She watched me closely and her eyes were glowing all throughout the conversation and she was busy defending herself telling me she is not the one. Her bf called me tat night and met up with him next day. A scorpio, just out of college kid, way insecure and possesive and was hostile towards me as if I was there to take his girl away from him. He kept of repeating that he know her for 2 years and she is not capable of doing anything like this.
I came back and then had a chat with her this morning in gtalk. She denied everything but displayed the same old character this girl was giving me online for last 30 months. She still denies everything. Tryin to walk in her shoes for a while, I think she dont have any choice than to deny everything.
She show no interest in finding the girl who used her identity.
She swears the same way with the same set of words and spellings like the other one.
She avoids answering key important questions.
I am almost certain I found her. But then she wont accept it. Well i didnt expected her to accept it right away... May be I will have to wait for a while... may be i shouldnt be making conclusions right now....
Now the old VV almost convinced me over the phone that she is not the one. I dont know what all she mentioned is a lie and what all was truth. She tried her best to tell me its all some rival gangs who wanted to spoil her name. and whenever i say "this is not possible" ..." no it cannot be like tat bcoz of so and so".. she picked the next possibility ..."i will tell you what.. yaa.. now i know... it will be her.. she hates me..." lolz...
New VV keeps calling me and I keep calling her back every now and then and its slowly taking off. am so damn confused bcoz I feel I know her for years... and just enjoy talking to her....
I have some feelings for the one who was online but thats only when she comes to her sweetest mood. I get depressed the day she goes away and get overexcited when she comes back. A few days after she goes away, I get back to normal mood. But the days of chat were always the most thrilling for me and I always wished that I meet her in real life. This is from my chat frnd which can explain a lot...
"Maybe all of your caring emails was to get me to end my initial play. Or maybe you really would have cared for me? I'm really sorry for all that. It all happend because I played with u in the beginning, but didn't know how to end it. In some unfortunate moments, my fingers typed in things without the command from my brain. Sometimes I wished for continuing this, not to lose your friendship, but thats too much to wish for, when I use the fake ID card. Now, I've end my play. You know I'm fake, right from the beginning. But, you wished my identity to be true. But, the fact is not the same. I played with you for nothing, and most of the time to spend time with someone who cared for me. You said, you thought I really loved you and it was just my identity that kept me away. Yes thats true, I really liked/respected/loved you but it was my ID/play that kept me away from you. I would just have kept quiet without replying you, but I wanted to tell you what I have to tell you, give you an answer. Anyways, I wanna to stop ranting and blabbering now. I dont have that playful nature anymore.Life is tough for me. I have to live it."
Now thats why I took all risks and walked into her office... I wanted her to know that I dont mind the lies she told me and I will be always happy to meet her whoever she is....
Gotta read ur scorp story few times to get the grip... its concentrated...
thelibran, I'm glad you found your answer. sorry to hear that though. I hope you meet a better female if not a better gemini
****u've invested a lot of both ur emotions and time just to let her know that her lies were ok with u n u'd jus "meet" her for wotever she is??

Yes... I always felt she was worth that much of patience and my time... Now I have left the ball in her court... But something unexpected happened... Something is happening with the new gem I met that day... We have been spending 3-5 hrs a day on phone ever since i left that town. I feel like I know her for years... and everything I expected during the 30 months with my online gem, i got it from her in 3 days... I think I am in love...
you're love life with this (these) gem girl(s) is/are too confusing. lol
so i am confused too. lol. i'm serious.
what do you think? are they two different people or they one person?
This should be on Lifetime channel with title: "Identity theft of a gemini girl?" or "Gemini girl of multiple personalities". lol
their vocals are they the same? is their IP ADDRESS the same? I mean, you went all the way tracking them down in person, you mind as well track their IP address. lol

+ could be one person
---- playing two girls for the fun in games or just have multiple personalities (can't remember the other character)

