judgemental assholes

This topic was created in the Health forum by AbusedDoeboy on Sunday, September 4, 2016 and has 11 replies.
One day u guys are going to get a visitor whos mind isn't very stable I guarantee it, and if u act the way u acted with me. Ur going to have a suicide on ur hands and on ur concious I'm sure u guys get alot of happiness out of fucking with people and judging them. But hey I'm just trying to put my word of advice out there. But hey I'm just some meth head lol. Not really I've done meth twice, but alot of u assume I'm just some meth head. No I'm actually a recovering heroin addict I used to I.V. heroin everyday. I came here looking for spiritual companions, but left having knew knowledge that I'm better off as a tribe of one, helping people where I can and people who will listen. I really do hope some of u do tie a rope around ur neck and jump off a high ledge and yes I can say this in a clear concious because u people have judged me more than God himself would, when all I did was looking for an intelligent conversation about meditation/spirituality. Goodbye
It would be cool if u guys collectively committed mass suicide.

Very cool infact.
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Posted by AbusedDoeboy
It would be cool if u guys collectively committed mass suicide.

Very cool infact.
I hope you come back when you're a tad bit more mentally stable.

Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AbusedDoeboy
It would be cool if u guys collectively committed mass suicide.

Very cool infact.
No idea what your problem is, but I don't know you. So that's weird to put that much energy into wishing someone would kill themselves.

Maybe you should see a counsellor.
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Lol my mental state is perfectly fine. I'm completely sober and yesterday I was almost sober.

And no I did not put very much energy into that wish. It's an empty suggestion.
Posted by bumboklatt
No one can judge you more than God. In fact anything anyone says is just meaningless unless you give it meaning.

Sorry for your DXP experience but thats how it is around here

I guarantee I've been more judged here than God would. God isn't some raging asshole who judges everybody. Sure he makes people learn from mistakes. But he would never put u in a situation where u could never learn from it.

Hell does not exist.

Jesus christ never said he was the son of god.

The devil is a lie.
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AbusedDoeboy
Posted by Arielle83
Posted by AbusedDoeboy
It would be cool if u guys collectively committed mass suicide.

Very cool infact.
No idea what your problem is, but I don't know you. So that's weird to put that much energy into wishing someone would kill themselves.

Maybe you should see a counsellor.

Lol my mental state is perfectly fine. I'm completely sober and yesterday I was almost sober.

And no I did not put very much energy into that wish. It's an empty suggestion.
Well then you're a judgmental hypocrite.


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Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But I'd never be as closeminded as some of the people on here.
Posted by AbusedDoeboy
It would be cool if u guys collectively committed mass suicide.

Very cool infact.
Amazingly, you're not the first to have said something like that... ?
Posted by AbusedDoeboy
One day u guys are going to get a visitor whos mind isn't very stable I guarantee it, and if u act the way u acted with me. Ur going to have a suicide on ur hands and on ur concious I'm sure u guys get alot of happiness out of fucking with people and judging them. But hey I'm just trying to put my word of advice out there. But hey I'm just some meth head lol. Not really I've done meth twice, but alot of u assume I'm just some meth head. No I'm actually a recovering heroin addict I used to I.V. heroin everyday. I came here looking for spiritual companions, but left having knew knowledge that I'm better off as a tribe of one, helping people where I can and people who will listen. I really do hope some of u do tie a rope around ur neck and jump off a high ledge and yes I can say this in a clear concious because u people have judged me more than God himself would, when all I did was looking for an intelligent conversation about meditation/spirituality. Goodbye
What / who happened? I need specifics of the judgemental people you're referring to.
You don't owe anyone an explanation. Just say what you gotta say and never return to the topic. It's perfectly acceptable to do. Look at @hollyhock. She does it all the time
Posted by bumboklatt
Posted by Sssupes
You don't owe anyone an explanation. Just say what you gotta say and never return to the topic. It's perfectly acceptable to do. Look at @hollyhock. She does it all the time
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It's true. She makes posts all the time and never comments on them