A Leo-Scorpio Twist: Your Opinions?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Leonyne on Thursday, May 1, 2014 and has 23 replies.
Has anyone had any dealings with Plutonian Leos or Leonian Scorpios? By this, I mean a Leo that has a lot of personal planets in the 8th house, an ascendant/Sun/Moon in Scorpio/8th house and vice versa for a Scorpio?
What do you think about them or would like to think about them if you haven't met one? Are they more Leo or Scorpio? etc. Idk, I wanted to hear something new about this instead of relationship problems, so please indulge me. smile
Posted by Leonyne
Has anyone had any dealings with Plutonian Leos or Leonian Scorpios? By this, I mean a Leo that has a lot of personal planets in the 8th house, an ascendant/Sun/Moon in Scorpio/8th house and vice versa for a Scorpio?
What do you think about them or would like to think about them if you haven't met one? Are they more Leo or Scorpio? etc. Idk, I wanted to hear something new about this instead of relationship problems, so please indulge me. smile

Hello there smile I'm a Leo with my Mars & Saturn in Scorpio, and my sun in the 8th house. I love darkness, intensity, depth, almost too much. I??m attracted to people who are like this most of all, and I do connect so well with Scorpio inclined people on a friendship level (never tried romantically, but there??s a definite attraction beyond looks to most of them). I don??t know how else to explain it but to say I feel a heaviness and a darkness deep down under the (genuinely) happy shallower parts of my personality and outlook, and it affects me in all areas of my life. I try to steer away from perceiving things thru that lens as negative ??? I??m 29 now, and Saturn is returning for me??_changes are happening on a fundamental level in my life, hard lessons and shifting habits are waking me up to all the work I gotta do.
I'm a Scorpio (Sun, Mars, Merc in 8th) with Saturn & Moon in Leo in the 5th. I also have Sag Venus & Neptune in the 9th & Aries Rising. I think the fire nicely balances out all my Scorp placements. I can be very intense but I'm also lite & playful.
Another fairly recent post brought to my attention that all the people that I'm close to in my life are fire or air, so that is what I'm drawn to.
I am leo sun scorpio moon I'm not sure of the rest but I tend to get pulled in or attracted to Scopio suns wether their male or female I always end up having good friendship with them...I try to stay positive fun and loving at all times but when it comes to relationship I'm too emotional, intense and negative I try to control that but at times I fail
I just looked I have Scorpio in Moon, Saturn, Pluto, vesta, and AS...can anyone tell me what that means for me since I am a Leo Sun, Mercury, mars, and ceres with a Cancer Venus....wow I'm confused..can anyone help?
i always wondered about the square of leo-scorpio in charts. I'm familiar with it in real life/personal close relationship (my husband) and i understand how it comes out. And i'm kind of familiar with aquarius-scorpio square too, to an extent by reading and in real life too. Both come out quite so different. there is like an inner turmoil or something with the latter. maybe harder to 'express' emotions for them. also, taurus-aquarius, taurus-leo, they're square too right? so i'm kind of curious.
Some sign combinations that have traditionally been considered to be stress-producing: signs that square. These are the pairs that often rub each other the wrong way,until they realize that they can also produce energy-releasing sparks. Any two signs that square each other are actually dynamic duos that help us powerfully grow,once we learn how to consolidate their energies better in a self-directed manner. After all, they represent two essential parts of our developmental process,and thus they each need to be validated and supported. We shouldn??t let them pull us apart or make us feel split from within.
Squaring signs must find smart ways to get along. They need to help???not thwart???each other, even though they may start out assuming that they have absolutely nothing in common. In truth, they
possess valuable resources that can be shared effectively. Yet to successfully do this will prove challenging. It seems the Cosmos loves to bring together such ???odd couples?? in our charts, perhaps just to see what transformative potential will be actualized by such frictional stimulation.
Each sign squares two other signs of the same mode in the zodiac. Squaring signs???like signs that oppose one another???are traditionally considered to be tensional. Unfortunately, traditional astrology believes in sidestepping conflict at all cost. However, twenty-first-century astrology acknowledges that a little creative friction can become the driving force that helps us bring out our best. Still, these signs are said to work at cross-purposes and are thus assumed to be incompatible and even combative. "
do you all feel any different from having this?
Yes I definitely feel inner conflict/turmoil but at the same time I do think it has helped me grow as a person. It's striving the right balance that makes all the difference. It has taken me a while (I'm 37) but I think I am finally there lol.
I'm still struggling with that inner turmoil I sometimes feel like I have two completely different people living inside me and I struggle between both opposing emotions all the time both equally strong...yuck
here is a good analogy on leo-scorpio square:

