The spinning Gem

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by eric11 on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 33 replies.
I notice that the hate Gem parade is still going strong. I have to admit I was a hater. I avoided Gems for most of my life because of their bad reputation.
A few Gems came into my life and started to change that. I still think Gems are the most fucked up sign in the zodiac but let's give these people credit, they don't demand much from anybody.
They go with the flow. They can recover from hurt and loss faster than any sign in the zodiac. They also don't dwell on shit. I am a Cap and we dwell on shit! It's annoying to say the least.
Gem's make really good buddies. They are the first to jump on your bandwagon if you need a friend. They are good listeners and often give logical advice. Generally they are always right on the button.
They tolerate alot of our short comings (to a point). You can piss of a Gem once maybe twice and they will not hold it against you.
So why are these people hated on so much?
Here is why. Gemini's like their Aries counter parts lack the constitution to change. A gemini mind is a like a compus with no references. It goes around and around but there is no pattern or direction. It just does which gives off the illusion that Gemini's are always moving on, but it's superficial because how far does a car travel if it just spins around and around and around?
Not very far in any direction.
This is why they don't like to engage in personal confrontations. They know the second doubt enters their mind they cannot it deal with it. So they move on.
It pisses people off but that's the way it is.

I see, I see. Hmmm. So what you are saying is that if the force of inertia is greater than the force of friction at any one point in time it will cause the vehicle to shift in a specific direction. Hmm the problem I have with that model is the it is an assumption there is an iregularity in the centripetal force. But what if the the accerlation of the spinning object, a car, remains constant? Then theoritically speaking shouldn't the vector of accelaration also remain constant? Hence the vehicle would just spin around at a fix point. Kind of like a top or that crazy ride that makes you want to vomit. smile
Either way I guess the moral of the story is Gems have a propensity to spin around like tops. Hence are immune to motion sickness and gravity. Winking

"Alright, I'll try and explain it again.
Let's say you have a vehicle heading in 1 direction (in our case, forward), traveling at about 50km/h. Now, if this car is spinning, it would travel in the same direction due to momentum. No, we are not driving around in circles, but due to circular motion, we also apply the force of centripetal. As an object moves around in a circular direction, it gathers speed, thus increasing it's momentum in the forward direction. Momentum = impulse = kinetic energy. Your example just states that we can get to the same direction as everyone else, only faster and more efficient."
Okay I can appreciate what you are saying but I think you missunderstood the scenerio I was getting at. You see the car isn't driving in a circle it is infact "spinning" around a fix point. Have you ever scene a remote toy truck going around the same spot? There is no displacement from the original point it just spins.
However lets talk about your scenerio for a second. I car goes 50 km/h (you must be canadian)and skids on a banana/oil spill and starts to spin. The forward momentum is not caused by the spin hence the spin uses some of the initial kinetic energy causing the car to slow down. You cannot create energy out of nothing.
However if a car drives in a circle it does not speed up, remember you cannot create energy out of nothing. However g forces act on the body because the car is constently changing direction, you called it centripetal force. Acceleration is a vector, that means it incorporates speed and direction, if either speed or direction changes then you will feel g forces act on the body. It gives the body the sensation that you are travelling faster when you are not, with respect to travelling in a circle or spinning around.
Since in my scenerio there is no initial forward momentum there cannot be a displacement. Gemini's don't travel they move around the same point. It is everything else that moves around them.
Look at some of the comments the women have made on this board. They will say, this so and so is trying to get back into my life but it is over, I cannot love/care for him anymore. He doesn't get it etc etc.
Everybody says this, but Gem's can't alter their train of thought. I should know my GF is a Gemini.
Once a Gem catagorizes a person as this or that, they do not change their perception. If this person changes then the Gem simply discards the person. It happens all the time.

