A strange thought came to me today. I was reading my moon and asc description and read a few things which were so so accurate that I was shocked . I read about few things which are traits of my moon sign and these things in particular have always made me
I had this weird dream where there was a big yellow floating bridge over a big city, almost what appeared to be New York, and a bunch of different people were sliding down it. It was very full. I nearly fell off of it but I managed to grab the sides of it
You know, when it was completely platonic friendship, neither of you had ANY attraction (you probably even were attracted to/dating someone else) and then years down the line you ended up together.
(not talking about that one time you may have had dru
Do men enjoy sex more than women do? What are your thoughts on this?
Considering the fact that men orgasm every time they have sex, it just makes sense that they would crave sex more than women for whom orgasm is a hit or miss proposition. If a woman h
My roommate who is a Scorpio with a Virgo Moon died last night, I saw him die in front of my eyes to a heroin overdose, I was able to save him before but this time it was too late as he had gone too long without oxygen.
I am a Cancer with Pisces moon
Inspired again...I am awfully inspired today! LOL
I don't know why thread horny and confused hasn't died yet though I was a supporter at the beginning...
I want to offer opposite scenario.
He took me to the art gallery and then we went to see Nut