Been a while since I’ve been here but where’s it gone?
The quoting has gotten out of hand. Users quote to talk/flirt to and with another user but you end up with pages of quotes and you lose the topic.
A simple @user tag would tidy things up wouldn’t i
How risky do you think it is to to back to the gym during the pandemic? My membership is active and I have to decide if I’m going back or cancel it. they usually wear gloves and masks but I have elderly parents and I’m going to work everyday. I don’t want
Anyone have noticed that a certain signs are more likely to come from privileged backgrounds/aquire weath a certain way then others?
So there are levels here.
Trust fund babies: Leos - despite (or because of?) family fortunes, they will usually 'run the
I seen someone on my FB post this and thought it may be fun to do here.
Either ask me, or tag someone and ask them, idk just go with it and do whatevs 😎
P.S. sorry some of them are difficult to read...just t
This is an elite club, for only the most elite club members.
Me and my Taurus own each other.
What kind of achievements have you accomplished lately?
Has it come to this? Women having to make the first move? Recently because of this corona bs, I’ve had to go on dating sites and the guys don’t ever IMO make the first move ( maybe it’s just me...) never had any problems in RL then talking to a mate the o
So. I'm a Capricorn. I am having issues with my BF telling people about our sex life. It doesnt seem to be a problem with him but I don't want others to know what happens behind closed doors.
We were driving with another person in the car, when he turned
So if they were sooo sure that they won't get back together aka separation, why is Will so butthurt ??!
It makes sense why August is hurt bcz he thought Jada left Will and they were going to be together so obviously he got hurt when she left him.
Will -
Squared signs are said to be worst compatible.
If you had ever been in nice relationships with Aries or Libra, could you please tell me your and your partner's personal planets placements?
Thank you!