+ could be two people
---- playing games with you (i used to have friends in college that does this. oh wait, i'm guilty of having sisters and best friends that do this to guys. when my sisters (let's call them A and B) were in middle & high school, there were certain guys they used to mess with. For example, victim one calls for sister A, but sister B picked up the phone so they just talk. Then after the call they will share what the conversation was about AND LAUGHED. or even better, both my sisters were present but kept tossing the phone back n forth AND THE GUY NEVER KNEW HE WAS TALKING TO BOTH GIRLS AT THE SAME MOMENT.
---- stealing another girl's identity/personalities, etc. (aka really crazy, obessesed, physcho girl)
DO NOT GIVE HER YOUR BALLS lol... *no pun intended, REALLY* lol
hmmm... okay, now i mean it.... DO NOT GIVE HER YOUR BALLS. LOL.
-Meaning One: Do not give her the control or make her the decision maker. that's not a good choice. do not do that. you mind as well leave now. there are a lot of reasons to why i'm saying it but my entry will be too long and boring. one example, women in general like their men to make decisions too and BE THE MAN.. not like you're not but still....
-Meaning Two: Do not have sex with this lady. lol. One, she is involved with that scorp guy. Two, you think you're in love and I'm still confused about who this girl(s) is/are. If you are a million percent sure that she's the ONE GIRL (I didn't say the one) then go for it. Don't want you ending getting hurt from a physcho girl or for nothing. in your situation... there's a thin line between sex and love if it ever comes to that. but i'm sure you're into her (possible 'fake') personality.
good luk
oops, i hate when i do this. i think too fast and leave things out... forgot to include this in my example,
+ could be two people
---- playing games with you (i used to have friends in college that does this. oh wait, i'm guilty of having sisters and best friends that do this to guys. when my sisters (let's call them A and B) were in middle & high school, there were certain guys they used to mess with. For example, victim one calls for sister A, but sister B picked up the phone so they just talk.... SISTER B PRETENDS TO BE SISTER A. IF A GUY CALLS FOR SISTER B, SOMETIMES SISTER B PRETENDS TO BE SISTER A AND TELLS THE GUY B WASN'T THERE (BUT ACTUALLY SHE'S THE ONE THAT SAID THAT-- I USED TO DO THAT TO TELEMARKETERS. LOL) SO B PRETENDS TO BE A AND JUST TALK TO THIS GUY, LATER KNOWN AS A PLAYER. Then after the call they will share what the conversations were about AND LAUGHED. or even better, both my sisters were present but kept tossing the phone back n forth AND THE GUYS NEVER KNEW they WERE TALKING TO BOTH GIRLS AT THE SAME MOMENT.

all in all, please be careful. don't throw your heart in just yet. please don't.

she's too young. i've been 20 BUT NEVER played games like that. they're fickle in minds (maybe hearts) as much as they say they're not. hello, she just got done playing games with you.. is she done playing games? hmm... SHE HAS A SCORP GUY. YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE HER AWAY FROM ANOTHER GUY? oops.. not meant to be in caps. but even if she does choose to be with you, but what makes you think that she wouldn't do the same thing to you like how she's doing the scorp guy? have a 3-5 hours of conversation with another guy? uh, no. okay?
whatever you choose, i mean well. so good luck and stay strong.
lol.. this is funny... thanks gemgrl.
The girl i found out and the girl i know online have same name, did same course, lives in same neighbourhod ect ect and almost every small detail matched well including both being gemini. Now if this gal is the one who was chatting with me, am sure she wont confess or tell me it was her. bcoz thats gonna put her in an even bitter situation bcoz her frnds and bf know the story now.

The girl i met accidently without any intention of romancing is the one with whom am involved for the past one week. She too happened to be a gemini, even got same surname (but not sister or relatives),lives close the first ones home, is doing the same course the first one did but her junior.
Now the first one made me feel like she is not the one I know online and the second one made me feel like we both know each other for long long time. She pull my leg, took too much freedom from the first day itself and do a lot of things to me which my online gemini was doing. And I happend to realize that I feel the same like how I was feeling before with that girl in the online world.
Its possible that first one and online one are the same and she lied to save her face. She is oppressed by her orthodox parents, possibly suffering from her controlling posessive, insecure, out of the school jobless scorp bf, and developed an online personality which she could not afford to expose or confess.
Its also possible that her junior girl obsessed(or may be not) with her senior who has the same surname and lives in her neighbourhood, created an online identity with her seniors name without any intention and was chatting with me and when she was sure that I was behind her senior, took it as a chance to meet me using her real identity in real life. She being way honest than I expected(at a point when I was a total stranger) confuses the hell out of me and makes me think like she was waiting all these while for such a chance to be honest with me.
Now I dunno who lies and whats gonna happen. I know I am in the same mood like James Stewart in Vertigo. So many things matching here and there and a feeling that both are the same person but unable to prove. Sad
Its also possible that all 3 are diff people and am imagining things bcoz of similar gemini traits.
gosh thelibran, i'm sure i'm not in ur situation . Tongue i kid ya but yeah shoot. but i am sorry you are having to go through this confusion. i hope that these identities turn out to be real so that you won't have to go about this.
it seems that you won't give up that easily, believe that u can find out about these females... that they are one person or multiple.. and u will.
good luck sweetie. good luck.
if it's one person, this gem girl ought to be b-slapped by a seal b/c i ain't wasting my time, energy, and risk breaking a nail. lol
lol.. thanks Gemgrl. I hope someday in future I will get to know... At times i get this feeling that now since i have taken so much effort, its more than enough and no need to go any further wondering who is who. Dont think i will get physical with her even if i get angry. Winking
lol.... make up sex are good... most of the time. lol
yeah, what i meant to type previously was i'm glad i'm not in your situation.. mistyped a word. my goodz. but others have it worse.
you're a brave guy.
lol... i think am so dumb to spend 30 months on an online personality. positive side is that it kept me going ...