Have any of you ever been with an Aquarius in a relationship? What was that experience like? We are supposed to be the matched pair in the entire zodiac. That's pretty amazing!! Let's see how true that really is.
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Feb 19, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 241 · Topics: 66
Haha I am an aquarius moon female and I was with a gemini moon male for a while (same dynamics as an aqua sun -gemini sun match I'd think) really witty endless conversation, lots of fun, no shyness/hesitation, but some arguments and no deep emotionality / romance on either side (as both aquarius and gemini are driven by their minds, not their hearts) but neither would crave it either (unless they had very watery/earth signs in other placements).
I've heard that gemini female - aquarius male tends to work a bit better than aquarius female - gemini male.. not sure why :/
From what I've seen, gemini males seem way more compatible with gemini females in the long run but not entirely sure.
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Jan 13, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 2045 · Topics: 19
I have an Aquarius female friend who is marrying a gemini male. They got together, fell in love, and are marrying each other all in about a year. Who knows how it will work out. BUT they seem super happy and they have so many similarities. I'm super happy for them. Hopefully it is their forever.
February Aqua yes! My mom and an ex are both aquarians born in Feb and we get along great. However, I use to talk to an aqua born in Jan and we just didnt click...im not sure what his other placement were but I was not entertained.
I can’t say that I’ve been in an actual relationship with a Gemini….yet, but through the years of previous failed relationships primarily with Leos and Cancers I’ve come to realize how truly compatible aqua/gems are. So I think my attraction to Leos was purely physical (fizzled out quickly and would get bored) and Cancers brought out a more emotional side of me that I thought I needed (unfortunately a toxic emotional side that left me feeling insecure, unbalanced, and not my usual independent quirky optimistic self). It wasn’t until recently that I met a gem male (aqua moon) that truly and completely caught my attention which is incredibly difficult to do. Our interaction felt so natural and emotionally balanced where I didn’t feel my freedom/independence being threatened and I felt a strong emotional connection to him. Even when he did things that completely frustrated the heck out of me I would muster the courage to be direct and communicate with him. In the past I would usually disappear and cut off communication (very passive aggressive and immature I realize). I changed my habits mainly because I knew that I truly cared about him and was intelligent enough to realize doing that would be a lose-lose situation for me given that infamous gemini mirroring. Even though I could tell he was trying to play games to test me in the beginning I didn’t play them back mainly because I didn’t feel like I needed to and acting jealous/petty is not in my nature. It’s as if being myself was enough to keep his attention to the point where he eventually stopped a lot of his overly-flirtatious displays with other women (although I realize it will always be part of his nature to be friendly with other women…..or even men for that matter).
Ultimately he moved across the country so our full potential was never realized, but I definitely think we would’ve been great together. If anything I guess I’ve come to realize more so what I am looking for in a partner and how I want to feel in a healthy balanced relationship. It’s definitely no joke that geminis are hard work, but so worth it. Also agreed that as a Feb aqua I feel more connected to June gems vs. May gems. I’ve had male May gems friends in the past and felt absolutely no attraction or connection to. I hope to find my gem soulmate one day.
BTW….love the Gemini message board…by far the most entertaining to follow!
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
I've only ever dated one gemini in the past, few brief flings but they've all being pretty magical.
And no, no break up, she had to leave the country to pursue what she loved doing. I still love her soul to bits though.
I have never found I personally got along with Aquarius romantically, as they claim we do. Lasted only a month total in an off and on relationship with one that was the epidemy of a narcissist. He had a Jan. birthday and he was a Dragon, but didn't look into his other elements and the other two I never felt anything with more than wanting to be friends. Something about them for me is off-putting.