what do think about gemini woman and aquarius man?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by tmijones on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 and has 9 replies.
I am a 33 year old gemini women, and i just met a 29 yr old aquarius man..... Compatible?

Beyond belief!! But I'm alil biased... Lol! This may, we will have been together for 2 years. Big Grin
Very compatible, this can be a wonderful pairing! Just ensure you get to know one another very well...
I'm a Gem female and my guy is an Aqua and we're ALMOST perfect for each other smile
Go for it!
I've had two aqua exs and and there are aqua friends. They are/were excellent! smile
Match made in heaven! smile
Aquas are so weird. Plenty of friends, never could bring myself to date one, though. I actually lose interest but I do think they're fascinating creatures!
I wish I could meet an Aqua, I think with me being a Gemini I am more compatible with them that a Libra. Its to much drama with those Libra's they are to confused, flirty, and whores.
Of all the people I have met I have found that Aquarians understand us Geminis the most. Plus I love the witty banter that goes on between Aquarius' and Geminis.