Sweat beaded on his brow, occasionally dripping from his eye brow, then into his open eye. He noticed the burning sensation but discarded it as quickly as it had came. Forcing the burning pain away and giving it not another thought. In him, emotion was for the weak. Unlike his brother before, he showed no emotion, he cared for nothing but him, he gave trust onto no one.
Placing his right hand down on the ground, he could feel the small twigs and leaves beneath it. What is that, he thought? He then pushed the thought out of his mind, he was to weak to care.
Using his right arm, he pushed himself up to his feet. Dizzy and weak, he stood there a moment and gathered his bearings. He looked up, through the tree tops and could see the moon. The moon was out full and enclosing it were the glittering stars.
After a few moments had passed, he recognized his surroundings. He was standing in a forest, next to him was that gnarly old log his brother would sit upon. This caused him to chuckle. That weak fool, he thought. Him and his sensitive heart and those weak emotions, the fool will never learn, he said to himself.
There he stood, in the forest, staring up at the full moon, he took in a deep breath. This was his time, his night. Up above, a cloud rolled in front of the moon, choking off it's light. Darkness quickly descended upon the forest, engulfing it into pure blackness. Grinning, he welcomed the darkness, the shadows, the blackness.
He took his first step forward, in the direction he had chosen. The transformation was complete, his quest beginning, it was his time now. He was much different then his brother before. He was the loner, the vagabond, and the darkness was his time.
As darkness devoured the forest, the DarkGem started his journey.