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Aug 09, 2014Comments: 17 · Posts: 1335 · Topics: 35
I ended things with the gemini guy who was after me today. We were getting along really well hanging out every weekend. He just got back from Atlanta yesterday and the whole time he was out there we talked on the phone everyday!
Well last night when he came over to my family New Years eve party he showed up drunk. I mean embarassing drunk not happy go lucky drunk! He was touching me inapproately in front of my family and saying crazy racist comments which is crazy because both of us are black! He even touched one of my brothers girlfriends inapproately!!
I was humlated the whole night. I never saw that side of him. I found out he is an alcholic and it was a major turn off.
When I bought him home this morning he kept apologizing telling me he blacked out and he understands if I don't want to talk to him anymore and that I probably hate him. I told him I don't hate you Im disappointed that you ruined New Years! I told him a week ago that my exes ruined my New Years eve so when he did it I seen red flags.
He peomised that he was going to stop drinking and that he needs to get his bitter together then said I'll just drink beer I was like wtf you need to stop all together.
So tonight we went out and I told him we just need to be friends I can't date someone like that. I told him he needs to get his stuff together but we can still be friends and talk. He didn't take it well he started being an asshole saying how he don't dwell on the past and started texting other people on my face while we were having dinner. I was quite for the rest of the night til he dropped me off and told him goodbye.
I just can't believe that happened. It totally blind sided me. I guess I made the right decision because if I would've let that slide he would've done it again. I had to protect my heart and my guard has been up the whole 2 months we've been dating. I'm glad we didn't sleep together either I started a 3 month and over rule because people reveal themselves around that time.
Anyway it is what it is.
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Oct 15, 2012Comments: 13 · Posts: 775 · Topics: 0
....seems like he wasn't your toy after all.....js
Honestly, you made a great move. A man who doesn't respect the occasion of being with family does not deserve to be in yours!
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Oct 15, 2012Comments: 13 · Posts: 775 · Topics: 0
...hmm....yeah....right...ok. One would have to be seriously damaged to even consider entertaining that person again given that this wasn't just a faux pas.
Your intentions were not honest to begin with and it backfired, and yes it is just my opinion based on your previous thread.