Dear Libra user,
My what wonderful kidneys you have! So, umm, round and umm...pinkish red and fleshy? I bet they purify all sorts of unwanted minerals, etc that enter your super special awesome human body! Yeah, I bet no one tells you how majestic your
My cousin stopped talking to me just 2 days ago and we were always cool with eachother we live with eachother and a few days ago I went to the hospital and I came back and she asked what happen but I could even speak because I kept coughing it was a dry c
I'm sorta getting the hang of finding aspects but I'm not sure about signs right next to a sign within 15° on different charts…
If one chart has a placement in Gemini at 23° and the other has a placement in Cancer at 3° is there an aspect?
To all of my wonderful cancers, am I being oversensitive or did I make the right decision?
I have been seeing this virgo guy and we've been having a lot of communication issues. He was also good friends with a libra woman. There was no committment, but
my question being who is your good match cancerian women? do you make up your mind at some point? what is/ was your best relationship sign (rising too if you know)
my very cute cancerian bff finds it hard to find a guy she likes or get along with, insp
I am keen to hear any thoughts, advice and interpretation around my overall chart?
Also what does all the planets in the 12th house mean and how bad is the mars square pluto in my chart really
...go on :p
Say whatever you know about this aspect! ?
I am keen to hear any thoughts, advice and interpretation around my chart.
Also what does all the planets in the 12th house mean and how bad is the mars square pluto in my chart really