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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
First time here...Hi All!!!
I sure hope someone has some insight on this problem. I met a man a few years ago but about two months ago got up the nerve to tell him I had feelings for him. Come to find out, he had feelings for me as well. WOO HOO!
I do know his birthday is in Aug., but don't know the exact date. So, I am guessing he is a Leo...although he doesn't really fit all the characteristics of a Leo nor a Virgo. Perhaps a cusp. We emailed for about a month and on occasion I would also see him perform(he's a musician). Now this man has complimented me to the max, told me he would like to be with me, and also admitted that he has deep feelings for me. Wow! I have never been told this sort of thing before, so I soaked all this up!! I briefly saw a warm loving side of him...until I screwed up...
Before I really was reading about the Leo characteristics, I think I emailed him something that I meant as a joke, but am sure it hurt him. Needless to say, he has not emailed me in about six weeks. I have seen him(musician again)a few times and he speaks to me. I recently saw him and he talked to me. He stared at me oblivous to his surroundings...almost like he was in a trance. This same night I gave him a small gift and he said he liked it and also said that he would email me again. I replied "with an explanation"? He said 'Yes'. He also said, "It's not you". As I said earlier, I am almost positive that it is me, because I sensed the lack of email shortly after I sent the above mentioned 'bad' email. Then again, I am not 100% positive it was that email. I've asked him in two different emails what is wrong. No replies. Is he protecting my feelings?
My gut says he is not trying to ignore me and he's not trying to get rid of me. Or is that wishful thinking? I feel like I am missing something I should be doing. I told him I would apologize if I knew what I was apologizing for and I would. I am not a mean or vindictive person.
Should I continue to email him...just to keep in touch? Should I wait for him to email me? Should I email him, say I'm sorry and ask him if we just can't forget this whole thing and start over? Or is this hopeless?
HELP!! First time dealing with a Leo? man!!!!!
Signed Up:
Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
What kind of email was it?
If he still hasn't emailed you after your asking what was wrong, I'd say stop trying. What more could you do, right? He may not be interested and does not want to confront you about it. Then again who knows? But 6 weeks is an awful long time to wait for an explaination. It might be best to let it go . . .
U know notice how when u are truly interested in someone you are willing overlook things some big some small, same deal here I dont believe that it was the email u sent, although there is no way to see into ur encounters with this Leo, i have a lot of experience dealing with Leo men. Leo men secretly love to be challenged, they feel more powerful when they work harder to get their Prize, to them it feels like he found a gem, Ensure u always look your best they will admire and appreciate that.My advice to you play hard to get, push and pull give him time, But dont stop enjoying urself