What signs are your family?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by ami_virgo19 on Thursday, November 16, 2006 and has 14 replies.
Thought this was a interesting post in another room so thought i would start it in here;
Mum - Aqua
(my) Dad - Aqua parents split when i was 2
(dad unknown) Big Bro - Aqua
mum then got with a gemini - abusive to my mum
Gemini's Kids
lil Sis - Pisces
lil Bro - Aries
Littler Bro - Leo
Me - Virgo!
my mum split wi Gemini abotu 5 years ago
Got with Scorpio for about year - he was a Ass!
Now seeing taurus on & off for about 3 years - my mum planning on staying single now.
very disfunctional i would say.
My sister is a Sagittarius.
Mom- Cancer
Dad- Virgo
Brothers- Gemini and Taurus i think
Twin sister- Gemini
Father = Leo
Mother = Virgo
1.)sister = Capricorn
2.)sister = Virgo
3.)me = Gemini
4.)sister = Aquarius
5.)sister = Sagittarius
6.)sister = Capricorn
7.)sister = Libra
8.)sister = Taurus
9.)sister = Gemini
10.)sister = Pisces
11.)sister = Leo
a4 and ami lots of siblings right there! ami's siblings are a sheer snare.
omg, a4! how did you ever manage to get ready for school in the morning? did your house have 6 bathrooms or something?
as for my fam...
Mom- Cap
Dad - Aries
Big Bro - Libra
Lil' Sis - Gem
Yes, besides my dad, I was the only male in the household.
Hell no we didn't have 6 bathrooms...damn, i wish. We had 2 bathrooms and 3 half bathrooms.(and that including my parents bathroom). But still, how i got in the bathroom was in a shitty way,"First come,first served". It never seemed to fail, i was always 3 or 4. "Well that was good!!" you say? Hells no, there were hardly soap, shampoo, clean towels, & tissue. There were 5 lbs of hair in the tub & sink daily. It gotten SO badly i would wash my private areas at home and cleaned the rest over neighbors or at school.
I often ask my parents why did they have to fuck so much, it's ridiculous.
"But still, how i got in the bathroom was in a shitty way,"First come,first served"."
well, that's not the shittiest way i can think of to get into the bathroom...
No!! it isn't but,...
"There were hardly soap, shampoo, clean towels,hot water, & tissue. There were 5 lbs of hair in the tub & sink daily"....
Now THATS shitty....and nasty.
Now someone explain me that please:
How could we call A4's mom a Virgin after she gave birth to 11 kids?
Makes sense?
Well i guess it's true, Virgo DO have a wild side. But i agree, 11 kids IS to much, but she took care of us all equally.
Every Virgo woman gives birth to a platoon.
Husband- Scorp
Mom- Cancer
Dad- Not sure- maybe Leo?
Sis- Leo
Grandfather(maternal)-Cancer (Thought he was leo for years!)
Grandfather (paternal)-Scorp ( Ironically born on exact same day as maternal grandmother-what are the chances of that!)
Uncle- Leo
Me- Gemini!
Loads of scorp, leo and cancer influence- I can most definately feel that sometimes smile
WOW!! I guess now-a-days everyone is crurning out truck-loads of children....And lord knows the world needs less....So much is happening.