Think of a bowling ball. If the bowling ball was no to roll or travel in a circular motion, it wouldn't go as fast or as far. However, as it turns, not only does it make it more aerodynamic, it increases in momentum due to its gain in its force centripetal."
Ha ha facepalm. Not quite my good man. Wait there is more.
The mechanism for the roll of a bolling ball is a tad bit different. You see we have gravity and the force of friction acting on the forward moving body, so yes it produces a roll. But if I threw the bowling ball hard enough like a superman throw, the ball may not roll because the forward momentum may exceed the effects of the force of friction. Think of a plane landing with out it's tires.
If a plane landed in the correct orientation the force of friction is be exceeded and it will not tumble in an up down manner (rotation) but if the wings hit the ground then, we will have rotation, and everyone on the plane will have a real bad day.
Eric,much like my Mother who is a cappy herself,you get alot more
of the basic ideas about us Gemini's but you still fail to
understand that we do grow,mature & evolve as a person & as people.
We change more than most people I know & we are fast learners. Just
because we don't accept certain things & our minds won't be pushed
into change by ANYONE that doesn't mean we don't change,because YES,
we do! We change alot & very fast & we grow & we learn. We try to
better ourselves & improve on it all the time.
We love to love & to grow & improve ourselves & we also love to
help others to learn,to grow & explore who they are & better them
selves but we are not pushy & we don't try to FORCE people to change
or to become what they don't want to be.
Gemini's change more than anyone else in the zodiac & alot faster!
You may know our mind about cheaters,but as a whole person,you don't
understand us at all but I do give you credit for learning what you
have learned about us Gemini people because most people don't even
grasp that,lol.... so very true! Thanks for sharing,but like my
cappy Mom,you still have a very long,long way to go!
We also love to see other people better themselves!
If however you have hurt us repeatedly & abused us
& taken advantage of us,you will not see that we
notice you have grown because,simply put,you are
no longer a worth while person & can't be trusted.
We may care about you on some level,but if you are
continuosly a pain in the butt & a nag we don't
put you on our top ten of things to do or be around.
I love my cappy Mommy,but she doesn't get that I hate
the sad way she looks at life & people.
She's the one who doesn't trust others much & she is
the one whose cautious & so worried about every little
thing & everyone!!! She is somewhat nosey & bossy and
she is the one whose fearful not I!
Capricorns can be great in business & steady & strong,
but they have Gem's figured all wrong for the most part,
and I say Cappy Mommy because she always wants me to be
her baby or her little girl forever & she tries to get
in my way cause she thinks I'm too Risque or too much
of a risk taker simply because I like to take risks &
challenges & never was afraid to drive my car fast.
Now I don't drive as fast as I use to but I am always
tempted to even though a few accidents made me slow down,
not her nagging! I love my Cappy Mother but she's way too
cautious & worries way to much!!! can you be with a Gemini if your opinions are this way?
Why is she still with you?
you would think that if she's a Gemini she would already
have you pegged & nothing will change her mind. If you
are like my Cappy Mom,you would be to boring for me,but
I don't mean that out of disrespect,only that I need a
more upbeat & exciting mate.
My Cappy Mom worries herself to much & therfore can't
live in the moment or enjoy life as much as she could!
There is caution & then there is extreme caution!!!
That would be my Mother exactly!!!!
And Domino,You got that right,I would hit it with two
crowbars too,lol...
Hey Gemini fox I will respond to each post in separate postings, because we both know how bad dxpnet is when it comes to quoting.
First response:
As a Capricorn I don't understand the Gemini's process of rationalization. So yes like your mom I am somewhat a bumbling goat when it comes to fully grasping the nature of Gemini. What I know is what I experience and I believe what I see. Hence I don't believe what I don't see. Do you understand what I mean?
I have never seen this change in demeanor but maybe I haven't been looking hard enough. smile
However I will attest that Gemini's love to be free. They enjoy like no other the absolute freedom to be whatever they want. I admire that in them. smile

response 2:
Geminifox you said your mom has got you wrong, but she was technically right about speeding and now you have the memories to prove it. Winking
So I guess I fail to see how this helps your argument that we caps don't get Gemini's.
For what it's woth I think all mom's nag on their kids to not be risky. It is not a capricorn thing. My aries mom always gets in my business and it is annoying as hell.
I am definately no mama's boy either. smile

Responses 3 and 4:
" can you be with a Gemini if your opinions are this way?
Why is she still with you?"
Hmm good question. I guess I focus on the positive aspects about her and excuse (not ignore) the negative things. Hence long story short I put alot of care into my relationship which is why it works.
I am also a pretty strong and interesting dude, so I can keep up with her. Winking
"you would think that if she's a Gemini she would already
have you pegged & nothing will change her mind. If you
are like my Cappy Mom,you would be to boring for me,but
I don't mean that out of disrespect,only that I need a
more upbeat & exciting mate.
My Cappy Mom worries herself to much & therfore can't
live in the moment or enjoy life as much as she could!
There is caution & then there is extreme caution!!!
That would be my Mother exactly!!!!
And Domino,You got that right,I would hit it with two
crowbars too,lol..."
Fair enough, but like I said before she doesn't see me as boring or capricious or she wouldn't be with me. My GF has guys trying to pick her up everyday. It's kinda of annoying but I trust her, and the you know what is always good! smile
Posted by saywha?
I put alot of care into my relationship which is why it works.
wise words. And I am sure the gemini is reciprocating also? smile
Dont worry monkey man, she'll be there with you for a long time now. We do appreciate the ones trying to give us stability, ya know? There might be times when we would shirk responsibilities, become lazy and not want to work, but then.. its not all the time.. we would get back right in there.. and give back the same amount of care smile

