Posted by surferpisces
Last night a gemini male friend bought me a gold class movie ticket and all the food to go with it as an apology for a small lie he told me, after i told him he's broken my trust and i dont want to talk to him anymore. I accepted this ticket as an apology (it cost him a lot).
Now today he hasn't messaged me at all asking what I'm doing, how i am etc even though we talk EVERY day! Its almost 8pm and I'm not expecting anything from him now.
why would he BUY himself back into a friendship but then just neglect me the next day?
Posted by Deedee86I beg to differ. If the saying is, "Small token of my appreciation" WHY should this not work for an apology? When a man hurts a woman and brings her flowers; what's the difference between flowers and movie tickets? Guys, the word is PLURAL "tickets". She can take another friend if she wants to; or hang on to the tickets and invite this guy that told a little lie and was caught.
An apology that is bought isn't genuine
Posted by surferpiscesIt's YOUR turn to ACTIVELY accept his apologies and to reach for him! You clearly said you didn't want to talk to him anymore?! What are you waiting for? He won't read your mind and he has already done something about it (the ticket)! Stop playing games on him. Respect and communication cannot be one sided. We cannot tell him you want him to actually talk to you!
Last night a gemini male friend bought me a gold class movie ticket and all the food to go with it as an apology for a small lie he told me, after i told him he's broken my trust and i dont want to talk to him anymore. I accepted this ticket as an apology (it cost him a lot).
Now today he hasn't messaged me at all asking what I'm doing, how i am etc even though we talk EVERY day! Its almost 8pm and I'm not expecting anything from him now.
why would he BUY himself back into a friendship but then just neglect me the next day?
Posted by XoGXOGRead the title of this thread genius.Posted by EvatheDivaLearn to read.Posted by Deedee86I beg to differ. If the saying is, "Small token of my appreciation" WHY should this not work for an apology? When a man hurts a woman and brings her flowers; what's the difference between flowers and movie tickets? Guys, the word is PLURAL "tickets". She can take another friend if she wants to; or hang on to the tickets and invite this guy that told a little lie and was caught.
An apology that is bought isn't genuine
I agree w/a member that said give it time. You don't have a friend on you 24/7 365 days + 1 (leap year).
Hope we hear from OP.cyber hugs!
The OP clearly states "ticket" not plural.
It's a solo trip get to expand
Posted by surferpiscesI would say if he is anything like me, he is feeling shitty and upset to disappoint someone they care for. It eats at me, I think of it for days and if it's really bad, weeks and sometimes months. I truly hate when I do something that hurts someone I care for. If you are truly over whatever happened, reach out and kind of reassure him that your good with moving forward.
To clarify, IT WASNT a solo trip, he bought one ticket for me and one ticket for him, so we went to the movies together
Posted by surferpiscesHe bought into the friendship so he could ignore you the next day.
why would he BUY himself back into a friendship but then just neglect me the next day?