Astrologically speaking, were Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI of France compatible?

This topic was created in the History forum by HistoryDelusional on Friday, January 26, 2024 and has 8 replies.
I feel like this topic doesn’t get talk much not only on here but also in the internet. There were like 2 sources I found that related to this topic but other than that, they don’t focus much on the synastry and compatibility between Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

Please note that Marie’s a Scorpio and Louis is a Leo. I have the sources to their birth chart and this proves it.

Here is the link to the source:

Marie’s Birth Chart:,_Queen_Consort

Louis’ Birth Chart:,_King_of_France

I’d be interested in hearing responses and analysis of their compatibility 🤔
It was not meant to be but they couldn't keep their heads on their shoulders
Posted by hydorah
It was not meant to be but they couldn't keep their heads on their shoulders

So what you’re basically saying is that they were not meant to be for each other, seeing how Marie (Scorpio) squares Louis (Leo)?
Contextually and historically, royals didn't marry for love OR compatibility. So it wouldn't really matter.🤷‍♂️
Posted by hydorah
Damn, it’s no wonder their astrological signs, aspects and synastry got them both executed.😮

I heard it was Marie’s fault for that.

When the nobles were trying to flee from the French Revolution and Jacobins, Louis escaped successfully. However his plan was messed up my Marie’s foolishness, so Louis had to go back. I want to add in that Louis has Virgo mercury and Marie has Sag mercury. Mercury domiciles Virgo which is a good placement, but is detriment in Sagittarius.

Not only their sun square each other, but also their mercury signs!
Posted by HistoryDelusional
Posted by hydorah

Damn, it’s no wonder their astrological signs, aspects and synastry got them both executed.😮

I heard it was Marie’s fault for that.

When the nobles were trying to flee from the French Revolution and Jacobins, Louis escaped successfully. However his plan was messed up my Marie’s foolishness, so Louis had to go back. I want to add in that Louis has Virgo mercury and Marie has Sag mercury. Mercury domiciles Virgo which is a good placement, but is detriment in Sagittarius.

Not only their sun square each other, but also their mercury signs!
click to expand
you want to see a french revolution? you might have one pretty soon.

The freemasons and merchants will not have a word this time around
Posted by hydorah
Posted by HistoryDelusional
Posted by hydorah

Damn, it’s no wonder their astrological signs, aspects and synastry got them both executed.😮
I heard it was Marie’s fault for that.

When the nobles were trying to flee from the French Revolution and Jacobins, Louis escaped successfully. However his plan was messed up my Marie’s foolishness, so Louis had to go back. I want to add in that Louis has Virgo mercury and Marie has Sag mercury. Mercury domiciles Virgo which is a good placement, but is detriment in Sagittarius.

Not only their sun square each other, but also their mercury signs!
click to expand

you want to see a french revolution? you might have one pretty soon.
The freemasons and merchants will not have a word this time around
click to expand
Especially since Pluto just re-entered Aquarius this past week. Not to mention Pluto was in Aquarius at the time of both American and French revolutions.

I’m starting to see all those protests and wars around the world, especially Russia-Ukraine and Israel😮 in comparison, their opposite sign Leo was in Pluto during WWII.

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