The older I get the harder it is for me to let loose..

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by WateryGem on Thursday, May 25, 2017 and has 25 replies.
So I'll be 37 on Friday!! I want to go and just let loose. I find myself really struggling to do just that!! It's like I can't allow myself to let go. I LOVE to dance and now I just feel too old!! LOL Plus, I don't want to go to clubs, so where do I go dance and do this without feeling like the granny in the place??

Who else has noticed this within themselves as they approach 40? How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment? I find myself like this dating too!!
I love to dance and I go to mature places with older people and married, coupled up people. Usually, the music is 80's, 70's latin, jazz.

Still saw a fist fight with an elder gentlemen that was my dance partner when latin music was played. My husband was laughing, "look at pops!" Pops had steps... excellent twirling. He must have been 70.

I haven't been in a while due to climbing the latter and subsequently moving before I learn the city.

I also love to sing and find karaoke places real quick.
Posted by MiZLeo
I find the opposite is happening to me. I used to be so reserved and wish I was more wild when I was younger. Now as I round 40 in a few years I find myself not caring as much about anything .

Yes, it's lovely. Never thought I could care anyless but, each year, I'm continually surprised. 40's is fab.

Posted by MaxPower
If there's dancing where I go out, I dance. I don't care who's there or how old they are. Here comes the old dancing fool!

User Submitted Image

LOL! What's your song? The song you gotta dance to?

Shheeesh, I was still break dancing in my 30's and got kicked out the club. I'm told I look much younger than I am.

I would breskdance for my daughter and nephew when they were toddlers new to the world. They loved it.
Posted by MaxPower
Posted by VenusAquarius
Posted by MaxPower
If there's dancing where I go out, I dance. I don't care who's there or how old they are. Here comes the old dancing fool!

User Submitted Image

LOL! What's your song? The song you gotta dance to?

Shheeesh, I was still break dancing in my 30's and got kicked out the club. I'm told I look much younger than I am.

I would breskdance for my daughter and nephew when they were toddlers new to the world. They loved it.
Hahaha! That's awesome. Can you spin on your head?

I have several, but these immediately came to mind.

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Yeah, Atomic Dog!

Never spun on my head...Lol. Don't do the upside down yoga poses either. Got a bloodcot in my eye and said fuck that...Lol!

Can't ever sit this one out.

Posted by MiZLeo
I find the opposite is happening to me. I used to be so reserved and wish I was more wild when I was younger. Now as I round 40 in a few years I find myself not caring as much about anything .

Oh, I wish that was me!! LOL I'm jealous!

Posted by nanobyte
Posted by WateryGem

I want to go and just let loose.

How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment?

Go up to bartender.

Order "AMF"

You only need 1.

click to expand
What is this? LOL

Posted by VenusAquarius
I love to dance and I go to mature places with older people and married, coupled up people. Usually, the music is 80's, 70's latin, jazz.

Still saw a fist fight with an elder gentlemen that was my dance partner when latin music was played. My husband was laughing, "look at pops!" Pops had steps... excellent twirling. He must have been 70.

I haven't been in a while due to climbing the latter and subsequently moving before I learn the city.

I also love to sing and find karaoke places real quick.
Maybe, I'll see if there are any clubs with a little older crowd. I didn't even think of that.

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by WateryGem
So I'll be 37 on Friday!! I want to go and just let loose. I find myself really struggling to do just that!! It's like I can't allow myself to let go. I LOVE to dance and now I just feel too old!! LOL Plus, I don't want to go to clubs, so where do I go dance and do this without feeling like the granny in the place??

Who else has noticed this within themselves as they approach 40? How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment? I find myself like this dating too!!
Play any MMO games like Leagues of Legends / world of Warcraft / counter strike / run-escape..

