Can u give me some advice on leo man. He just stop texting me we were gonna meet up then just stopped texting me. He was all over me in person. He did this months ago too. Will he come back x
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Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
He will come back. Just don't keep messaging him.
As Fum has said, but imo if you haven't bombarded him with txts already, just send him a simple one saying "Thinking about you, I hope you're ok xx" and he should respond, well I know I would! If you have bombarded him with txts, leave it 2 or 3 weeks if you can then send it, when its out the blue he'll know you really do care, instead of bombarding him with txts trying to get him to respond.
Thank you. The thing is I didn't bombard him to what I thought. We arranged to meet up the next third weekend we were both available. I didn't want to leave speaking to him for three weeks and it always seemed to come from me so I text once each of those weeks he'd reply and we would text back and forth for a few texts. I really didn't bombard him. The last text I sent him was about five days before the date. I asked I'd he have a plan in mind for next week. He never replied and I never text him again. It has been 2 weeks since I text him. But u think he will come back?! Wouldn't he have forgotten all about me? Xx
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
He seems to be preoccupied. I don't think he'll forget about you, but I'm assuming you are not his priority at the moment. It could be due to work or someone else he has in mind. How well do you know him?
Not very well to be honest by when I see him he seems to bombard me with interest we'll spend the evening together and he'll over whelm me sometimes. But then it's like he's not interested in me when Im not in front of him. I added him on Facebook was messaging each other then he stopped ignored me and then when I saw him again he was even more obvious about showing interest. This time I asked for his number asked if he wanted to meet up he said yes texting for a few weeks he made suggestions of what to do then ignored me again. He such a gent when I see him and I haven't slept with him just don't get it really. Do u think I'll hear from him after weeks? Can u give me some insight to what ur thinking cos I don't get it. And thanks I appreciate your help xxx
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
A Leo man may talk about sex to the n'th degree laying it all out in detail, but he will not jump into it.
Keeping in mind there are always exceptions but he will be clear about it.
His coming off strongly is just his personality.
He might be also reserved on other times not to scare you away.
I gathered with the Leo men I interacted, they are not too much into long-wound correspondence.
If he is busy, and I'm sure around this time of year he has his plans lined up, he will
find the time to contact you at his leisure.
It's too early to tell if there is more to his interest in you.
Unless he said something that makes you stand out from other women, he might be also just measuring you as a 'friend'.
Leos will know better. That's just my experience.
You don seem put off by him ignoring me. I thought that was a giveaway of his lack of interest. And in ur opinion would u think it a bit strange to ignore me when we were making plans for a weekend that has passed two weeks to suddenly text me. I can't see it myself as if was interested why ignore me. Thank you again for your help. Xx
Hey you. Yeah it's him. You ok? Not a fan of him then lol x
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Mar 10, 2012Comments: 136 · Posts: 9227 · Topics: 154
Maybe he needs a break from all the texting. If I had a mainly text relationship I would get bored and move on too.
Signed Up:
Sep 06, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1243 · Topics: 34
Will also suggest moving in.