What keeps you.....

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Kavindra on Friday, December 1, 2006 and has 7 replies.
....on DXP? Not what brought you here; what keeps you coming back?
i keep hanging around partly due to habitual patterning, boredom and on the more positive side, the wonderful humor. honestly, if it weren't for the Gem board being so light hearted and accepting of everyone, i dont think i would keep coming back.
Yes, some the people here are kind, open, and crazy. True, this is a place to be honest with your-self & others and communicate with people all over the U.S (maybe outside, too!!), when you're bored (or just deeply dedicated to this site..Two words /3 letters: No Life!!..LOL). True, more than 1/3rd of the time, the questions or topics are dull, zany, and could be anwsered by Ask.com, Goggle.com, or any other search engine. But, all in all, Dxpnet.com is a interesting spot!! Though, I'm no fan of 'Friends' this reminds me of a cyber 'Central Perks' or any other popular and public club, crack house, or coffee house that cumulates the best, rout, or just flat-out weirdest of people. You can only imagine(though I wouldn't want to) the types of face-to-face personas some of the people here have...
understanding other people...
"love the people who come here with a bunch of negative crap about gemini's and absolutely no hesitation about saying it"
"Thanks for showing what an ignorant oaf you are - we needed a laugh."
Actually, to laugh at someone because they see things differently, IS being shallow, lol
Just thought I'd throw that in, for a laugh smile
There are numerous good points and bad points of every person, to own our negative sides, as well as our positive sides, is being REAL, for we are human and we do err, we do have faults . . we cannot, as people, ONLY look at our own wonderful traits.
However, speaking of Gems, since that is where we are at the moment . . one characteristic that stands out in my mind when I think of the Gems in my life, is their genuine willingness and eagerness to "See". And that means, everything. Theirselves, others, situations, everything. A lot of people will do this, they will take a reality check, or open-up if prompted, or change their opinion once proven wrong, or make any change at all . . but, it's for the wrong reasons. The Gemini, on the other hand, is simply "sincere" with their endeavors and outlooks.
They will "look" at whatever is necessary in their life, instead of ignoring issues, like a lot of others, hoping for it to go away . . "ignorance is bliss", is not present in their character and I find that an admirable quality.
Except the ex-husband, he's Gem and a complete asshole . . but, we don't count exes as being good, lol
DB, How boring would our lives be without hypocracy? lol
E-gem, It's funny cause I have lots of people my own age (ahem) who you'd think because of their numerous life experiences, would be more mature. That just stands to reason, doesn't it? The older you get . . the wiser, adult.
Then there's this one friend of mine, who is probably the most REALIST and MATURIST person I've ever met in my life. She's only 27 years old . . a child, really, since I'm old enough to be her mother. Her family thinks she's this weak, gossipy, worry-wart . . who is never happy and will never amount to anything except to be a social butterfly . . she is very much a Gemini, from her family's perspective FOR these unsavory qualities.
Yet, they aren't "seeing" her, for who she is, what is her motivator, what is gained by her as accomplishments and failures . . how she expands to be a better person in life and most importantly . . WHY.
Weak: Just because she cries . . doesn't mean she isn't finding strenght
Gossipy: Just because she needs her circle of support . . doesn't mean she's hateful and spreading rumors.
Worry-Wart: Just because she's fretting about something . . doesn't mean it's trivial.
She "sees" everything. Everytime - EVERYTIME - she cries on my shoulder, she's not pitying herself, she's not looking for attention . . she is feeling and in "that" she finds the will and strength to rise above . . to grow. She requires the counsel of others to gain perspective . . that doesn't mean she isn't capable of making her own decisions. She worries about things in her life BECAUSE she can "see" that there are things in life that needs to be contemplated, how can one learn if it isn't considered.
She's grown, in her "short time" here, more than anybody else I know.

Can you tell I'm missing her and needing to ring her? smile
She's a gem..of-fucking-course!!..lol

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