Aquarius & Leo having a child

This topic was created in the Leo forum by AngieTheAquarius on Thursday, August 17, 2017 and has 6 replies.
The leo I am involved with I take full responsibility for how I got myself in this situation with him. I had just gotten out of a 4 yr relationship with a Scorpio (30) and basically I was just dating and having fun. I met a 24yr old leo male, that should have been a red flag for me then I (23) usually date much older than myself. I am mature in how I carry myself youngest of my moms 3 kids who are 10 & 12 yrs older than me. The leo and I were safe except for a few times which lead to me being pregnant ok... He is a piece of work. Now yes y'all can say it my fault I should have known him better blah blah blah. That's fine. My issue is and what I'm asking is how can I make the best of this situation. It has been tough being the bigger person.

He is extremely disrespectful, he is the oldest of 10 kids & the only one 1 that got adopted ROUGH up bringing but he knows his real family met them when he was 18 . He throws everything and anything in my face and has not helped me with anything and I am now 37 weeks. He drinks and goes off on me, the first time he met my mom he was drunk smh. I went into preterm labor at 35 weeks and he offered to take me to the hospital and drunk a beer on the way smfh. I have given him chance after chance he never sees what he does wrong and always expects to be forgiven. Now I have been my Aquarian self and I've been ignoring him for about a week or two there is so much more I could ..share.. just know its all bad. Should I continue to push him out and not include him in the birth. Thoughts?
If you can cut ties with him do it. I know some people believe that a man should stick around to be a father but honestly? Not all men are cut out to be dads and this dude sounds reckless, I mean he was drinking while driving you to the hospital which is reckless endangerment of you and the baby, in some places he could have faced charges for that.
I'm surprised you're even asking. This all sounds bad with little to no upside. If this is how he acts now, imagine what type of "father" he would be (or not be). Also drinking and driving while taking you to the hospital sounds like a recipe for disaster. He also doesn't respect you or your family enough to meet them sober. Why would you even consider tolerating any of this? Grab everything that isn't bolted down and RUN!
Thank you everyone for the feed back.
I've been trying to look at it from all angles, like spiritually maybe there's something I could learn from this.

Angie, what are his other placements? Leos are not behaving like this usually.... he must be quite in a shock..... has he been drinking before, when you met him?

give him a time, he is panicking, but ignore him.... I mean, you just deal with everything alone for now, tell him to come back when he comes to term with it, and you will see, if he can be involved...

was it a mutual decision to keep the baby?

cut him off, but we know only your side of story, you know..... maybe his story would be a bit different..... so its hard to say

you focused only on the very bad things, so you got the only right responses, what your post warranted