This topic was created in the How would you make this site better? forum by FUMRedFairy_tales on Monday, April 13, 2009 and has 23 replies.

Why is my thread deleted on "Good News & Bad News" without further explanation?
too much drama
hm... interesting explanation, Mister dxp. (I assume you are a man)
Obviously, you are holding those deletion tools in your hands. Am disappointed of your ruling. You allow a pathetic old woman to terrorize the threats she wishes. Interestingly decide one handedly to dismiss my thread. WHY??

I vote for banning P-Angel! Can you do that??

Can you point me to some examples?
The Ignore button is only like a horse blinker. Bullies will continue picking on people such as newbies or someone innocently posting.

Agree with moon_eyes' comment. P-Angel pretty much insults anybody on here. From your initial comment, DXP, I doubt that it won't be a waste of my time putting links as examples. But I will at my first convenience.

I hope anybody joining me on this thought will also attach the links were Pee is a nasty person, terrorizing innocent posters with her insults. I sure have enough of her.

satori -- we are defenders not initiators!
That is the difference between Pee and people like Moon and me.
Continue waiting, smart girl winter...
Satori, Winter ... I appreciate your effort in trying to get these (fill in the blank) to see reason, or anything for that matter, beyond thier emotion blindness ..... but, as you can tell, it's really pointless.

Did anyone ever see that movie with Will Ferrell, I don't remember the name of it ... but, he was partying with his old school pals and decided to go streaking down Main Street one night. There he was .. naked as a Jaybird, running down the middle of the road when his wife pulls up ........

.... well, he thought there were a whole slew of people following him, like he was a proud leader and many were behind him, following him, backing him up, has his back.
..... he was all alone, on a stupid mission to prove something.

This reminds me of that scene in the movie ...... because the thing is, nobody cares.
Even you Moon and Fum, have told me repeatedly that you don't care.
So, if you don't care .... then what the fuck is this?

Of course, I fully comprehend that neither of you will actually get what I just said.

Sad, really.
*sigh* I don't think anyone should be banned. (Hold up DXP sir). Simply ignore. The drama on the other thread would have been dropped had you all ignore her. But the nastiness came from mostly other posters not P herself.
Yes, I've asked for someone to be banned once and frankly I was being a huge baby. I got PMed a death threat and it upset me. I emailed DXP to remove the poster but really it was MY problem and nobody else's. I shouldn't have taken it that far. A death threat is serious and I've never seen P threaten death on anyone.
I saw one poster saying she was going to harass P through PM until she leaves! Huh? Isn't that going too far? Nobody said anything about her being overboard.
Just ignore it people or I have a feeling you are going to ruin it for everyone. If you don't want people to comment their opinions on something you may get offended about DON'T POST IT!!!
Or to put it in Kansas talk...... If your going to hang your dirty laundry out for everyone to see be ready for someone to comment on the skiddies in your undies. smile I'm trying to make ya'll smile. hehehe. I'm a dork Tongue
Satori, thank you for omitting the word 'actually', I get why you wanted to omit it, though .. I love that word !!!!

Dear DXP,
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to think that you can be convinced.
For a split moment it crossed my mind how Pee would feel if her online identity would be taken away from her for a few days, like she does to others. However, I decided to leave the topic of ban alone. It would be a waste of my time, because this old Rat will pop up like spinning monkey from anywhere anyway.

When necessary, I or people who think like me on here, will take matters into our own hands.

How you make this place better?

*Give a pre warning before you decide to delete a thread; as long as it has good grounds.
*Stay neutral! (very difficult thing to do -- but I hope you can)

Best wishes.

I'm not sure which I think is funnier ... a Scorpio running away, or the fact that she thinks I can have people removed, along with whole threads.
quit it, dumb girl!!
The curtains are closed; you can go home now!
Posted by satori
DXP, even Fumi is upset you flagged her thread. Why? Let the chips fall where they may. We are adults. Sticks and stones, ya know? No need for such censorship.

This whole arguement is a bit ... I don't know. However, I do believe somethings deserve banning. On the side of it, I believe that we are all adults and there are going to be positive opinions and negative opinions. Thats just the way it is I suppose.
Very few people have that awareness .. and believe it's the responsibility of others to take of their feelings FOR them.

The day we learn that subjectivity is a choice ..... is the day we will be free from our own digruntlement we cause ourself.

A person cannot harrass me because ..... I can choose not to care.

Big Grin

Scorpio moon? Are you sure? Tongue Winking
Honestly this has been so long ago I couldn't tell you who said it. Really. I think it was Sapphire star. I think. Hmmm .. the thread was deleted so I can't go back and check. *shrug*
bunch of sensoring socialist wimps, if you can't stand the heat get out of the oven. This is no place for the faint of heart.
question if DXP isn't banning the rat looking thing, Q the boner, or even me, what can these people be saying that pisses him or it off so bad to get deleated?
Banned for life if Q can stay then anyone can stay he is ranting and Raving about the jewish people right now. over on the axes of evil site
sorry make that the zoinism thread