yo boy birthday

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Roy here??? on Friday, July 21, 2006 and has 20 replies.
what's up people? yo boy birthday is on the 29th of this month. money, cars, and keys to new homes can be sent to me @ 5128 s michigan chicago il 60612.

what's babygirl? holla @ ya boy.
lol what's good Roy.. and um yeah check's in mail??LMAO
you got scared didn't you?
get outta here with that... :-p
why, aight i'll get out. first tell me how long before i get the check?
I'll send it the same express service you sent mine :p
don't worry about the check babygirl. keep it for the kids. they proably want something cool to play with.
You must have me confused with one of ya ho's who umm has some damn brats..
naw, must women have kids.
Key word 'Most'..
i see why you don't have kids.
hahaha OK
You know you tryin' to be my babie's daddy.. quit playin'... LMAO
what you go name'em?
roy, royal?
royal... hahaha LMAO And i said you tryin' to be.. nothing in that shows you have ANY success...
i ain't trying nothing, that gone happen babygirl....... that gone happen.
Oh boy.. here comes that Leo in ya.. "you da King" i just keep forgetting...
haha fo sho, back in the days girls called me king.
LOL i bet they did.. young and dumb.. we all did stupid shit back then