im a leo woman and i met a sagittarius man (the roommate of a friend) while on vacation several months ago when i was in a relationship. we were attracted to each other when we met but nothing happened even though i slept at his house (on the couch). recently, he was in my city and we saw each other. we traded emails and phone numbers and stayed in touch in the past several months since i met him... im single now and he was initally just friendly but later on warmed up and really started complimenting me and saying very sweet things. again, we didn't hook up -- this time due to the circumstance that i live in a studio and already had another friend crashing on my floor (lol!) so he ended up leaving with nothing but a hug. i will be going to his city and i would really like to see him... i know he is attracted to me but im not sure how he feels about hooking up. i realize the past two circumstances we were together didn't allow for us to become intimate but i feel a little anxious about it. by this point, i'd say i've been pretty hard to get lol whether i want to or not... how do you think he feels about this?? how do i finally bag him?? lol...