I honestly feel that i can say i am..99.5% Leo..i just dont get with that whole forgiving thing
is there a thing such as being too optimistic? like the other day i was randomly passing a store and i didnt have my bag or anything i only had my car keys and i saw these really cute shoes but i didnt have any money on me so i was soooo set on finding like $ 300 on the ground and i actually was mad that i didnt find a wallet or any money to get what i wanted..and another time a family friend was having a child and i was just sooo 100% sure she was going to name her daughter michelle (thats my name)..not that she said she was going to name her daughter that but yeah i was so sure and when she didnt im like what the hell is wrong with her?? haha i dont know if u can call it optimistic but i seem to think someone is always thinking of me or something is always going to happen just because i think so
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
What if like someone had leo in every placement in their chart? Then they would surely be 100% wouldn't they?
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
choc it just isn't me. I mentioned liking attention from one or two people, my scorp is one of them. And he gives when we are together. Who doesn't want it from someone they love? : )
If I have a full audience of people fussing over me, it's a different story. I want to run in the other direction. It's just always been that way and I don't buy half of what I am told. And although this is just me, I see nothing wrong with those who want it.
Can you relate to all of it?
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Jul 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 413 · Topics: 45
I'm really magnetic sometimes, I don't usually smile, but when I do it's definitely sunny, and I'm not usually terribly outgoing either. I do like a lot of attention though, and when I get it, then I'm magnetic, smiling, and outgoing. I'm pretty much all the other things too. I also like to just spend time all by myself a lot of the time.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
^ For me, personally, I am extremely forgiving, but ONLY with the people I truly love. Sometimes this is an asset and sometimes it is a flaw. But, if an acquaintance screwed up to the point where I felt they had to be forgiven, I might give them another chance, but I might not. If they really fuked me over, then there is no way I would forgive them.
As for the rest of the list, I can at least partially relate to 9 other things (but all except 2 of the 9 I could relate to completely).
One thing I think you forgot that is supposed to be a Leonine trait is the heart of gold, and acting with noble intentions. I guess it sounds kinda cheesy when you say it, but it's true for me.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
Ok, so, if you add the heart of gold/noble intentions thing, that makes the list 15 items long. And, we'll say I agree with 9 of them (counting the partially correct items as half an item...so since I agree with 9, counting two as half would make it 8, plus the one I added). Based on that list, I am officially 60% Leo. (Yes, I actually figured that out, lol.) That's weird, because I took the "How Leo Are You?" quiz and I'm pretty sure I got just about 60% on that too.
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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
Likes attention: CHECK (but only from my Aries)
Dominant: eh..maybe more so aggressive than dominating
Self-centered: CHECK (especially when it comes to my family- or maybe I'm just trying to live my life the best way I know how for ME, MYSELF AND I).
Social butterfly: NAH...more like my Cancer Cusp and enjoy the inside of our appt.
Bright, sunny smile: CHECK
Optimistic: CHECK CHECK...borderline naive and idealistic!
FORGIVING???: Mmmm...tricky. It normally takes me a couple of days.
Confident: CHECK
Leader: CHECK
Huge Ego: HUGH NEGATIVE CHECK. I think I have a "healthy ego" when compared to what is stereotyped amongst leos.
Dramatic: TRIPLE CHECK...at least I have a thing for Drama. I don't go around chanting scenes from Steel Magnolias (maybe Space Balls!)
Magnetic: DEF CHECK!