So, Gems and TwinFans,
Got any costume plans for Halloween?
I'm dressing as a geisha this year. Looking forward to it, too. We have a competition at work. **laughs** I love driving to work on Halloween morning to see who else is wearing a costume to work. It's going to look so weird to see a geisha driving a Jeep to work.
That rocks! **high fives**
Isn't it fun? I love putting on costumes and makeup. It makes me feel like I'm getting to be someone else for a day.
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
i wearing tigers and the tail....and the whiskers....something simple for work
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Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
Im dressing up as a gemini I have a custom made twin sister mascot that ill wear.. Im kidding of sarah palin..and I approve this message.
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Jun 20, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 126 · Topics: 30
Im dressing up as a gemini I have a custom made twin sister mascot that ill wear.. Im kidding of sarah palin..and I approve this message.