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Aug 07, 2013Comments: 14265 · Posts: 5321 · Topics: 61
Research hypnogonic hallucinations.... and its relation to sleep paralysis... If both are frequent you probably need to see a sleep doc... Im a registered sleep tech so if you got a question shoot! I wouldnt offer if what you were describing was "normal" sleep behavior :-P
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Aug 07, 2013Comments: 14265 · Posts: 5321 · Topics: 61
stupid phone..grumble...
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Apr 25, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 1292 · Topics: 149
lol after having written and reread what I just wrote..I sound like someone with some mental schizo or hallucination
but I'm positive I'm not schizo.. I have no problem with sleep..only when I'm extremely stressed out or tired..and somehow, I get a feeling of one happening before I go to some sort of a premonition 'ahh..crap I think I'm about to have one tonight' ..and usually I am right
I found out that changing sleep position helps with this issue.. I sleep on my back, like 9 out of 10..the 1 is on my sides..but rarely..never sleep on my stomach, simply because I cannot sleep in that position
from my observation, I've discovered that it was only when I was sleeping on my back all those things described above when I have a feeling that I'm about to have one at night, I sleep in a different position..on my sides and I've no problem that night
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Aug 07, 2013Comments: 14265 · Posts: 5321 · Topics: 61
it is common for most to have experienced sleep paralysis at least once for whatever reason... i have actually... and i cant stand when it does... i think my last episode was like a month ago... always the same... falling asleep... generally on my back... cant scream or move but i try until i can which is generally help! lol... i did it cuddled up on my boyfriend one night and started murmuring help to yelling it practically lol
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Dec 06, 2012Comments: 126 · Posts: 867 · Topics: 97
I think that it can. I know this sounds weird but I think that when one sleeps on their back they can get into such a deep sleep that they unconsciously project their soul somehow. In scientific terms maybe it could be said that you just get into such a deep meditation that you forget who you are?
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Jan 19, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 873 · Topics: 41
that's ur pineal gland decalcifying..... lucid dreams... be very very careful.
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Jan 19, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 873 · Topics: 41
pineal gland aka third eye. musbe theta stage.... where u become aware its a dream and have control. but the things poking at you. dat is where it like a horror film
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Apr 10, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 600 · Topics: 30
It happens many times since my kundalini active, never had before. Last few times I've almost controlled , fully awake in a second, before it was very frightening. Marked my ribs one day for those hands so strong return me to my bed. It happens especially if I have a very relaxed day (more astral than physical ) so I'm afraid to do certain things. Shit.
Ah sleep paralysis is interesting. I've had the ones where I was conscious but couldn't move my body, a hallucination of a flexing arm during the middle of the night, whispers, and one where I felt someone came next to me and wrapped themselves around me to give me a warm hug. Sleep paralysis has dramatically decreased for me since I figured out what triggers it. I tend to sleep on my back so if you're laying down straight with two of your big toes sticking up next to each other, you have a very increased chance of experiencing sleep paralysis. I got tired of frequently experiencing so I avoid that position at all cost.
im so glad I haven't had sleep paralysis in a while
And I am suffering from the same thing right now.
I astral project and lucid dream. Have done since a child. When your body is asleep in this realm and your astral body drifts away alittle there's a sleep paralysis moment where your aware but you can't move or scream. This happens to me when falling to sleep. Best advice I can give is, lay on your side, as laying on your back increases the chances of this happening. Have you seen inception? The Leonardo DiCaprio film? This is a very good example of some of the intricacies of sleep. Try not to panic so much as nothing can hurt or harm you if you believe it can't! This is my experience. Nothing sinister here apart from our own fear and perceptions of the situation. Sounds like your pineal gland is flexing its muscles. If you relax into this and panic less the experience can become quite interesting. If been to some interesting places. Negative entities tend to be in lower vibrational realms. They love to try scare you but they can't harm you. Higher vibrational energies and entities can be mischievous at times but they mean well. The higher your vibration, the less likely you'll end up in lower realms. Eat well detox and meditate. Read up on raising your vibration and brightening up your aura. Visualisation also helps. Before you fall asleep envision a white healing protective light surrounding you. If you vibrate higher, the darker side of paralysis subsides quite a bit. Good luck.....