Monkey man appreciates the kind words from Saywhat. smile
Off to play some soccer or how they say in the rest of the world football. smile
Posted by eric11
response 2:
Geminifox you said your mom has got you wrong, but she was technically right about speeding and now you have the memories to prove it. Winking
So I guess I fail to see how this helps your argument that we caps don't get Gemini's.
For what it's woth I think all mom's nag on their kids to not be risky. It is not a capricorn thing. My aries mom always gets in my business and it is annoying as hell.
I am definately no mama's boy either. smile

Yes,I agree,she had the basic understanding that I like to drive my car fast
& that I take risks & challenges,thats unmistakable & I don't disagree,but
she worries like crazy & nagged too much. Yes,I learned that driving fast is
a weakness of mine,& she understood that & worried over it & yes,she had the
right to,but nagging doesn't help me,it makes me feel down so I try to get
away from it harder. She was right about the fact that I take risks,but wrong
in her approach & wrong to see me as just one way or certain ways without any
room for anything else. I change & I thrive on change.
We are not all one way or nothing!
Gem's are very adaptable & changable.We don't see things as just black & white,
and we don't do lables. Lables are for grocery items,ect....
We don't think just one way & we are not just one way.
eric,it's great your working with your Gemini,& not nagging or depressing her
or bringing her down.Thats very wise!
You do have some of the basic's yet don't miss out on the real person. Let
her be herself and that will go a very long,long way.
Yes,we love our freedom very much,but if we have a commitment with you,
we won't cheat on you,but we do like to breath & be who we are.
Freedom to a Gemini isn't really like having the freedom to cheat on someone,
we just need to feel that we can leave if we want to & that we can do other
things without having to give an explanation or long drawn out details of
our every move. For instance,if I all of a sudden feel like i need to go to the
library and look for a certain book,I'm gonna go if I can help it,& no ones
gonna stop me!!!
If I'm going out somewhere,I have no problem going alone if I
need to go,& sometimes you can go with me,sometimes not,
either way,get outta' my way if you don't like it,I am going!!!
That is how I am. I hate for people to try & hinder me.
I can't be fenced in. I trust myself when I'm in love with
someone not to cheat on them & I can control that,but I
have every right to be trusted to go to the store or go see
a friend,or even go out of town for a few days.
If you have my heart,then nothing will change that except
You! If I drive too fast,I'll learn better,nagging won't change
me,in fact,it slows the process of me slowing down because
I hate being griped at or brought down heavily,& people who
stay sad & depressed don't see me much because I hate
heavy emotions like chronic sadness & emotional craziness.
I need to feel free to be myself & unhappy people bring me
down & make me sad so I have to keep on moving & get
away from that.
I'll help those in need,but I'm not the kind of person who
can take chronic sadness & or hang out around a sad or
depressing group for long.
Nagging isn't good for us Gemini people at all. If you have a concern,
just tell us,don't nag at us about it. If we see that you care,we will
take time to consider what you said if you say it in a non threating
or accusing way.Just talk to us like normal people & you'll get a
normal response & believe it or not,we do take advise from others
sometimes if our logic tells us it makes sense & it sounds right.
Being a nag won't help us & it won't teach us anything except to
avoid the nagger.
Hey Geminifox, I hear you. I don't have anything really to add so yeah okay, maybe I was being a little myopic about Gemini's not changing.
Like I said before, I had a bad experience with one (not my girlfriend). I keep thinking what we had as friends was good and I sometimes wish we could get it back.
Hey Saywha? Sorry to make your head hurt. I am trying to educate this young man Gem about physics but so far I am having no success.
BTW How are things going with your Scorpio guy? Give me a message sometime and lets chat.
Last one for Domino.
"ugh....I hope you know the difference between a therortical situation and what happens in real life"
Yup and everything I retorted can be varified in real life situations. BTW I hope you realize the superman gammbit was just a figure of speach.
"*-acepalm* ..... again"
Wow that's twice already. It can't be good for your noggen. smile
"alright, I basically stopped reading right after you contradicted yourself. hence the car moving forward at 50 km/m in a forward direction."
I didn't I was merely using your scenerio to point out a false conclusion about energy on your part. My scenerio was a car spinning around a fix point. I thought that much was clear. (sigh)
"as it slips on your bannana peel it begins to rotate and the initial forward momentum doesn't get lost."
I never said the momentum got lost. I said the car (forward velocity) decreases in the forward direction because the energy has been dispersed/transfered to incorporate or change in direction. The car still retains it's Kinetic energy but it is distrubted between the x and y axis. In real life though the force of friction on the tires would create heat and use some of the kinetic energy would indeed be loss.
"like you said, you cannot creat energy, rather then disgard it; only transfer it. so, exactly like I said before, the new force, force centripical then acts on the object giving it that extra spped boast."
First off what you are implying indicates there must be an additional energy/force to cause the car to spin. I did not say this. I said that the car slipped (I should have said skidded) on a banana piel, causing the forward momentum to spin the car.
There is no additional force/energy because NOTHING has acted on the car. The energy causing the spin is taken from the initial Kinetic energy from the forward velocity. Not only that in real life a spinning car causes drag which also slows the car down, ever so slightly. You know this.
You are so wrong on this subject it hurts.
The centripital force is not caused by additional energy being added to the car it is caused by a constent change of direction at a constant aka acceleration. Also it is not a uniform centripetal force because cetripetal force works best if it is around a fix point.

