Why is it that the more you want something the less you get it?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by diamondgemini on Wednesday, December 20, 2017 and has 6 replies.
Has it ever happened to you Gems?

Like I feel that everytime I really want something and not want it because someone else has it, but because it makes me feel a certain way I don’t get it. I’m not necesarily talking about guys here...

It’s just so frustrating I swear. I’m a positive person and I always believe in the things I want and I have faith, but still it does not happen.

What do you think?
frustrating as well. I’m not like that Like I know exactly when I really want something and why and that exact thing I don’t get. It makes me so mad
Posted by Deep_Fried_Jalebi
Posted by diamondgemini
Has it ever happened to you Gems?

Like I feel that everytime I really want something and not want it because someone else has it, but because it makes me feel a certain way I don’t get it. I’m not necesarily talking about guys here...

It’s just so frustrating I swear. I’m a positive person and I always believe in the things I want and I have faith, but still it does not happen.

What do you think?


With me, the more I have something the less I want it... Or the easier it is to get something, the faster I lose interest. Except for someone special but that's one thing I have zero control over.

click to expand
Cryptic? Haha well let’s see I want this guy because I like the way he makes me feel but I don’t know why I can’t have him. When I feel that I am so close to having him baaaaam something happens that messes things up. Also, I want to get into this university so bad because I love the program so much and everything and I’m afraid I won’t and I shouldn’t because I believe I can! You see I think this is the annoying gemini twins who can’t decide and pick a damn side.

I’m actually just like you extremely stubborn I can’t stop until I get what I want to the point that I act dumb and loose my dignity and I can be quite impulsive as well.

Oh, yes that’s what I’m doing. Do you believe in the law of attraction too ?
Posted by nano
What kinds of things are you talking about specifically, an example? The post is too cryptic

I find that I get whatever I want in most cases Confused

I'm really stubborn, so I don't give up on my goals and I am not a quitter. And I'm impulsive, so I have to get what I want when I want it, but accordingly, sometimes I jump the gun and act too fast.

Take what you want! Believe in yourself, and the power of manifesting your desires.
Yes I agree that’s based on the law of attraction and I do believe that what you think what you want you become.

And I am a really positive person and I don’t think I can’t achieve that, I’m just scared that I won’t or something similar. I mean there’s always fear, the what if. And you know sometimes the other twin comes and my depressive mood changes everything and it’s so annoying. Like I just want to hit myself when I think negatively I swear. But really do. Hahaha gemini problems the twins
Posted by wiseblood
It's all in your mental attitude.. If you keep telling yourself that you can't or won't achieve something, then it's going to be very difficult to gain what you want. It's all about the positive mental attitude.. I know because I have a terrible PMA and feed myself soo much negative talk.. things don't often work out the way I want them to either.. but I have no one but myself to blame for that. We control our own destiny.. you just have to make it work for you.
When I get what I want - it loses its value for me.

I don’t think it’s the same with love interests. Just material possessions...
Oh, that doesn’t happen to me fortunately. In my case it works the same way with both, eiter love interests or material posessions
Posted by Gemitati
When I get what I want - it loses its value for me.

I don’t think it’s the same with love interests. Just material possessions...