BED BUGS :-[ bllaaahhhh!!!

This topic was created in the Health forum by Dianasart on Sunday, November 11, 2012 and has 2 replies.
I've done so much research on these little bastards, I feel like I know them so well. Yet, getting rid of them is SO FUCKING HARD.
I moved in with my grandmother two months ago and all I had was a mattress. My mother was moving to a smaller place and had an extra bed frame. My grandma didn't want her to just throw it away because of money. I didn't want it because there had been a bed bug problem at my mothers. And even though it seemed like it was done and over with, I didn't trust it. But my grandmother made too big of a fuss and there's no getting through to her.
After a few nights, I knew for sure there were bed bugs. My boyfriend and I tore decided to disassemble the bed and search for them outside. We finally found them. Hidden so well! We sprayed them all with bed bug sprays and then wrapped all the pieces in a tarp and left it outside for over three weeks, because there were eggs too, and they take about 10 days to hatch, and I wanted to be on the safe side if the poison didn't abort them or something.
During the second weekend it was out there, I set off a bed bug bomb inside the tarp. Kill off any new babies that could have been born. Three weeks of hot days and cold nights and no feeding for the new born, best idea!
Today, we brought the frame back in and put it together. We checked it all and cleaned it up. It was nice having a full bed again. I was happy. And I thought it was over.
Nope. Turns out these guys can survive just about anything. I found a baby after it fed a bit on my arm (I am so very sensitive to their bites), and of course, I killed it. A while later I felt a bite on my foot, pulled off my blanket but couldn't find this one. They move fast! :-/ God knows how many are still around.
I sprayed my bed down with rubbing alcohol to keep them away for tonight, but I can't sleep anymore. Bed bugs ruin peoples sleep! It's made me paranoid. I feel the need to stay away, lay still and wait for a bite, so I can catch them and kill them.
I'm considering using a steam treatment. Those should hurt their eggs too I'm sure. But can I use steam on wood? Won't it cause damage?
I'm going to have to pull this bed apart again. And this time I should just burn it. Kill them all for good!
I should just buy a new bed frame. Trying to save this one is not working anymore. Screw my grandma, I'm not sleeping with bed bugs! I'll pay for the new bed myself!

Have you ever had bed bugs? What did you do?
i doubt if they are in the frame check the beads around the matress were the sides are sewn to the top and bottom also they can live almost anywere they get in the carpet and will just migrate into the new matress the only way to really get rid of them is to leave and let a professional service spray the whole place . those things and cockroaches will be the only thing alive if we ever have nuclear war. They require alot of thorough cleaning and spraying to get rid of them .