So I had a date with a Leo yesterday. He came into my work to fill out an application. I then noticed how cute and masterious he was. Anywho ... I asked him if he would like to come out with me and my friends tonight. (it was her 21st b-day) I told him were to meet and everything. I left it open ...
Well he asked for my number and told me he would call me and let me know. I recieved a text from him asking me to lunch. He was so sweet about it. His exact words were "I would like to take you out to unch." Cute right? Well he came and picked me up and we talked for over 2 hours in that resturant. The chemistry was crazy ...
Well we kinda texted all day until that night he met us there. He had some friends with him but came up and gave me a hug. He told me he was even wearing my favorate cologne. (I told him earlier in the day) I thought that was sweet. Well the night led on and I paid attention to him, but me being a libra I tried not to smother him. Well he came up to me and told me he didn't know how to read me, but that he was gonna try and figure me out. Maybe he found me a challenge? Who knows ...
Well I asked him what I was doing wrong and asked him if it was cause I wasn't giving him all my attention. I asked him if he would like me to. He said it would be nice. So thats what I did. I sat there the rest of the night and listened to him. He opened up to me and told me about his past. I of course faced him and held his hand to let him know I was into him and interested. After him telling me all that he just sat there and then said ... "I don't know why I just told you that." Then he told me to say something. I just smiled.
We kissed at the end of the night. I pulled him into me and it kinda got hott!! HE HE! After the night was over I had called him when I got home (he told me to) and then thats when it kinda fell apart. See my friend got sick and threw up all over me and my truck and this being a work night ... I was kinda upset. I told him that I thought he was cute and he didn't like that at all. He told me that I liked him too fast and all this bullshit. So I told him I would talk to him tomorrow and he hung up.
I text him around noon to say hi and he said "I don't think were gonna work out sorry." I asked why and he said "I don't wanna a g-friend". I said then why did you ask me out and kiss me? He said " I didn't ask you out. All I said was fine and your loss. hat a jerk. I don't understand how it went from great to bad so
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
LOL!!! Sounds like you gave in too fast, you have to be able to balance the attention without getting his approval to give more of were on track when you decided to give him space, thats the thing I have noticed with some leo men, they crave and love attention but at the same time the woman has to be able to be strong enough to balance attention giving and be a bit challenging at the same time.
When you gave into his immediate need well i hate to say it but you came off as kinda easy, not easy as in sexual easy but easy as in giving in to fast to his immediate need for attention, leo men love mystery and you well sort came off as an open book and way too available...let him chase chase chase chase, that gives him a thrill, keeps his adrenaline pumping, he wants to pounce on his prey, not have the prey lay at his feet and yield to be captured.
He probably had time to think about it and changed his mind, leo men love to be in long term relationships but it has to be his idea not yours lol.
Ignore him and he will come back around, also going to lunch at his request right away probably wasn't the best idea, you going when he requested screamed too available and then on top of that he met you at the party and you had no date or male admirers lurking around, that wasn't very challenging either, leo men love having what they can't have and wanting what appears to be the BEST ie something no one else has.
hope I didn't offend you, I know it sucks to feel the way you feel, its confusing I know lol.
""Threw up? What do you mean? You smell like sushi by the time he kisses you? Sorry I just couldn't understand why would he turn cold without apparent reason.""
This was after all of the kissing and stuff. Don't be childish. It was her 21st b-day and she wanted to be stupid and get drunk. I just think that may have made me moody. OMG!
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
SB it never stops with a leo, dramatics, everything BIG is part of a leo's mindset, leo men are a lot of work and if he's immature thats double the work. To them it's not game playing, its his personality to get his way b/c he's the KING and his subjects must honor and give him the attention he deserves...what most women don't know or understand is that she has to temper and find balance within that ego based energy/reality which isn't all that easy.
Exerting self reliance and independence is a turn on, pouts mean I need attention but it doesn't necessarily mean cling to me the whole night, he jus needed a bit of ego reassurance, feed a bit and then go back to doing your thing....a woman has to know when to pull back and do her own thing, he will respect a woman like that. Again thats the balance thing I was talking about.
Leo men are good catches when you find one, gauging his level of maturity is key, you being physically available (not in a sexual way of course) but being ready to go when he says go sent the message that you don't have a life and your more than likely willing to balance your life AROUND him and he chose to back off, leo men are very independent, self reliant, mysterious creatures so they like that in a woman also but they also love the softer side of a woman that can tame his mane at the same time...
Being too available is a turn off and he more than likely felt that you would fall for him way too quickly and decided to back off. He may come back around but remember be sweet but not too available, if he's texting about lunch or dinner, make sure you relay to him that you need to check your calendar and you will get back with him at a decent hour and don't be afraid to pass on the invitation from time to time especially if he text last minute.
This is a fire sign so emotions can run strong but as a potential mate you can't let it over power you, its okay to ignore a few phone calls/text, its okay to pace yourself and not do things when its convienant for him, It's not a game to him, its his love language, the way he deals within relationships which is different from other men.
Be less available, be sweet, flirt, play with him b/c they truly are big kids at heart, have fun with it...ask him questions and allow him to reveal himself to you, the less you talk about yourself the more you learn about him...i'm glad he could tell you that it wasn't working out right away, thats a good sign that he's not as immature as other
Well his friends told me that he thought I was friendly, but that I may be alittle too friendlt to everyone else. So? Oh and then told them to tell me that he said hi. What a jerk. I'm a Libra so I do flirt, but I gave all my attention to him at the end. I'm still confused.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
I agree with Tiki33...I think you got so caught up in the moment trying to please his ego (typical of most Leos) & I think you got side tracked, trying to make the night go the best by satisfying him because of the good way he made you feel. I would say it truly is a MYSTERY as to why he just all of the sudden bounced. BUT, one thing I have found in Leo's is just like Tiki 33 said, they love flattery & attention. They need constant reassurance that you like them, BUT there is a downfall to that when it comes to the person giving praise to them. Leos are generally friends with & are cool with everyone. They just have this charm about them that attracts everyone, but him wanting the kiss & him wanting you to constantly stroke his ego might not have had anything to do with how he PERSONALLY felt about you or personally saw you as potential. Leos like alot of attraction & don't feel bad for taking it even if they don't like the person back b/c to them, they feel they deserve it rather they want you as a girlfriend/boyfriend or not. I think the fact that he up & turned on you goes wayyyy BEYOND him showing Leo tendencies...Hell, men in general in all signs of the zodiac tend to do this. Do you feel bad for kissing him? Do you feel like an airhead for actually feeding into his ego (thinking it would make him more comfortable with you) just to find out that you gave up your lips & time to someone who probably never had good intentions with you from the beginning? This is an interesting story
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Jan 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 145 · Topics: 28
hey girl...that hella sux to a libra 2 tryn to make sense of a leo...they're WEIRD hell im startn to think aallll guys ARE! LOl jk fellas