Deep in Scorpio's psyche is the realization that the ego needs to transform itself periodically. Leo's ego pretty much hogs the stage when it can. Scorpio finds that troublesome and wants Leo to do a little honest, inner digging to uncover why it demands so much personal attention and adoration. Always upbeat about itself, the Lion doesn't feel it needs such psychoanalysis and doesn't like being investigated. "I've got nothing to hide. What you see is what you get." Leo then adds, "I'm not a twisted introvert who always tries to read into things."

The Lion does think that the suspicious Scorpion sees life too darkly. Of course, Scorpio is unconvinced that Leo's trusting, unguarded approach to the world is wise???it seems naive and too idealistic. "People are tricky and you gotta watch them like a hawk," warns Scorpio.

that pretty much sums up the confliction. one wants adoration and openness and is overly generous, the other is overly cautious because of people's intentions, ect. that you have to be careful.
Posted by lisabethur8
here is a good analogy on leo-scorpio square:

Deep in Scorpio's psyche is the realization that the ego needs to transform itself periodically. Leo's ego pretty much hogs the stage when it can. Scorpio finds that troublesome and wants Leo to do a little honest, inner digging to uncover why it demands so much personal attention and adoration. Always upbeat about itself, the Lion doesn't feel it needs such psychoanalysis and doesn't like being investigated. "I've got nothing to hide. What you see is what you get." Leo then adds, "I'm not a twisted introvert who always tries to read into things."

The Lion does think that the suspicious Scorpion sees life too darkly. Of course, Scorpio is unconvinced that Leo's trusting, unguarded approach to the world is wise???it seems naive and too idealistic. "People are tricky and you gotta watch them like a hawk," warns Scorpio.

that pretty much sums up the confliction. one wants adoration and openness and is overly generous, the other is overly cautious because of people's intentions, ect. that you have to be careful.

how can I copy and paste or post my natal birth chart from http://www.astroloogia.com/#!natal-birth-chart/c131i in a forum...I want to post it so that people can interpret but I've tried everything and can not figure out how...do you know?
I'm a Leo with lots of Pluto aspects in the chart. I've always been adventurous towards everything dark and hidden. Yet, I'm always able to sustain my inner brightness as well. And because we're in the Leo board, I'll add that my Leo Sun quintiles Scorpio Pluto (which squares my Leo Orcus + my Leo Ascendant(indirectly)).
About the quintile:
"Sun quintile Pluto
You would be highly successful at research or investigation; you have a remarkable gift for penetrating to the essence of a situation. This gift will be instrumental in achieving your goals and bringing you recognition. You have a powerful persona and are able to take charge. Being quite charismatic, it is easy for you to gain the trust of those around you. Treat it as a scared trust."
This adds powerful and intense (Pluto) identity and authority (Sun).
People with such aspects can be symbolically identified as these creatures:

Posted by lisabethur8
here is a good analogy on leo-scorpio square:

Deep in Scorpio's psyche is the realization that the ego needs to transform itself periodically. Leo's ego pretty much hogs the stage when it can. Scorpio finds that troublesome and wants Leo to do a little honest, inner digging to uncover why it demands so much personal attention and adoration. Always upbeat about itself, the Lion doesn't feel it needs such psychoanalysis and doesn't like being investigated. "I've got nothing to hide. What you see is what you get." Leo then adds, "I'm not a twisted introvert who always tries to read into things."

