Alright YALL,
I’ve been dating my Virgo sun (Virgo moon) boyfriend for 6 months now. Sh*t started WAY rocky. I’ve tried to leave several times but no matter what, he sticks around! It’s like, it just never works out when I try to leave. My main reason for leaving was because I told him I felt like it wasn’t going anywhere, that we might as well just be friends because there was no emotional depth. I told him I needed someone more emotionally available, someone that’s going to BARE their soul to me. So in turn he tells me that he is emotional and he didn’t think that’s what I wanted, because I seem turned off by that sort of thing. So I still wanted a break for a week or two. Just to take time away from each other. And although he hated it, he agreed to it. Once we got back together, POOF! Like a totally different person. Much more affectionate and attentive. Finally starting to tell me when I’m being too distant from him, so I’ve been trying to make an effort to be more communicative and present. But here’s the dealio, he hasn’t told me he loves me yet. Which maybe that sounds crazy but like I think I might be falling for him and eh. He told me he loves being with me and that he’s glad we met, buuuut ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ he has stuck around, no matter how much I’ve just ignored him, blew him off, tried to leave. He also has a Leo venus in rx, I know Leo venus loves attention, but i rarely give it to him and he comes back for more all the time? I’m just not a clingy person. He gave me butter for not texting him all weekend and I told him “we were both visiting our home towns, doin our thang, so I don’t wanna be annoying” and he goes “PLEASE BE ANNOYING, YOU NEVER ARE” ANYWAY, thoughts anyone? We are both 7th house suns. Well he has sun, moon, mercury in the 7th. I’m a Gemini sun, Scorpio rising, cancer moon, venus in Aries and mars in Leo. He is a Virgo sun, Pisces rising, virgo moon, Leo venus rx, libra mars
Signed Up:
Jun 21, 2018Comments: 1997 · Posts: 3728 · Topics: 76
You should be really compatible. Weird
Signed Up:
Sep 13, 2018Comments: 208 · Posts: 3009 · Topics: 245
The problem is you dont make sense. If ur not feeling him, ur not feeling him. Point Blank
Virgo sun
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
You did break things off with him/take a break which has to sting. I think you'll need to wait a bit longer to hear those words. Earth signs are all about stability.
One of the most interesting and promising combinations, if the early stages of complete misunderstanding (that can last years) are survived. Once the communication becomes more clear, the honesty and the need to truly get in the depths of each other's personality is what creates an emotion that is hard to break.
One of the combinations where the potential for great love is high.