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Jul 11, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 282 · Topics: 22
To be honest...Gemini's are friends that i only like to kick it with on the weekends other than that, it always seems they talk more than they listen (which is a no-no if ur trying to woo someone u like) always need an audience, and never shut up haha. I do love Gemini's, but they just don't know when to be quiet.
I don't really try to flirt or seduce anyone, it usually just come naturally without me even realizing I am doing it, and like ccdarling said above they usually approach me, you can usually find me in the corner of a place minding my own business chatting with a few friends and almost every time I go out I get approached. I rarely ever strike up a conversation with anyone I don't know and as for friends I been told I flirt with them, but its just me being me and they know that once they are in friends zone thats where they stay.