The Lion does think that the suspicious Scorpion sees life too darkly. Of course, Scorpio is unconvinced that Leo's trusting, unguarded approach to the world is wise???it seems naive and too idealistic. "People are tricky and you gotta watch them like a hawk," warns Scorpio.

that pretty much sums up the confliction. one wants adoration and openness and is overly generous, the other is overly cautious because of people's intentions, ect. that you have to be careful.

Thank you so much for this, it's a great bit of insight. I can relate wholly to everything mentioned! After this thread, I did a little digging and discovered I have a stellium in my 8th house (Sun, Mercury and Venus) on top of having Mars and Saturn in Scorpio. This is clearing up a lot of confusion I've always felt about being a Leo, so much of who I am is genuinely sunny, optimistic, and craving attention on some level, but the heavier, more intense side of me has always been the leading vibe of my inner self.
Posted by Jynja
Shul, do you know the three progressions of Leo? The gryphon is the final evolution. I'd love to see your thoughts on it, if you have any. smile

Hey, Jynja.
Sorry to say this, but I disagree.
First of all, I would like to remind that the Sun is the only cosmic body in our system which can express itself through Leo in all its three stages - exoteric, esoteric (through Neptune when veiled) and hierarchical (through Uranus when veiled). The latter embodies the ever radiant Creator of Life itself. The same ultimate spiritual expression which gives the vital ingredient to all kinds of forms. And no wonder that Leo governs procreation because of that reason.
Now, let's point out Scorpio's final manifestation - The Phoenix. A creature which has always been very closely associated with the Sun's creative influence, always carrying its primal essence around those who are already seeking the hidden knowledge. Without a doubt a pure being of higher spiritual virtues, The Phoenix spreads its wings of successfully achieved personal freedom from the lowly instinctive desires (thanks to the Martian fires on esoteric level (yet using the Sun's alchemical principle of producing spiritual gold)) to show all of us what spiritual evolution really looks like by placing plenty of inner challenges (quincunx = Pluto) for us to face in our journey. Indeed, such alchemical transmutation requires awareness, efforts and understanding. Not really a complex process, but its nature is definitely difficult. Yet, highly rewarding.
Unfortunately, such a magnificent ally has been corrupted by other forces' malicious intents. In ancient times, there wasn't even a Scorpio as a placed sign within the system of this matrix, because its true form had other qualities within. I've always been suspicious about the frequent usage of "Scorpius", and I really felt there is definitely something very, very wrong about it. The question is "Who gets beneficial from such artificial change?", but all of us who are interested in solving the mystery will find out what really is going on there, sooner or later.
Anyway, Leo's true final stage is far greater than putting a gryphon there. Mainstream astrology won't reveal that for more or less obvious reasons. It's up to us to find out what our gift really is through our adventures and experiences. That's how Fire it is, after all.
I'd also like to add one impressive symbolic image:

