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Mar 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 659 · Topics: 50
....on DXP? Not what brought you here; what keeps you coming back?
i keep hanging around partly due to habitual patterning, boredom and on the more positive side, the wonderful humor. honestly, if it weren't for the Gem board being so light hearted and accepting of everyone, i dont think i would keep coming back.
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
Yes, some the people here are kind, open, and crazy. True, this is a place to be honest with your-self & others and communicate with people all over the U.S (maybe outside, too!!), when you're bored (or just deeply dedicated to this site..Two words /3 letters: No Life!!..LOL). True, more than 1/3rd of the time, the questions or topics are dull, zany, and could be anwsered by,, or any other search engine. But, all in all, is a interesting spot!! Though, I'm no fan of 'Friends' this reminds me of a cyber 'Central Perks' or any other popular and public club, crack house, or coffee house that cumulates the best, rout, or just flat-out weirdest of people. You can only imagine(though I wouldn't want to) the types of face-to-face personas some of the people here have...
understanding other people...
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Aug 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 903 · Topics: 48
She's a gem..of-fucking-course!!