So let me start by saying I am a Virgo woman...
This Gemini sun/Aqua moon man has been after me for months, from going through my friends to get me, to direct messages on social media. The reason why I didn't react so fast is because I dated one of his fraternity brothers 4 years ago (before they were even fraternity brothers) and didn't need any drama in my life. Well... my friends talked me into going on at least one date with him so I did. He took me to a NBA playoff game and we had a blast...We began 'dating'...
Three weeks later we were having a conversation. I brought up the fact that I was starting to like him but I was a little 'hesitant' because of my previous relationship with his now fraternity brother. He explained to me that he already talked to him about the situation and that it didn't bother him because he is really into me. So I told myself I would drop it and not miss out on what I believe could be a good thing. (I now found out the my ex, he fraternity brother is no longer in the fraternity and that he dropped his letters)
The next night when we were talking, we start talking about sex (which is a pretty sensitive subject for me because I took a vow toward celibacy). I let him do most of the talking until he asked me how long has it since I had sex. My first mind was to tell him to mind his business, but since I am a fairly open person I told him 'over 1 1/2 years.' He chuckles and say why so long, I told him the reason which he seemed to be cool with afterwards...
A couple days later (this past Thursday to be exact) I was leaving to go out of town. He called and asked if he could see me before I left and I agreed. He comes over and everything was normal. Before I left he said 'we have a lot to talk about when I come back.' I said like what? He said we will talk when you come back.
I text him when I got to my destination and no reply. I text him the next morning and he says 'morning.' Which was odd because he always text longer messages...anyways I haven't heard back from him since Friday.
I am thinking he is no longer interested or maybe our sex talk turned him off. My friend think he is 'testing' me but I am not the type to chase a man that is ignoring me. Can someone explain this behavior?
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
I didn't even read that tl:dr stuff because the title says enough.
Why would you entertain someone who is emotionally manipulating you by IGNORING you with no definitive reason?
Quit being the 1950s doormat that Virgos tend to be prone to and move on. You will survive without this penis you grew attached to prematurely.
Signed Up:
Oct 07, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 34
It could be different things. I'm certain that he likes that you're not out here and haven't had sex in awhile. With the same token, he knows this might become a problem in the future.
You're out of town so he's probably giving you space while he takes the space he needs to think about all of this. He's a double air so he is a thinker. Air signs and Aquarius moon ppl like their space. So him taking space while you're out of town isn't odd, especially since what y'all have is new. And it doesn't sound like you're exclusive. So he could be distant because men have needs and he might be filling those needs right now.
Do you know his Venus sign and mars sign? Hopefully something to balance out his sun and moon.
What are your Venus, moon, and mars signs?
Signed Up:
Oct 07, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 34
My Venus is in Taurus too. That def makes his sun and moon better to deal with in a relationship sense.
Anything is possible I believe.
How old are you guys? Mid 20's?
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Jan 05, 2015Comments: 14 · Posts: 5462 · Topics: 94
How is he ignoring you if he replied to your text?
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Mar 19, 2017Comments: 140 · Posts: 119 · Topics: 1
Lmao this sounds like me & my Gem friend except some of the factors are different. I didn't want a relationship, he could sense that & it seems like that made him try even harder (which was backwards to me, but made sense)
We kept fighting bc we wanted different things, I saw the bigger picture (disaster bc I dated his friend before he came around too) & he saw things in detail (he's an amazing person & we have fun together/create cool ideas)
Id rather have the friendship vs a relationship built on shakey ground
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Oct 07, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 34
Please don't call him again. For your sake.
Just chill out. Go about your life. He's 24 years old. Don't expect too much out of him.
He's weighing things right now if he hasn't already made up his mind. You keep calling is just putting pressure on the situation. You guys are not exclusive. The Taurus in him will like your cancer moon and Virgo sun tendencies but it will grate at his Gemini sun and Aqua moon.
Most 24 year old men aren't ready to be celibate with you. Especially a man in a fraternity. I'm sure he has cooch falling out of his pocket.
Just relax. Take it as it comes. He'll most likely call eventually when u fall back. Let him explain his mental state and in a chill way let him know ghosting you isn't cool.
Signed Up:
Oct 07, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 557 · Topics: 34
You didn't do anything wrong. So his behavior isn't warranted. I would stop watching every single snap he posts if it were me.
And ppl at this age don't have adult conversations about not wanting to continue on. They just disappear.
Good luck with this
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
I'm not seeing what the problem is here...
He's spending the weekend entertaining friends and family, graduation ceremony etc. Hes a little busy with one of the most important milestones people experience. So he missed a text or two, so what...?
Your traveling and out of town for work, vacation? You seem to have more time on your hands to obsess over his every move. Do you instead.
Geminis like when you have your own shit going on. Don't smother him with your neediness. Address this issue face to face when you get back, let him know you want more communication from him. Don't rage block him. Your gonna feel foolish once you cool off and have to add him back.
Signed Up:
Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Only other thing I can think of is he's doing the rubber band effect. Gets all close at the beginning. Then after the first month or so he pulls back to see if your gonna step up and show him your into him. If your not up for the chase then bow out for the next woman.
Signed Up:
Apr 10, 2016Comments: 4 · Posts: 606 · Topics: 26
Hey, he's only doing what virgos excel at; ignoring/disregarding another human being whenever the mood strikes them to do so.
Who knows what it could be. Give it as much time as you want to, then either decide if you want to hang around or not. Personally, I think doing that to a person who's obviously been trying to reach out is pretty crappy.