Food for thought indeed.
Whoops. It looks like I've made some serious spelling mistakes. My apologies.
Also, I'd like to share an interesting quote:
"The Phoenix is the transformational symbol of Scorpio. Like the Eagle, in ancient times the Phoenix was a symbol of the Sun that was said to live for 500 years. At the end of its life it built a funeral pyre and burned in the flames, only to regenerate its progeny from those very flames. The Scorpio nature cannot run from the destruction of the fire of its emotional intensity, but within that fire is the secret of immortality and resurrection. Scorpio is a water sign but Mars bestows the essence of fire as well and with it the courage to enter the fire and become transformed."
The relationship between these two is quite extraordinary, that's for sure.
Whoops. It looks like I've made some serious spelling mistakes. My apologies.
Also, I'd like to share an interesting quote:
"The Phoenix is the transformational symbol of Scorpio. Like the Eagle, in ancient times the Phoenix was a symbol of the Sun that was said to live for 500 years. At the end of its life it built a funeral pyre and burned in the flames, only to regenerate its progeny from those very flames. The Scorpio nature cannot run from the destruction of the fire of its emotional intensity, but within that fire is the secret of immortality and resurrection. Scorpio is a water sign but Mars bestows the essence of fire as well and with it the courage to enter the fire and become transformed."
The relationship between these two is quite extraordinary, that's for sure.
Posted by confusedInsane
Posted by lisabethur8
here is a good analogy on leo-scorpio square:
Deep in Scorpio's psyche is the realization that the ego needs to transform itself periodically. Leo's ego pretty much hogs the stage when it can. Scorpio finds that troublesome and wants Leo to do a little honest, inner digging to uncover why it demands so much personal attention and adoration. Always upbeat about itself, the Lion doesn't feel it needs such psychoanalysis and doesn't like being investigated. "I've got nothing to hide. What you see is what you get." Leo then adds, "I'm not a twisted introvert who always tries to read into things."
The Lion does think that the suspicious Scorpion sees life too darkly. Of course, Scorpio is unconvinced that Leo's trusting, unguarded approach to the world is wise???it seems naive and too idealistic. "People are tricky and you gotta watch them like a hawk," warns Scorpio.

that pretty much sums up the confliction. one wants adoration and openness and is overly generous, the other is overly cautious because of people's intentions, ect. that you have to be careful.

how can I copy and paste or post my natal birth chart from http://www.astroloogia.com/#!natal-birth-chart/c131i in a forum...I want to post it so that people can interpret but I've tried everything and can not figure out how...do you know?
click to expand

highlight it and click copy and then paste it on here. Or highlight the link to your natal chart.
Hello, I have Leo sun, Mars in Scorpio & 8th house leo ...
See zodiac is how the people see u...
Moon is your emotion...which is visible who know u well...
and Mars is your action...how u approach ,act
venus is to which you are attracted
8th house is of sex,death ...
Now you can see if moon is in scorpio,,,his/her emotions which are visible to limited people...
will be of more scorpion qualities than leo....if asc,sun ,moon in scorpio
mercury represents communication ....if in leo then will be express like leo or if scorpio..then will communicate like scorpio...very precise

Posted by Jynja
I like the idea of something greater than a gryphon, Shul, but the texts I have read liken the last evolution to that animal.
However, you make a point about being purified by fire. Especially in the case of the Pheonix.

Don't be so quick to trust the texts. You should look why they don't give any real additional information about the sign and its possible alchemical connections instead. This requires some serious digging.
Posted by ladyluck

mercury represents communication ....if in leo then will be express like leo or if scorpio..then will communicate like scorpio...very precise

Mercury represents so much more than communication. And, yes, any Mars and Pluto aspects to him will boost our speech levels quite a bit to the point of appearing more forceful. I find this to be completely true in my case (I have a Yod).
Posted by Jynja
I like the idea of something greater than a gryphon, Shul, but the texts I have read liken the last evolution to that animal.
However, you make a point about being purified by fire. Especially in the case of the Pheonix.

Where did you find this, Jynja?
I did some looking around, but came up with nothing. Sad

Posted by Jynja

This site just mentions the progression, but doesn't go into detail. And, it chooses the Sphinx over the Gryphon. I remember the other site mentioned the last progression as the Sphinx or Gryphon as well. The difference being that the Sphinx is grounded and may feel stifled. While the Gryphon feels his sacrifice to others is always too great.

Ahh thanks for looking-- appreciate it.

Checking it out now. smile
I have sun in leo and asc and pluto in scorpio... and i sometimes feel like my whole personality is split between lightness and darkness... when im super duper happy i feel like im wrong and not myself cause i feel like im fake and shallow and when im very sad or just in a darker mood i feel kinda scared by my dark side and ashamed of what im capable of thinking of others... Anyone else feels like this sometimes...? I think its also amplified by my moon in gemini which i feel makes my emotional nature very changing... i change moods a few times per day...

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