Two questions about you Geminis

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by imkatherinehannah on Sunday, February 16, 2014 and has 7 replies.
A) A Gemini friend of mine told me he wants to change. He hates lying to people he loves and he doesn't want to do it anymore. I think he's realizing what kind of pain it causes to people he loves. Yet, somewhat does it anyways in some situation because that's what he knows. As his friend, I know some of the lies he's told to his wife. Some big, some small. I talked to his wife and she told me she would forgive him anything, as long as he come clean. Yet, when confronted, he keeps lying. He says it feels like a weight on his shoulder, yet, can't stop the lies. I want to help him by acting like a mediator between him and his wife because they're on the urge of a divorce. I also would like to help him with other lies in his life.
My question is, If a friend were ready to help you be a better person, would you accept it?
B) Do you think you're sometimes too logical to understand emotions?
a) he wants to stop lying but keeps lying? maybe he's a pathological liar..? maybe needs a professional help? it's good and kind of you wanting to help your friend..but maybe he needs a professional..? just my two cents..
b) I've emotions and I know them..but even when I'm experiencing the most violent ones..I'm still somewhat distant from those..I don't know how to express's hard to explain (even with my gem merc lol).. but I see it clearly I go through emotions different ways than most others do..
(but maybe it's just me, may not have nothing to do with being a gem..who knows..)
Never get in between a husband and wife. He's grown let him figure it out. Obviously the lies have caught up with him.
Posted by LovesickCancer
Or maybe he's lying about not wanting to lie?! Lol.

Yea, I agree with the others... Only he can change it, maybe he's in more need of professional help and it would not be good to moderate between husband/wife...
From your post, it sounds like he really doesn't want to stop. It's a choice. If he says he wants to change, but is not really making an effort to, he's really not wanting to change... Just my observation. This is a PRIVATE matter between husband/wife.... Add another and things could get worse! Only help if he DIRECTLY asks for it, but even if I were directly asked, I would not do it. The only thing I would do is encourage him to do the right thing.
As for emotions... We all HAVE them! We just don't display them the same way. smile
Don't blame his sun sign for his actions. Maybe he's just a fucking liar. There are liars in every single astrological sign.
Posted by Xin
Don't blame his sun sign for his actions. Maybe he's just a fucking liar. There are liars in every single astrological sign.
