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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Firstly, I have nothing against veganism. It in no way effects my life. My own sister is vegan and I am respectful of her choice and am always accommodating when sharing meals with her.
But there’s been something kind of bothering me lately...I have a family friend who is also vegan and had her first baby right around the same time I did.
She was observing a vegan diet while pregnant too and I can’t help but think this is why her baby has formula/food allergies and a whole host of other digestive issues...
Now the baby is starting solids soon and I know she won’t be introducing her to non-vegan foods which research shows are crucial to healthy child development.
I just worry about the long term effects of starting out a child’s life on such a restricted diet.
And regardless anyone’s feelings or argument for veganism...she has no choice in the matter. Why not let her choose when she’s able?
What are your thoughts on raising children vegan?
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
And as I write this there’s controversy about Megan Markle wanting to raise their baby vegan
I swear I did not know this before I posted
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I just think it’s hard enough for adults to get the nutrients they need from plants do expect an infant to?
Example: yes, spinach and kale contain iron...but how much do you need to eat to get the amount of iron you would get from a piece of chicken? Which is realistically easier to get a child to eat?
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Nov 05, 2015Comments: 1355 · Posts: 6963 · Topics: 124
Some people in life need to experience the consequences the long way before it finally clicks in their head that they’re morons
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May 15, 2018Comments: 574 · Posts: 1765 · Topics: 0
Mmm I'm sure there's not enough research to even make a guess on WTF could happen, but babies require fewer nutrients as a whole in comparison to an adult, smaller bodies, smaller portion, still hard to guess.
but their bodies need to develop gut bacteria and some antibodies, if they're not exposed to some shit, they wont be fully functional when they grow up.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36229 · Posts: 40736 · Topics: 321
I used to be a vegetarian but would never inflict my eating choices on our son, it's just selfish
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
See that’s what my concern is
I really try not to judge Mothers as I am a new mom myself and I know it’s not easy but I feel like it’s just irresponsible
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
You’re pretty much making a life long decision for the child because if for the first however many years of their life they are never exposed to animal products, they are not going to be able to tolerate them later should they choose to
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 62 · Posts: 5860 · Topics: 191
Just a bs excuse carnists like to use against vegans....🙄
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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
yeah i have some friends who grew up vegan...
super frail and sickly for people in their twenties.
i think aside from breast feeding which is necessary it may be possible to raise your kid vegan and healthy....but also extremely hard
you'd have to be wealthy/have resources and be extremely meticulously to make sure they are eating enough of everything to get essential nutrients for none and muscle development mostly ( protein calcium and vitamin B is usually what a lot of vegans lack who aren't really on it about managing their diet and trying to make sure they get suggested servings of specific vitamins
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Jul 03, 2017Comments: 872 · Posts: 1654 · Topics: 48
Would I raise my child vegan since I eat in this way?....
Well first... I don't really understand why some
vegan parents wouldn't want their child to drink
their own breast milk? That's the babies natural
food source. That's what breast are for...right?
I'm vegan for personal reasons though and
not because someone else told me. I was not
inspired by any vegan video. I stopped eating
meat or food that was linked to other animals
because I did not want the imprint of their suffering
running through my veins. Does this make me better
than you or someone that eats meat though? Nope. I'm regular.
There are I guess "paranormal" reasons too but I won't go into that here.
One of the reasons why I don't mention how I eat though is because
I notice how so many people who do eat meat feel as though
they are doing something wrong or that I'm this righteous individual
who is suddenly judging them for it. Not everyone but I notice quite a
few and it might even have to do with some of the judgmental vegans
who think they are better than everyone else which they are not.
I never judge anyone for eating meat because I used to it. It was good!
Anyway with all that being said... Yes...
as the child grows older passed the breast milk where he can now eat food with teeth
I would feed him food that is not linked to any animal suffering. I would do my research
and talk to professionals. However, I won't force him to eat this way as when he leaves the house.
There is a chance he will have friends who eat meat or maybe
even his mother isn't vegan (or maybe she just stops eating this way).
Um...That would be fine. The only thing I will force is myself to teach him
my views and what I have experienced as vegan. And I wouldn't look down
on him/her for deciding to eat meat either. Vegan food is just what I would
buy for the house. Now when he brings home meat from say a friend or
when he starts to buy it with his own money then that would be fine.
I would probably laugh and enjoy that he's even eating it because I would
go down memory lane with him to remember when I used to eat it and enjoy too
(if he/she would even be enjoying it in the first place at this point). Now is it easier
for me to say these things being that I don't have kids of my own? Yes. but I feel like
I would definitely teach in this way though, for him/her to make their own decisions
based on what I have taught them and what they have experienced. That would be
my number one goal as a parent anyway and I would definitely love him no matter
what he eats because at the end of the day, this is how ((( i ))) decided to eat.
It shouldn't be on them or anyone else.
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Feb 08, 2015Comments: 88 · Posts: 2780 · Topics: 55
All I know is that if parents decide that they feed their baby only vegan then they should (I think its a must) get a doctors check few times a year to make sure it doesn‘t lack vitamins like b12 etc. then it would be all fine
At least that‘s what is strongly adviced here in switzerland
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Also after being vegan for so long, if my friend accidentally ate something with meat or cheese in it she became violently ill because her body couldn’t tolerate it. It took her a while to work her way back into eating meat
Is this a normal occurrence or is she just dramatic?
I can’t imagine that a child who was raised never eating meat will be able to just one day enjoy a cheeseburger with friends at a pool party.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Kinda pointless to be outraged at what parents choose to do with their kids. I mean one of the leading factors of deaths in newborns/infants is parents falling to sleep with them in bed, rolling over in exhaustion, and smothering the baby.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
just please feed your baby a balanced diet and let her make her own choices when she is able