You will lose yourself in the exact moment / Live 100% in the present moment! Guaranteed!Laughing

You will forget about the outside world and become an animal in front of the screenLaughing

This is how you get lost in the moment! These games are addictive. You wake up and you are already in 2025!Laughing
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I believe you!! LOL I hear these are sooo addictive. EEK!!

Posted by infires
I've always been a hermit, will never get to experience the looseness that people my age do

surely it can't be that great

I used to be able to let go!! When I was a little younger, I would just close my eyes and make myself forget about everyone around me. It was great! LOL Now I'm like awkward or something.

Dang it, I need to get my groove back!! LMAO
Posted by VenusAquarius
And, Happy Birthday!!!!
awe, thanks!!! Fingers crossed I can get cray cray again!!

Posted by VenusAquarius
Posted by MaxPower
If there's dancing where I go out, I dance. I don't care who's there or how old they are. Here comes the old dancing fool!

User Submitted Image

LOL! What's your song? The song you gotta dance to?

Shheeesh, I was still break dancing in my 30's and got kicked out the club. I'm told I look much younger than I am.

I would breskdance for my daughter and nephew when they were toddlers new to the world. They loved it.
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You guys need to be my friend, so you can pull that side back out of me. smile

Posted by nanobyte
Posted by WateryGem
Posted by nanobyte
Posted by WateryGem

I want to go and just let loose.

How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment?

Go up to bartender.

Order "AMF"

You only need 1.

What is this? LOL

A very strong and somehow still delicious drink. Say goodbye to those inhibitions !

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LOL That's got me excited to see how it will make me feel. smile

Posted by infires
Posted by MaxPower
Posted by infires
I've always been a hermit, will never get to experience the looseness that people my age do

surely it cant be that great
You're just sitting there missing life? Yes, it is that great.
not allowed to go out or have a life, been to a bar before but never clubbing

it's great not having a life tbh
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One of my childhood friends had a mom like

yours... far too strict and still imposing an early

curfew and limited time spent out with friends,

after she was out of high school *and* over 18.

It was weird.

Her father (her parents were divorced) helped

her move out and get an apartment with two

other girls around her age.

Start saving, woman.

Posted by WateryGem
Posted by nanobyte
Posted by WateryGem
Posted by nanobyte
Posted by WateryGem

I want to go and just let loose.

How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment?

Go up to bartender.

Order "AMF"

You only need 1.

What is this? LOL

A very strong and somehow still delicious drink. Say goodbye to those inhibitions !

LOL That's got me excited to see how it will make me feel. smile

click to expand

That is-- Vodka, Rum, Tequila, Gin.

Have fun. Tongue

Posted by infires
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by infires
Posted by MaxPower
Posted by infires
I've always been a hermit, will never get to experience the looseness that people my age do

surely it cant be that great
You're just sitting there missing life? Yes, it is that great.
not allowed to go out or have a life, been to a bar before but never clubbing

it's great not having a life tbh
One of my childhood friends had a mom like

yours... far too strict and still imposing an early

curfew and limited time spent out with friends,

after she was out of high school *and* over 18.

It was weird.

Her father (her parents were divorced) helped

her move out and get an apartment with two

other girls around her age.

Start saving, woman.

she is imposing and strict, but it's also my dad..who won't really support the moving out like your friends' did.

also my bf talks to my mom btw so there's that

i'd want to go outside to drink on occasion

so thank you for the advice will start saving and move as soon as possible

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Nah... if you can survive the next 3-4 years at

home, that's your best option, financially.

It's just too bad that you're so restricted. :/

Your mom was probably a wild child, and she's

afraid you're going to be just like her.

Big Grin

Happy Birthday!

I'm older than you and took up salsa recently. It's not just the dancing, the venue and the music, but so much more.... It starts with 2.5 hrs of classes, when all guys make a circle around the instructor and his dancing partner. Women are rotating, from partner to partner, so you meet and dance with everyone! Later on it's social dancing!