" more thing, yes, spinning around will increase its initial forward momentum as forward kinetic energy is converted into force centripica. how do you think they speed up protons.....ugh, they launch them threugh small circular tubes that once they reach a certain speed they get ejected....."
Impossible! This is not how or why protons speed up. "Ugh" x 2 Okay now we are totally getting into a different field of physics here but I will play along because it is fun.
Protons don't speed up because they are spinning around in a tube. There has to be an external force added to the velocity to give it them MORE energy to travel faster otherwise you are VIOLATING the conservation of energy. Spinning around accomplishes one thing and one thing only which is NOTHING!! The spinning in a circle is the motion. There is no directional displacement. Centripetal force is the force that points to the centre of the circle. It does not cause a particle to travel faster! Gaah!
Give me one reference that supports your claim. I just need one so I can see where you misconstruded the facts.

"lol.....btw, if you hvent noticed, Canada offers a lot better education system than most countries, and settling for anything under 80 percent in your course concludes you can comprehend crapall. I hope you not american?"
Actually I am Canadian and you are making all Canadians look bad by your poor understanding of Newtonian Mechanics. BTW if you ever been to university which I doubt, you would have known that alot of our material comes from the states. Just read the biographys of the authors.
BaaH I give up on this guy....for now. smile Lol.

Hi eric11!
I am a fellow cappy dating a gemini man.
Some of your points hit me and its true with how I am with my gem too. I live a VERY full life and diverse interests so I've kept my man pretty happy. I give him lots of freedom and he loves it.. and sometimes it does worry me, but I am learning to trust him (been burnt badly in the past). He gets girls picking him up ALL the time but he tells me and I trust him to not react negatively.
I tell ya... gems will be the life and death of me. smile
being a cappy, i know that i am falling deep but I keep it as light as possible. we've been dating since november... so, so far, so good! Its funny, because he is a picky guy... and ah.... nice to know that like Michael Jacksons song.. I'm the "lady in his life"
For now. smile
Which part of canada are you from????
Hey Savagetai, nice to meet you. smile
Dating a Gem is a new adventure for the stable Cap but what I learned about my girl friend is that giving her room to be free makes her want me all the more. So yes keep your relationship loose and fun, your cappy guy should stay loyal to you! smile
I am from Alberta, home of the rockies! smile
Where are you from?
Yes,when you give us the freedom to be ourselves,it lets us know
you truly care & have faith in us. Many times people will come onto
or try to be with your Gemini because they are so outgoing and
by nature,usually friendly & upbeat,but when a Gemini really loves
someone,they won't stray. We know the difference between a
cheap thrill & a great relationship,& we would rather be with
someone who loves & supports us and accepts us as we are.
Nice to meet you eric11!
I'm from toronto! City girl! smile
Haha... seriously.. I get a lil nervous sometimes with gemini because I don't want them to be bored or get bored.
I'm a planner and I LOVE doing things all the time.. so I try to vary things when i can!
he tells me that hes not bored with me... which is nice. Phew. I think having an intense sexual chemistry helps too. Winking
Gem's love Speed,lol.....
I am mean traveling without drugs of course....
Ooop's mispelled that,I don't use drugs,but I love speeding or
going fast but of course there are certain laws of nature that
we all have to abide by lest we get hurt,lol...
Hard lesson to learn for some of us,heee,heee,hee
Ya' it's funny now.....
Most Gem women are really pretty ^_^. Its like their pretty without much effort.
Posted by saywha?
*vows to self never to step into this thread again*

See Ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!! LOL! I crack myself up sometimes.
Wow this thread is still going? Lol.
Posted by Domino
So eric. Just to clarify my example better. Now, I put my information really vaguely, so ya, some points are wrong, but this is the point I'm trying to get at.
Both cars have that initial force acting on them, in our case, traveling at 50km/h. However, one car as a force centripetal acting on it, in our case, one car is rotating at 50rps, turning into a roll in a forward direction. That's is what I was trying to link between the bowling ball and the car.
So to counter the new tradition of your UGHing, I will again perform a facepalm. *facepalm*

1) Why would both cars have an initial force acting on them? Are the cars accelerating or moving at a constant speed?
Remember that force equals mass times acceleration. F=MA. Hence if there is no acceleration there is no force.
2) Centripetal force is not the force that causes the car to spin/roll, it is the force created by the spin/roll to the passangers inside the car. This where G forces come in.
3) In my original scenerio, I assumed there was no force of friction on the car, hence a roll would be impossible. The car would just spin.
4) In my orignal scenerio, the car was just spinning on the spot. It was not travelling in any direction.

So yeah there is still a missunderstanding between you and I. BTW I would stop with the facepalms, because you are not making yourself look good by trying to mock me in that way. I know way more physics than you. The problem is you don't understand what I am trying to convey which is why you try to some how find holes in my logic.

Posted by Domino
Lol, no no no no. I don't really care if you know physics than I do. I for one actually understand the situation while your not understanding the example that was derived from your example. If we are faced with a problem and the destination is far out our reach. Both cars should, on a fair situation, travel at the same direction with a similar speed. What you stated is that that our car spins, that then means it has a centripetal force acting upon the vehicle. If there is a bump in the road, a down hill slant, or whatever else life's challengers put on this road, the car could flip over and while other signs might crash and burn, we would have a better potential of rolling and getting their with a higher probability.
The reason for the facepalms was because I found it quite funny that the obvious wasn't being considered.

You didn't realize that my analogy was just about a toy car? You are trying to make this more complicated than it was intended to be. Lol smile
Posted by Domino
Posted by eric11
I notice that the hate Gem parade is still going strong. I have to admit I was a hater. I avoided Gems for most of my life because of their bad reputation.
A few Gems came into my life and started to change that. I still think Gems are the most fucked up sign in the zodiac but let's give these people credit, they don't demand much from anybody.
They go with the flow. They can recover from hurt and loss faster than any sign in the zodiac. They also don't dwell on shit. I am a Cap and we dwell on shit! It's annoying to say the least.
Gem's make really good buddies. They are the first to jump on your bandwagon if you need a friend. They are good listeners and often give logical advice. Generally they are always right on the button.
They tolerate alot of our short comings (to a point). You can piss of a Gem once maybe twice and they will not hold it against you.
So why are these people hated on so much?
Here is why. Gemini's like their Aries counter parts lack the constitution to change. A gemini mind is a like a compus with no references. It goes around and around but there is no pattern or direction. It just does which gives off the illusion that Gemini's are always moving on, but it's superficial because how far does a car travel if it just spins around and around and around?
Not very far in any direction.
This is why they don't like to engage in personal confrontations. They know the second doubt enters their mind they cannot it deal with it. So they move on.
It pisses people off but that's the way it is.

but i dont see no toy car? : (
click to expand

That's okay. Just pretend it's there. Winking
Posted by Domino
Posted by eric11
That's okay. Just pretend it's there. Winking

You sir, are amazing.
click to expand

I said:
" You see the car isn't driving in a circle it is infact "spinning" around a fix point. Have you ever scene a remote toy truck going around the same spot? There is no displacement from the original point it just spins."
Not that it really makes a difference since a full size car could do the same thing. I was hoping you had seen a toy truck do a spinarama so that you would know what I was getting at.
Anyhow I think we should move on now good sir.
And thanks for the compliment. Winking
who said Geminis spin??
we go back and forth, not spin.
and this whole thing of always changing has a lot to do with the multi-personality aspect of our lives...
i know one moment i can be completely foolish and make the most obnoxious jokes...
for example: burp out loud and then say that it could've been worse... that you were lucky that i didnt fart...
only to strike an intellectual conversation 2 seconds later about life outside of our planet...
but i guess those ever changing comments were more about growth as a person and not personalities...

we also love to debate or argue.. but not to hurt people or anything, i see it as a game of chess and I'm always looking to put the opposite party in "check", not "check mate"
Big Grin