Living in harmony

This topic was created in the History forum by illbp on Friday, May 22, 2020 and has 4 replies.
I’ve begun diving head first into research about the true nature of how our civilization came to be. The truth being uncovered is fascinating. I know we are moving into an age of truth over belief. A time where the “veil” on our consciousness will be lifted. The great spiritual awakening has begun and I believe it will start with this generation. The women of this generation have a true purpose, to come into their true femininity and not that of man’s image. Our goal will be to prepare our children for the renaissance that is coming. The teach them the beauty of this life, to build a relationship with nature, and to tune into the cosmic energy inside of us and beyond. Only then will we live in harmony. This will not happen from the top down, only from the bottom up will real change occur.
Yes that Alien's from another planet created us originally to farm "Eden" and probably had a race of humans living on Mars before the great Deluge struck. That the norse, greek and egyptian gods were all half human half alien entities that had super powers because their level of consciousness was level 6 (ours is 2 Sad ). These entities still exist here but on a different dimension. It's all so interesting and makes perfect sense
Posted by Thedivineoathkeeper

Yes that Alien's from another planet created us originally to farm "Eden" and probably had a race of humans living on Mars before the great Deluge struck. That the norse, greek and egyptian gods were all half human half alien entities that had super powers because their level of consciousness was level 6 (ours is 2 Sad ). These entities still exist here but on a different dimension. It's all so interesting and makes perfect sense
Yes! Is ours really only 2D? That’s is interesting considering the knowledge we’re able to acquire but does make sense. I guess we’ll just have to wait until our next reincarnation to move further along this never ending phenomenon lol
We are in the third dimension, our mind is in the fourth and the fifth is the astral plane were the spirits reside. There are way more sublayers to this but you get the drift.

We won't have to wait, Age of Aquarius is the awakening, its begun already. You might not transcend this lifetime but defo next, most will have the opportunity to do so this time around if they put the work in.