100% Leo?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by purrrfect on Wednesday, September 20, 2006 and has 16 replies.
How many of you can say you relate to ALL the Leo characteristics? We already know there are other placements and aspects to consider. Some of you even have more subdued placements than I do. But I see a few who come on here who seem to be able to relate to everything that comes up. I'm almost jealous smile I've never been able to say I could. I could relate to pride, stubborness, jealousy (topics that have come up in the past) Maybe even a some ego. But things like attention craving and being outgoing are things I shy away from. Too much attention even embarrasses me sometimes. And I don't think liking attention is a bad thing. I have one or two people that I want it from, but not the world.
Here is a helpful list.
Likes attention
Social butterfly
Bright, sunny smile
Huge Ego

Feel free to add any I have forgotten. How many of you can relate to every one of these things? Someone please tell me I am not alone lol

I honestly feel that i can say i am..99.5% Leo..i just dont get with that whole forgiving thing
is there a thing such as being too optimistic? like the other day i was randomly passing a store and i didnt have my bag or anything i only had my car keys and i saw these really cute shoes but i didnt have any money on me so i was soooo set on finding like $ 300 on the ground and i actually was mad that i didnt find a wallet or any money to get what i wanted..and another time a family friend was having a child and i was just sooo 100% sure she was going to name her daughter michelle (thats my name)..not that she said she was going to name her daughter that but yeah i was so sure and when she didnt im like what the hell is wrong with her?? haha i dont know if u can call it optimistic but i seem to think someone is always thinking of me or something is always going to happen just because i think so
What if like someone had leo in every placement in their chart? Then they would surely be 100% wouldn't they?
choc it just isn't me. I mentioned liking attention from one or two people, my scorp is one of them. And he gives when we are together. Who doesn't want it from someone they love? : )
If I have a full audience of people fussing over me, it's a different story. I want to run in the other direction. It's just always been that way and I don't buy half of what I am told. And although this is just me, I see nothing wrong with those who want it.
Can you relate to all of it?
I'm really magnetic sometimes, I don't usually smile, but when I do it's definitely sunny, and I'm not usually terribly outgoing either. I do like a lot of attention though, and when I get it, then I'm magnetic, smiling, and outgoing. I'm pretty much all the other things too. I also like to just spend time all by myself a lot of the time.
...What if like someone had leo in every placement in their chart? Then they would surely be 100% wouldn't they?...
yes banini, they would smile
^ For me, personally, I am extremely forgiving, but ONLY with the people I truly love. Sometimes this is an asset and sometimes it is a flaw. But, if an acquaintance screwed up to the point where I felt they had to be forgiven, I might give them another chance, but I might not. If they really fuked me over, then there is no way I would forgive them.
As for the rest of the list, I can at least partially relate to 9 other things (but all except 2 of the 9 I could relate to completely).
One thing I think you forgot that is supposed to be a Leonine trait is the heart of gold, and acting with noble intentions. I guess it sounds kinda cheesy when you say it, but it's true for me.
Ok, so, if you add the heart of gold/noble intentions thing, that makes the list 15 items long. And, we'll say I agree with 9 of them (counting the partially correct items as half an item...so since I agree with 9, counting two as half would make it 8, plus the one I added). Based on that list, I am officially 60% Leo. (Yes, I actually figured that out, lol.) That's weird, because I took the "How Leo Are You?" quiz and I'm pretty sure I got just about 60% on that too.
Likes attention: CHECK (but only from my Aries)
Dominant: eh..maybe more so aggressive than dominating
Self-centered: CHECK (especially when it comes to my family- or maybe I'm just trying to live my life the best way I know how for ME, MYSELF AND I).
Social butterfly: NAH...more like my Cancer Cusp and enjoy the inside of our appt.
Bright, sunny smile: CHECK
Optimistic: CHECK CHECK...borderline naive and idealistic!
FORGIVING???: Mmmm...tricky. It normally takes me a couple of days.
Confident: CHECK
Leader: CHECK
Huge Ego: HUGH NEGATIVE CHECK. I think I have a "healthy ego" when compared to what is stereotyped amongst leos.
Dramatic: TRIPLE CHECK...at least I have a thing for Drama. I don't go around chanting scenes from Steel Magnolias (maybe Space Balls!)
Magnetic: DEF CHECK!
...Likes attention: CHECK (but only from my Aries)....
exactly my point girl. I can't see you as the type that craves a lot from others outside your 'world' either.

...I took the "How Leo Are You?" quiz and I'm pretty sure I got just about 60% on that too.....
haha! Where is this quiz? smile
I think I could relate to about 7 out of 14.
I forgot! But here it is..this is my result Tongue

You are 67% Leo

How Leo Are You?
Watch out ladies Winking

You are 93% Leo

How Leo Are You?

You are 53% Leo

How Leo Are You?
hee! 53% Leo ... that is what I get for hanging out with you people.
lol I won't tell you guys what I got. I can't compete with cookie. Winking Saturn sits a little too close to my sun.
You are 87% Leo

Holy shit. I'll be.....I am 87 percent Leo?!?!?!? I'm a Virgo!! I don't even have leo ANYWHERE in my birthchart!!??....Well, I'm a SIDREAL LEO.....Winking I'm do have a record for going around being caught up in my own little world...."I'm fantastic" "I'm going to hell for lookin' this good," "oh, wow, I didn't see you there mr. human" !! I have the HUGEST EGO....WORST YET, IT CAN'T BE POPED!! LOL Winking I also can be so arrogant....I love drama, spotlight, and the stage; I'm a great actor, and want to be one.....My philosophy is "It ain't a party untill VE get's there dammit!!" lol Winking

*sighs "I rock so damn hard...."* lol