I have never got so many compliments in such a short time... calling me beautiful, "the best smile in the class", or simply looking at me in ecstasy, lol. One of them wanted to date me...he thought I was 28, bless him. This coming from a woman who until recently, only got complimented by an ex...Now all these salsa guys made him a bit redundant, lol.

What makes me feel starts with preparing myself....shower, lipstick, mascara, glossy hair, dress and shoes, a hint of perfume (and of expensive soap, since I keep my dress in a box full of unused soap. lol). And a dirty secret: there is gin and tonic in the water bottle I keep on the side to refresh myself smile!
Posted by nanobyte
Posted by WateryGem

I want to go and just let loose.

How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment?

Go up to bartender.

Order "AMF"

You only need 1.

click to expand
What's AMF?
Posted by WateryGem
So I'll be 37 on Friday!! I want to go and just let loose. I find myself really struggling to do just that!! It's like I can't allow myself to let go. I LOVE to dance and now I just feel too old!! LOL Plus, I don't want to go to clubs, so where do I go dance and do this without feeling like the granny in the place??

Who else has noticed this within themselves as they approach 40? How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment? I find myself like this dating too!!
Go with friends same aga and show those youngsters!!!
Posted by WateryGem
So I'll be 37 on Friday!! I want to go and just let loose. I find myself really struggling to do just that!! It's like I can't allow myself to let go. I LOVE to dance and now I just feel too old!! LOL Plus, I don't want to go to clubs, so where do I go dance and do this without feeling like the granny in the place??

Who else has noticed this within themselves as they approach 40? How do you get out of your head and just get lost in the moment? I find myself like this dating too!!
Oh, hell no!!!!!!!!!!! I've posted here that I still go to the clubs (I know, that's not your cup of tea) and I get dissed on. Girl, not to brag (okay, I will); I STILL get carded! I don't look my age. I am PROUD to say I turned 52 and I've got the energy and stamina as I once did when I was 25 years old! I am an extrovert! I love crowds! I go to the ladies room (club) and the girls in there tell me how pretty I look! I am standing by myself (yes, I go out on my own, end up making friends or meet up w/my friends) and a girl will come up to me and tell me how pretty I am. I have SELF confidence in myself that I NEVER tell myself, "I feel like a granny at the club." Even when I don't get asked to dance, we (ladies) line dance, dance to Bruno Mars, pop, etc. You should see all the ladies getting up to dance and the dance floor is crowded! You don't have to drink until you're drunk as a skunk (I've drank water all night!!!). Why is going to the club such a no, no in today's millennium? I cannot give you advice as to where to go to dance BESIDES a club. A library? A hospital? An outdoor baseball game? An outdoor concert? Dancing in the rain? Paying for dance lessons at a studio?

Sorry, this Babe has TONS of years more to enjoy life!!!

Hug cyber hugs!



PS: Edited as the LIGHT bulb went over my head....go to the beach, crank up the bluetooth boom box!
Posted by MaxPower
Posted by VenusAquarius
Posted by MaxPower
If there's dancing where I go out, I dance. I don't care who's there or how old they are. Here comes the old dancing fool!

User Submitted Image

LOL! What's your song? The song you gotta dance to?

Shheeesh, I was still break dancing in my 30's and got kicked out the club. I'm told I look much younger than I am.

I would breskdance for my daughter and nephew when they were toddlers new to the world. They loved it.
Hahaha! That's awesome. Can you spin on your head?

I have several, but these immediately came to mind.

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OMG you didn't....GUNS AND ROSES!!!!

Hug cyber hugs!



(gonna add Sweet Child O Mine in a bit)

I had a FANTASTIC birthday!! It's been the best one in like 5yrs. I spent the first part of the day at my kids field day. Which is so much fun to see all of the kids just have fun outside. I loved that day when I was in school.

Happy Birthday plenty of hugs to ya!

wish you happy and long life!
Nah it's overthinking that prevent you from being yourself ,

cuz your thinking too much of your image..just chiiiiil