A Happy Update w/ a small question.

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Scorpiogrl62 on Saturday, May 25, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Hello again Leo board!
I've posted enough of my dramatic story on this board that I figured that you guys deserved to know that things are really going splendidly with my Leo man. (I swear that I'm not trying to brag or upset those who are having difficulties).
He's become such a sweetheart since things became more settled between us. He's always wishing me good morning and showering me with compliments. He really seems to understand the issue I have about his ex and has been very reassuring. I've also noticed that while we don't talk about the long-term much (he's still really cautious and "one-day-at-a-time") he does talk about us as a plural way more then he used to. Now it's -we- and -us-. I'm taking that as a good sign. I also found out last night that he's told his family about us, which I'm very happy about!
So here's my question. As I said, he's not a "Far thinker" in relationships anymore. I am, not in the obsessive way, but because it's nice to think about. But I don't want to unknowingly pushes him too far or makes him uncomfortable by mentioning something that that he thinks is too expectant. But I don't feel like I should stifle my emotions either. I don't mind being patient with him and letting him go at his own pace. I just want to know if all you knowledgeable people think I should keep my feelings to myself until he makes the milestones or let him know mine but make it clear that there's no pressure on him?
Aww. Thanks guys. Big Grin
@Leoliza - Thanks for the advice, we do communicate very openly. In fact, we like to say that we're brutally honest with each other. I just don't think it's the right time to talk about this topic yet.
@kalin - Thank you for the advice. I feel like the best move is to be patient but it's been hard with the overabundance of feelings that I've been experiencing lately.