
This topic was created in the Health forum by SeaLion on Friday, October 25, 2024 and has 17 replies.
About 15 years ago I had cancer cells found in my cervix. I had surgery to test them to make sure they weren't stage one but I got lucky they found it early and so they just cut out what was there. At the time my gyno told me I should get a hysterectomy but I was like 29/30 years old at the time and wanted kids so she told me I should get one when I'm out of child bearing age. Since then I get tested every year and didn't have anything pop up until last year. They tested it and it came back as nothing.

Yesterday I had my annual and now my gyno is pushing me to get a hysterectomy. I am not in menopause yet. Might be starting perimenopause, but I have a few years I think before the big change.

I really don't want to get a hysterectomy. The only benefit I can see with getting one at this point is not having my period anymore and not having to worry about that particular type of cancer. There are a lot of complications that can happen with the surgery, and the after effects sound even worse like automatically putting me in menopause and all the fun issues that happen with that. It might even make my other health issues that I already have even worse.

I can't go on the medication they give women who are going through menopause because that is what caused my mom to get breast cancer.

I talked to my friend who had a hysterectomy and one of my sisters about it and I was surprised about how much they think the hysterectomy is a good idea.

Has anyone else here had a hysterectomy before that can give me some insight on how it went? The whole idea of the surgery is giving me a lot of anxiety.
I’ve always heard it’s best to not have one unless it’s absolutely necessary. You would go through the change then. Less hormones etc & there are reasons it’s beneficial to have them. I’m post menopause & never used any meds throughout it. But I didn’t really have hot flashes, just night sweats.

If you’re getting regular screenings I think it’s really weird that this doctor is pushing surgery.
That is quite odd your doctor is pushing for it like that. Maybe they are just trying to be safe, but still I’d think as long as you’re having regular screenings then you should be fine. Then again, I’m no medical professional.

When I was 30 I had to have emergency surgery because a large cyst was found on my left ovary and they wanted to make sure it wasn’t cancer as ovarian cancer runs heavily in my family. Maternal grandmother passed away from it and my maternal aunt had it as well. My doctor wanted to do a complete hysterectomy to be safe, but I wanted children someday so they only removed the cyst and left ovary. Luckily the cyst was benign. I am horrible about getting my screenings though. I’m like 2 years overdue. Oops! I don’t think I’d want a hysterectomy though unless it was absolutely necessary.
My mum had one 6 or so years ago. She had bow cancer and had a lot of other stuff removed too. It obviously saved her life but she is in a lot of pain now.

I don't see why they would be pushing to get one, I find that very sus.
If it were me, as long as I got regular screenings and everything was coming back okay, I would not get the surgery. But as soon as things started acting funny? I'll be there at the very next day.

As you already know, when it's major surgery, get more than one opinion. Hell, get three opinions!
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

So that’s not a reason to get hysterectomy.

I wonder why is she pushing it?

At the end of the day, it is your decision.

I personally don’t know anyone who has had it, other than mom’s friends who are way older.

I would definitely talk to other doctors too. And please remember to think positive and do not be scared ✨ 🍀
I’d get a second opinion
Not being able to bleed periodically because there is no uterus does not mean menopause. Ovaries are the relevant part, and they will continue to produce hormones after hysterectomy, if they are not removed as well.

I would say go for it, if your genetics puts you at risk of cancer.

I've assisted a few hysterectomies during my junior doctors years, and it's quite a short and straightforward procedure. The uterus is pulled out through the vagina and then cut off, so there are no external scars. I remember one that looked like a small flaccid penis completed with balls (because it had two small, non-cancerous tumours inside). When it was still attached to the woman, it made her look like she became a man for a second, before we chopped her newly acquired "penis" off.
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.
That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
Posted by Undine
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
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Rare, true, but technically it can still happen.
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Undine
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
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Rare, true, but technically it can still happen.
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Absolutely it can
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Undine
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
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Rare, true, but technically it can still happen.
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Absolutely it can
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But they want women to get hysterectomy. It seems so unnatural to me.

Unless of course there is a huge medical reason.
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Undine
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
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Rare, true, but technically it can still happen.
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Absolutely it can
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But they want women to get hysterectomy. It seems so unnatural to me.
Unless of course there is a huge medical reason.
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I wonder if they have to pay for it?
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Undine
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
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Rare, true, but technically it can still happen.
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Absolutely it can
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But they want women to get hysterectomy. It seems so unnatural to me.
Unless of course there is a huge medical reason.
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I wonder if they have to pay for it?
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I believe you pay for everything in USA. But I think it also depends on the insurance. They want to minimize the risk and once you get up in age, they just wanna get rid of you.
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by borednbeautiful
Posted by Undine
Posted by borednbeautiful
You should tell her that you are still in childbearing age. As long as you have your period and some women have it until 50’s, you are.

That's a misconception (pun intended). Bleeding does not mean fertility. Your fertility drops off a cliff already in your mid 30es. It's extremely rare to get naturally pregnant past 42-43, and "medical help" usually indicates donor eggs.
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Rare, true, but technically it can still happen.
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Absolutely it can
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But they want women to get hysterectomy. It seems so unnatural to me.
Unless of course there is a huge medical reason.
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I wonder if they have to pay for it?
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I believe you pay for everything in USA. But I think it also depends on the insurance. They want to minimize the risk and once you get up in age, they just wanna get rid of you.
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…..and make 💰💰💰out of you of course
It seems everyone is of the same opinion SeaLion. There’s probably no need to get it done. I think the days have passed where doctors’ words are gospel, they really aren’t right all the time.

My doctor said I needed to go on statins, there was no way in hell I’d take them so I took a natural product and they halved my cholesterol levels. When I went back for a recheck the doc asks me how I did that and I told her “natural remedy”. She was kind of shocked lol

I wasn’t 😃

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