Posted by EccentricUranianPosted by bkbella86
Anyone know how to Alkaline the body and lower Ph balance? I know about the Alkaline diet but does anyone else know any other tips?
Are you talking about raising or lowering? If you're lowering you're going more into the acidic range. Raising is going more into the alkaline range. If you're trying to go alkaline do not use vinegar, it is acidic. Baking soda has been known to raise Ph, but do you're research and make sure not to overdo anything, it has a lot of to expand
Posted by size zero superheroPosted by Loveorlust
Drink apple cider vinegar- like a tsp with warm water or just take a tsp by itself....
I haven't tried this, as the very thought of downing ACV/diluted ACV makes me shudder
My advice is drink diluted lemon or lime water regularly & preferably in the morning. Lemon & lime are acidic before consumption, yet highly alkaline once metabolized. Squeeze the contents of either fruit into a glass and fill the remainder with water.
A practical, small step in the right direction & most effective if practiced daily. Within a few weeks I noticed improved skin quality;my fingernails & hair also grew stronger & more rapidly than before(the extra vitamin C, perhaps?)and the potassium content in citrus fruit helps the body expel excess retained water.
Otherwise as a general rule of thumb: refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, dairy, meat and alcoholic beverages are highly acidic and should be consumed in moderation. That leaves you with fresh fruit, vegetables, soy protein, seeds & nuts, healthy oils(olive, grapeseed) etc.
Not to say you cannot consume ANY meat, cheese and bread...however, those foods should be strictly limited rather than the base of one's dietary to expand